Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Zambian women: A detriment to themselves?


By Nubian Princess

It’s a feeding frenzy out here. Women devouring other women’s dignities with such viciousness and disregard for privacy it is driving victims to suicide.

By this time, we have all heard about or seen the video of a Lusaka woman in her glorious beauty, proud of and confident in her nudity showing off her body. And yet this private video has gotten the entire country and diaspora buzzing with ferocious anger. How dare this woman show us her Vagina! Not surprisingly, the weight of the anger is from other women, because let’s face it, how many men would recoil at a woman’s nudity with the Triangle of Life on full display.

It’s other women who are body shaming this woman in particular and others who express themselves with their bodies. These cyber bullies are like hungry hyenas crouching behind their keyboards waiting for fresh meat to drop.

Question: Why would a heterosexual woman view Nudies of other women and pass Vagina commentary?

I am sure many of you who are outspoken over this video accept such indignities as physical, emotional and sexual abuse from the men in your lives, yet you don’t make audio tapes about it to express your anger. You have accepted being disenfranchised in your homes and communities. Your girl children are being molested by relatives, being impregnated by older men etcetera yet your only anger is over an adult woman’s choice to show her Vagina.

You are hypocrites, well put together in your Brazilian weaves and matte lipsticks and yet your minds are still in grass thatched huts crucifying progressive women pa Nsaka, thwarting your own empowerment.

You are hypocrites, well put together in your Brazilian weaves and matte lipsticks and yet your minds are still in grass thatched huts crucifying progressive women pa Nsaka, thwarting your own empowerment. A decent woman will not insult and degrade her Sister’s womanhood. Only a perverse ignorant woman would shred another woman in the manner that Zambian women are going on about it.

When a sister woman has fallen, we should all surround and cover her with Chitenjes and help her up, we must never point and ridicule. Don’t judge lest you be judged! Stop these attacks on other women. It is nefarious, hurtful and sinful.

Question: What are you achieving by destroying another woman who has not done anything to you?

The vagina is a woman’s crown, her own precious jewel. Whether it’s Brown, Mahogany, Yellow, big, small, hairy or shaven it is beautiful. There’s no standard of beauty or comparison, they are all delicate flowers, God’s most amazing creation. It’s every woman’s prerogative to show off her crown jewel to the world or to keep it under wraps.

If your sister has the confidence to show off her crown, why should it anger you? If the crown was meant to be hidden and be a shameful thing, God would have chosen another method of procreation and passage of new life.

Have you ever heard of Mama Julia Chikamoneka? She helped Zambia gain independence when she mobilized other women and they matched in full nudity outside Colonial Governor Evelyn Hone’s office in Lusaka. In Hone’s own words he confessed that when he looked out that window and saw those naked women, he knew it was time for the British to get out.

That video of our naked foremothers fighting for our freedom was more dignified than Kaunda himself holding up our flag on the night of 24th October 1964. Wake up Sisters, unless you can stand up together and hold each other up, the dignity you deserve will forever elude you.


      “If your sister has the confidence to show off her crown, why should it anger you?” How disgusting? WOMAN, preserve your nakedness for yourself and your spouse. “It’s every woman’s prerogative to show off her crown jewel to the world or to keep it under wraps.” How INSESITIVE! Please keep it under wrap, hidden unless you’re a p.o.r.n star. Man’s manual book on Laws of and Mortality is entrenched in LEVITICUS 18 in the holy book. It is written. Get behind us SATAN!

    • I haven’t seen the video nor read the comments; I intend to do neither … but I am speechless.

      Just that I expected better from the Princess of the Nubians. This is the kind of stuff I would expect from a Necromancer in the vintage of Nostradamus.

      The lexicon and all the syntax well written but the subjectivity leaves much to be desired … otherwise let’s all walk naked – men and women; and see how discombobulated this whole world becomes.

      Heaven help us all …

    • How can i get hold of Nubian Princess? I’ve been trying to get her phone number for a very long time now but am not giving up yet….i feel like she was meant for me.My buddies Nostradamus and Jay Jay together with Spaka like lilo will be on our wedding line up

    • @1.5 B.R Mumba sr
      My brother Mr Mumba just be mindful of your choice of words am planning on marrying Nubian Princess and I would like you to be the Master of Ceremony…also Mr Kudos,Thorn in the flesh,2020 vision, Nine Chale,Gundixy,Dudelove are all invited to our wedding

    • @Anonymous … I know, she comes along as a woman of virtue, quality and class.

