Saturday, July 27, 2024

High levels of drunkenness among women saddens counselor


Women Drinking Beer
Women Drinking Beer
A Traditional Marriage Counselor has bemoaned the increasing levels of drunkenness among women in the country.

Ms. Annie Mulenga said it is saddening that women are seemingly becoming more addicted to beer drinking at the expense of engaging in progressive activities.

She observes that the situation has also contributed to the rising statics of divorce, especially in the recent past.

Ms. Mulenga has since urged the women folk to uphold the biblical values to return their integrity owing to the fact that they are pillars of families.

She made the remarks during an annual general meeting for the Ituna Herbal and Cultural Research Organization (IHCRO) held at Chisanga Village in Kasama over the weekend.

The Marriage Counselor has since called on the Women movement to embark on campaign against the vice which she said has the potential to undermine the integrity of Zambians.

And Ituna Herbal and Cultural Research Organization Executive Director, Edward Nondo disclosed that the organization is concerned with the high number of divorces the country has continued to record.

Mr. Nondo has since declared his organization’s intension to work with the Church, Herbalists and Traditional counselor to fight the vice countrywide.

Meanwhile, Chanda Mwamba Village Head Woman, Theresa Mwamba has bemoaned poor dressing culture among youths.

Ms. Mwamba said the culture of both girls and men wearing ripped jeans even in church must not be tolerated as it is un-Zambian.

She noted that Zambian cultural values are slowly being eroded by the western culture hence, the need for all responsible citizens to work together to preserve the culture for future generations.


  1. ” Ms. Mwamba said the culture of both girls and men wearing ripped jeans even in church must not be tolerated as it is un-Zambian. ”

    It is very un-African women are doing some strange things in this day and age.

  2. nonsense.
    what’s Zambian’s traditional attire? let them wear what they please.
    why are they wasting time, it’s a fashion fad.
    regarding women and alcohol, let them drink, ain’t nothing wrong with that, as long as they drink responsibly and please don’t drive if you’ve been drinking or smoking weed or taking other drugs that affect you ability to quickly react when behind the wheel
    why is it that Zambian culture (many African cultures) feel that they need to police women. it’s tough enough being a woman in Zambia, let her relax and drink a beer or two or 9 at a party please.
    this’ 2018 if you want to live like you’re still in 1970 hand over your cell phone and other electronic gadgets, otherwise move along and quit wasting people’s valuable time with this bs

  3. let the women be!. please. give them a break. god!!!
    an African woman just needs to be loved she’s not a subhuman who needs to be tamed and told what she can wear, drink.
    she’s perfectly capable of making her own decisions. hands off her and mind your own affairs please.
    gets on my nerves!

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