Saturday, July 27, 2024

ZULAWU concerned with abuse of funds by councils


Ndola City Council
Ndola City Council
THE Zambia United Local Authorities Workers Union says some council managers are absusing the 20% equalization fund to live flamboyant lifestyles.

ZULAWU president Kingsley Zulu says the union is displeased that some principle officers are buying expensive vehicles at the expense of service provision.

Zulu said it was disapointing to note that instead of concentrating on the provision of the much needed services to the residents some managers in about three quarters of the council’s across the country were buying latest vehicle.

Speaking at a media briefing in Ndola, Zulu said that the 20 per cent component of the local government equalization fund for capital projects had been deviated to the procurement of personal to holder vehicles for luxury purposes.

He said the vehicles purchased at a huge cost which funds if properly utilised would improve service provision as opposed to benefiting a few individuals.

“ZULAWU wishes to register its displeasure in the manner some principle officers in local authorities are administering the affairs of both the members and the council,”he said.

Zulu said while Government had put in place austerity measures, some principle officers were all over spending more on trips which had adversely affected service provision and payment of salaries.

He said while the union appreciated and commended the permanent Secretary in the ministry of Local Government and Housing for providing guidelines on the types of vehicles to buy, some managers have with impunity and deliberately overlooked the well intended guidelines.

He said they had received reports of council chairpersons and mayor’s driving themselves and terminal benefits as they exit employment.

Zulu said the union would not Condon abrogation of the conditions of service and threatened to expose managers infringing the rights of members.

He also said that while Government was addressing the matter to release the funds, councils were expected to do their by mobilising local resources to avoid late payment of salaries to the workers.

Zulu said the union however,resolved that councils should on monthly basis set aside resources for payment of wages and salaries and not depend on equalisation fund.

He also said that no mayor’s or council chairperson should drive official vehicles as the union would have no option but impound them.

Zulu appealed to Local Government minister Vincent Mwape to closely monitor the utilisation of the 20 percent component of the equalisation fund by councils and ensure it was used to the intended purpose.

It is barely a week that workers in almost all the council’s across the country threatened to down tools demanding to have their salary arrears paid.

Last week Ndola City Council workers protested after its Public Relations Manager said the local authority had started paying its three months salary arrears.


  1. It started with HH on the Privatization Programme! THey must be concerned. Does HH know that when he dies the Zambian money in Panama shall die too? How can he know that? CHILDISH.

    • What do you expect …when the country is being run by a corrupt individual? Corrupt Lungu has set an example to all these thieves mismanaging public funds with impunity. Corruption is slowly becoming part of Zambian culture, from top to bottom. The country will soon be up to it’s neck in corruption—thanks to corrupt Lungu. People are now stealing without fear or shame, as they know that there’s no one to hold them accountable. Sometimes it takes donor countries to intervene and demand that they want their money back. The ACC is virtually toothless, and one even wonders what they really do, and if they’re even relevant—given that so much open corruption in high offices goes uninvestigated. What a shame.

  2. Theres no order in the country. Even the few straight forward honest people have given up coz they are like why should we care when the lungus the chandas are going big? Go big or go home

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