Thursday, September 12, 2024

CB PS directs councils to demolish structures under ZESCO power powerlines


Muchinga PS Bright Nundwe
Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe

Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe has implored councils across the province to remove developers that have built structures under ZESCO pylons.

Mr. Nundwe said those who will resist will face arrest adding that lawlessness shall not be condoned.

The Permanent Secretary has also urged the general citizenry in the province to stop vandalizing ZESCO properties as government is spending colossal sums of money to upgrade infrastructure.

Mr. Nundwe further cautioned ZESCO employees with a tendency of stealing company properties to stop as their days were numbered.

ZANIS reports that the permanent Secretary said this when he addressed ZESCO employees in Ndola today.

Mr. Nundwe was reacting to some concerns by ZESCO Division Manager- North, Billy Nsontaulwa on the rampant encroachments and vandalism that have engulfed the power utility firm in the province.

Mr. Nsotaulwa said ZESCO through support from government has embarked on multi- million dollar projects which will in the long run spur economic development.


  1. A commendable directive. The sad part is that we leave things too late. Not only that, but parties in government must get out of the way of order and legalities.

    Finally, ZESCO must also relocate their supply lines that have been put in the centre of people’s plots.

    • kikikiki these PF, it is cheaper for Zesco to move poles a few meters away from residents. Its few pole lines affected, less than 10.
      In Luapula I remember a chief commanding Zesco to move fima pole-wirez from a village area after a goat got electrocuted, or he will cut them with axes. Indeed Zesco run to move, ending up just 3-4 poles. I remember we even went to help them dig out.
      The goat owner even offered a goat for us to feast with Zesco crew.
      It was wonderful.
      We have been in peace ever since!!

  2. Ba @Ndla ndla . I suppose the PS is informed by regulation which hopefully is backed by public health information. The fact that this is done elsewhere doesn’t necessarily make it right. You might be speaking about a set of similarly clueless individuals in a different country.

  3. Zambia….ignorance yalichila… we waiting for a white man to come spell it out to us that building under pylons is fine or is it passing pylons in residential area is feasible…..people travel surely don’t they see how other cities are built???we stuck to the old ways of doing things until a muzungu says it’s enough you can as well do this….with all the Engineers and EIZ in place….you mean we can’t advance in technology and build for today and beyond… wayleave muzayachosa kuti with all these developments going on… zed people are educated not learned…..

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