Saturday, July 27, 2024

Copperbelt MP’s warn PF Provincial Chief


The PF MPs based on the Copperbelt during a news conference at Protea Hotel in Ndola
FILE: The PF MPs based on the Copperbelt during a news conference at Protea Hotel in Ndola

Copperbelt based Members of Parliament says they regret the sentiments made by PF Copperbelt Provincial Chairperson Steven Kainga about their absence during the party fundraising dinner in Lufwanyama district last week.

Speaking on behalf of other MPs, Mufulira Central Member of Parliament Evans Chibanda said the law makers did not deliberately miss the fundraising event, but that they were committed with Parliament business.

Mr Chibanda explained that prior to the Budget presentation by Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe, all MPs were advised to study the details of the budget and prepare for debate as the Session is very serious and required full participation of all MPs for it to be approved.

The Mufulira Law maker made the remarks in a press statement made available to ZANIS in Ndola yesterday.

He further explained that after the Budget presentation, backbencher MPs were asked to convene in various Parliamentary Committees including the extended budget committee were Copperbelt MPs were part of.

Mr Chibanda has since advised the party provincial leadership to always contact parliamentary Chief Whip Stephen Chungu, who is also Luanshya Central MP on schedule of activities for MPs when Parliament is in session.

He further noted that Copperbelt MPs are fully behind the current PF Provincial leadership and no single MP is working to undermine it.

Mr Chibanda added that Copperbelt MPs wish to reaffirm their loyalty to the leadership of the PF Party and President Edgar Lungu.


  1. PF on copper belt is in pie 3, Kalaba with biggest piece, PF of Lungu, and that Kambwili thing.
    No MP would want to expose himself yet, soon and very soon it will be elections.

  2. Then why vote for a dull person to be your provincial chairperson when he doesn’t even bother to check with the chief whip. Therefore it’s you to blame, you put him there knowing fully well that he is not capable.

  3. The biggest problem in PF is that there’s just too many political players and decision makers. Everyone is free to issue any statement without consultation from the responsible ministry or area. It’s like there’s no structure. Today this minister issues a statement, tomorrow another minister issues a different statement, ending up contradicting themselves. Davis Mwila is telling the mines to respect the revised taxes. Under what capacity! This statement should came from Musukwa or the head of state himself. In the previous governments ministers were fired for interfering in areas where they do not belong, like in the case of Nevers Mumba, VJ, to mension a few. Follow protocol gentlemen.

  4. The Table shows that PF leaders are caring, they dont eat , party, drink anyhow as u can see just ka small cup of coffee pa table

  5. I had a lot of confidence in PF before the party finally died. It is not wishful thing that this failed project of ours called PF will go into oblivion quicker than the shell MMD. How can a government fail everything – unemployment, agriculture, mining, taxation, social cash disbursement, how, tell me how. I am not part of the opposition but just an independent thinker and realist

  6. sharon knows better than all PF members of Parliament…. Sooner than later he will accuse them of being bought by HH because of paradise papers……… even if Mumbi Phiri insultingly tell off GBM of her inability to make love to fat men, sharon would still accuse HH for bribing Mumbi Phiri with paradise papers….

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