      That’s the more reason I am speechless, I will be honored to be the Master of Ceremony for your wedding both.

      I wish you happiness and great fortune in your holy matrimony. Just ask her not to come the wedding naked because I will rescue myself.

      You’re the best and thanks a trillion for the honor to officiate your marriage.

      Ciao …

    • Meant to say “recuse myself” … autocorrect thought it has better clairvoyance and inserted “rescue”.

      Lord have mercy …

    • Really laughable…lets dig into LT archives especially Gallery am sure we will find nasty comments from this XXXX Princess.
      If this is about Iris …one thing I have noticed is most girls are jealous of her …it no surprise she attracts 500 comments in 30 minutes.

    • @1.10 Jay Jay
      Nubian Princess will soon be your sister in law since you and me share the same Father but different mothers….in short you’re my brother from another mother…so just respect my soon to be wife Nubian Princess

    • @1.10 Jay Jay
      You know what they say….”if you have no respect for women then you’re half a man”
      So lets show some respect to our women

    • Anonymous – You know nothing about me just look at my stance on Womens rights on LT… by the way respect is earned its not about a cadre ( XXXX Princess) posting oxymoron statements on LT…plus get out more instead of drooling over some woman online.
      I hope now this XXXX Princess will be a bit more responsible when posting.

    • Nubian you lost me when you included the all mighty Mama Julia Chikamoneka in the same essay with some naked “thot” on some social media platform.
      Mama Julia Chikamoneka is a perfect example of how a woman’s nudity can be used as a tool of empowerment not some woman who just decides to open her legs and show her clit for all the world to see and call it empowering and a right. It’s crass, disgusting and classless.

    • The problem I see nowadays is too many cheap cameras (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc) in the hands of too many “weak” souls. Now everyone wants to be a “Hollywood” Actress/Actor. And without a well written move script, yet with a cheap camera in hand, acting out “p@rn0gr@ph!c” scenes on camera has become the go-to thing for everybody. So it is not surprising that you have people doing !di0t!c things that were unheard of in our Country only a few years ago. It has nothing to do with WOMEN EMPWERMENT or women feeling good about themselves and their bodies.

      Quite frankly, I refuse to believe that Zambian women have only started feeling SELF CONFIDENT in the age of “smartphone” cameras. The truth is that these devices and gadgets have allowed weak individuals to do rediculous…

    • Continue….

      things they normally wouldn’t do without them. Now everyone wants to be an EXHIBITIONIST on camera. How did we come to the point were we don’t even care about OUR MORALS as a people with our own unique cultural norms? That’s the question @Numbian should be asking!

      STOP EMULATING EVERYTHING YOU SEE ONLINE thinking that these alien behaviors have no consequences in life.

    • I have read the whole thread and no one has stated where this “video” is …it seems this XXXX Princess is exposing her sexual inhibitions

    • You and your fellow pf tunamayo like njimbu and sharon should take a leaf, show us that its not only HH and upnd that oscillates between your small us that your medulla can puke out other stuff from all spheres of life.

  1. So in other words you are advocating for the legalization of the distribution of nudies Will that not go against your parties biblical principles?

  2. The writer has presented a very well thought out argument which need careful reflection. The facts presented are true but fail to reconcile a few facts. Firstly most Zambian communities have embraced Christian teaching. It therefore follows that society will expect the conduct of a woman to closely follow Christian principles. Granted there is a lot of hypocritical behavior in the clegy and it’s flock, but the desire to remain Christian is there. Secondly, despite having adopted a western society in terms of life style, the African in us remains strong. For example, the practice of having a kitchen party, bana chibusa, head men and chiefs are well cemented in our society. At these the acceptable standard of conduct of a woman is presented. The behavior alluded to in the article is…

  3. We find ourselves looking at a particularly sensitive area of social debate. While I agree with her on the passing of judgement, I feel that the conflict between personal expression and cultural obligation in an African setting remains much bigger than we are ready to accept.

