Saturday, July 27, 2024

73 year old woman graduates top of her Master’s Class


A 73 year old student at the University of Lusaka (UNILUS) stole the limelight among over 1,200 students that graduated from various disciplines at the University’s 6th graduation ceremony, when she graduated top of her Master of Arts class.

Ms Tangu Mazaba, who is Lusaka Apex Medical University Registrar received rounds of applause from fellow graduates and the attending general public when she received her award for best student in Master of Arts in Educational Administration and Management.

And government says it will only support private Universities that are meeting the set standards in the provision of quality education in the country.

Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Ronald Chitotela said government wants to partner with credible private universities to develop a cadre of professional graduate workers to drive the country’s transformation agenda.

Mr Chitotela was speaking when he officiated at the University of Lusaka’s sixth graduation ceremony, held under the theme “Quality education for sustainable development”.

He urged private universities in the country to help change mindsets and produce graduates that can create jobs and wealth and not depend on government for jobs.

Quoting the late US President John F. Kennedy, the minister challenged graduates not to ask what Zambia can do for them, but rather question themselves what they can do to improve the socio-economic landscape of the country.

And UNILUS Chancellor Caleb Fundanga urged the graduates to use the skills obtained to help develop the country through job creation and wealth in order to contribute to the attainment of vision 2030.

Dr Fundanga said there is need for the country to use education to promote sustainable development.

The UNILUS Chancellor said his University has now positioned itself to contribute to global development and the well-being of humanity through the excellent educational programmes it provides to local and international students.


    • Unknown by whom? UNILAS is currently the most credible university in Zambia, public and private…believe it or not. Both in terms of infrastructure and faculty. You may not know this if you are not based in Zambia…but that is the reality. Having Dr C Fundanga has its chancellor just goes to reaffirm this point.

  1. This is NOTHING to celebrate about , this WOMAN is a registrar already meaning she had access to QUESTION papers, also at 73 SHE WILL NOT MAKE USE OF HER education as the LORD is waiting to call her due to short life expectancy in Zambia

    • @Anyoko, I always marvel at d1mwits who rush to show how unhappy they are with the lives publicly. Now that the dimness is out, wish you all the long life and happiness you deserve. Wait, you might just be surprised what is waiting for you at the next corner! Unless yours is garanteed.

    • @Anyoko.

      I agree with Ndwii – you have such a pathetic outlook. I sincerely sympathise with your predicament. You need help and medication

  2. Education is key . Better than spending time on this blog insulting other people…. She is 73 years old and still values education…. Emulate her especially young ones…… Imagine the chinese taking over Zambia because very few Zambians are educated…. ….. and support Lungu with heavy passion to annihilate any opposition….. the Chinese and other foreigners take charge… Look at how Professor Chirwa was treated by PF….. NASA consultant treated as trash….. Look at our constitution…. Even Simbyakula admitted it as a flawed one yet Lungu and PF celebrated it as the finest constitution ever produced since independent… Immediately after the election PF said they are fine tuning it because of lacunas….. what is fine tuning is not explained in Law…… Zambians study hard…

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