Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mnangagwa praises Zambia for her support


President Edgar Lungu shows pictures to President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Dambudza Mnangagwa shortly before handing over the Presidential photo album to him at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport before his departure
President Edgar Lungu shows pictures to President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Dambudza Mnangagwa shortly before handing over the Presidential photo album to him at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport before his departure

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has praised Zambia for the continued support to his people in various sectors of development.

And President Mnangagwa has reaffirmed Zimbabwe’s continued support in growing the bilateral relations between the two countries.

Mr. Mnangagwa said the two countries have embraced each other as can be evidenced through the strong bond that has continued to exist as far back as the colonial era.

Mr. Mnangagwa pointed out that the two countries share common values in beliefs, culture, investments and education among others that have further cemented their relations.

The Zimbabwean Head of State was speaking when he graced this year’s 54th independence celebrations at state house in Lusaka today.

Mr. Mnangagwa explained that Zambia’s attainment of independence marked the turning point for the liberation struggle of most African countries, adding that Zimbabwe will remain grateful to the immense sacrifice that Zambians made towards its independence.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa disclosed that the two countries are currently implementing various economic projects aimed at enhancing development in the two countries and in the region as a whole.

He stated that as Zambia and Zimbabwe strive to attain the middle income status by 2030 there is need to deepen their relations by investing more in sectors such as Energy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and tansport.

The Zimbabwean President added that the two countries will also soon start the implementation of the hydro power generation project and a railway line in order to enhance trade and regional integration.

President Mnangagwa also challenged the private sector in the two countries to form business linkages that will cement the economic relations between the two countries and translate into meaningful benefits for the two people.

The Zimbabwean Head of State also congratulated President Edgar Lungu for assuming the Chairmanship for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) organ on politics, defence and security.

Mr Mnangagwa pledged to support President Lungu during his tenure as Chair of the SADC Troika Committee by promoting democratic values, constitutionalism and rule of law in the region.

Zambia today celebrated its 54th Independence celebrations under the theme “celebrating a shared future of unity, development and prosperity,”

And Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa has concluded his state visit to Zambia and has since departed for his home country.

President Mnangagwa was seen off by President Edgar Lungu, Cabinet Ministers, Service Chiefs, senior government and Party officials.

The Zimbabwean arrived in the country yesterday to grace this year’s 54th Independence Day celebrations.

Earlier in the day, President Mnangagwa and his counterpart President Edgar Lung laid wreaths at the freedom statue.

The Zimbabwean Head of State later graced the Independence Day celebrations at State House.

During his visit in Zambia, President Mnangagwa held official talks with President Edgar Lungu at State House and also paid a courtesy call on the First Republican Dr. President Kenneth Kaunda at his residence.

Mr. Mnangagwa was accorded a 21 gun salute and inspected a guard of honor mounted by the Zambia Army before departing for his country.


  1. We now have a beautiful airport like anywhere you would ever be on the globe. God bless Zambia and God bless this visionary leadership.

  2. Rupiah Banda on Sata’s death: “…..we have gone through this before as a country and we made it to the other side because we were united. Let this be a time that we set aside the ideas that separate us, and embrace the humanity and dignity that unites us as a country and defines us as a people.”

  3. Rupiah Banda on Sata’s death: “…..we have gone through this before as a country and we made it to the other side because we were united. Let this be a time that we set aside the ideas that separate us, and embrace the humanity and dignity that unites us as a country and defines us as a people.”

    • Only reasonable people can speak like that. Others want South Africa to take over Zambia (coup!) They also want China to stop supporting Zambia (UbuFournteen). And UK to stop helping Zambia (WICKEDNESS).

  4. Contd
    ….what statesmen and born Presidents release from their hearts and mouths. Contrast this with leaders and you wonder how they hope to be President of Zambia or any other country for that matter including the imaginary Republic of Trib.alism.

  5. I just hope and pray that our Zimbabwean colleagues living in Zambia today will deeply reflect how we Zambians care for our neighbor brothers now and in the past as reminded by President Mnagwagwa and that they should STOP supporting the opposition parties as they do because its PF, the party in Government that has embraced them and not blindly engage themselves in supporting Ichilema for no apparent reason. The same applies to some known Indian business men. Be grateful to the party in power.

  6. During the downfall of Mugabe, some people here were busy painting ECL as an enemy of Mnangagwa – if this were true would ED have come for this visit and not send his number Two? It was important that ED reminded Zambians that he was one of the first UNIP Youth recruits – just to remind everybody how Zambian he is.

  7. Only our Lazy Bone President Edgar has all the time in the world to personally welcome and escort fellow heads of states as the bum has no priorities whatsoever…I mean of the countless countries he has visited where has he ever been welcome and escorted at the airport not even RSA President has the time for that!!

  8. Please stop taking us back we have forge new relationships.

    How do we honor freedom fighters by educating there children and having rule of law that works for everyone.

    I think they fought for freedom of expression too.

    We are tired of licking old wounds: to cause people to think of things from the past that make them sad, angry, etc. Telling that story will only reopen old wounds.

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