    • She says and quote
      “And yet this private video has gotten the entire country and diaspora buzzing with ferocious anger. How dare this woman show us her punani!”
      I am sure that act wasn’t meant for audiences like this one. She was communicating it to someone else. She must have gotten herself exposed.

  4. Oral communication, sign language and moderate body language are common modes of communication we are all accustomed to.
    What exactly does nudity aspire to communicate apart from the obvious. Value your bodies y’all women of integrity. Don’t listen to this Nubian thing giving you a piece of her own mind. Public nudity in Zambia and other selected countries amount to indecent behavior. Cops will check your sanity and if you’re not already running insane, you will be charged accordingly.

  5. I have respect for a lot of bloggers including Nubian. You can tell from their short contributions that there is intellect and wisdom brimming where the short postings come from. Well done lady! Proud of You!!!

  6. Quite something but hmmmm ….empowerment in nudity….what was the lady in the video trying to express kanshi….maybe it would be better to understand this video before saying much….otherwise forfoempowerment starters empowerment has nothing to do with nudity….

  7. Quite something but hmmmm ….empowerment in nudity….what was the lady in the video trying to express kanshi….maybe it would be better to understand this video before saying much….otherwise for starters empowerment has nothing to do with nudity….

  8. Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Well first if she’s really about empowerment and feminism, she should be brave enough to put her real name to her blog post because I doubt her name is ‘Nubian Princess’… hiding in anonymity for me is not about women empowerment.

    I need to see the said video and the accompanying put down by the said women for me to have an educated and informed opinion. What was the context: an accident, a p0rn like video, etc?

    Whatever the circumstances, it’s the first time I have heard someone advocating that showing and exposing off your v@gina in public is a new form of empowerment and feminism that requires that women support each other. Even in the West, I have never heard anything like that and I have heard all sorts of empowerment methods around here and I have seen all sorts of…

    • Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      …Even in the West, I have never heard anything like that and I have heard all sorts of women empowerment methods around here and I have seen all sorts of provocative nud!ty like dressing, including sk!mpy b!kinis that leave little to imagination. So hearing this in an ultra conservative society like Zambia is indeed a new era. My understanding is that a v@gina or pen!s is the ultimate limit of an individual’s privacy that can’t easily be crossed anyhow, similar to the way death is to one’s life. Am I missing something here?

  9. Load of rubbish. Ex posing yourself is never empowerment but dishonour. It’s not even class. Article is load of rubbish.

  10. Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    I just found out that this g@rbage was recycled from that tr@shy Tum_fwek0 junk!e blog… it was actually posted on there on 30 September last month. So she’s definitely trying to solicit some kind of reaction. Well maybe she could start by posting a photo of her own pun@ny and we will comment on it. Seriously I’m not failing to understand the essence of this argument. Must be a slow news day at LT… have they got tired of reporting on everything Lungu?

  11. This Article is a load of rubbish and high level perverse mind. Don’t you understand the purpose of dressing up? Who raised you up through out your Childhood? Could this be the worst effects of poor parenting or complete lack of it?

    Ethical behavior relates to how One’s behavior ought to be mindful of Others in Society. The interest of society. If you are tired of covering yourself up, go into your bedroom, take off your clothes and walk naked round. Get a mirror and check yourself all around.

    Rightly spoken by someone. God’s standard for Man’s sexual conduct is written in the book of Lev.18. If you didn’t know which way is right, now you know. Read and follow it.

    All what you’ve written is foolish, insensitive, unacceptable, very sinful and absolutely wicked before God…

  12. Very interesting perspective on women,their bodies and “sisterhood”. I agree with Nubian Princess that women should not be bashing each other but rather if a sister is down clothe her with a chitenge. Whatever God made He said “it is good” indeed if the “triangle of life was a shameful thing then God wouldn’t have used it as a means for procreation and passage of new life. I think a woman has a right to decide how she should use her body but she obviously has a problem if she is sharing her crown with fools on the internet.Instead of condemning such a woman I think women around her should shield her with love and chitenges. #sistersunite

  13. In the last days people will call good evil and evil good. In the bible Almighty God detests this. It is not surprising that in this era of individual rights people are claiming the right to walk outside and in daylight naked. Truly these are the last days. Those women who are condemning the woman who has exposed her nakedness are actually helping her and bringing her in the narrow and straight path. For the first time i agree with Nine Chaile, B R Mumba Sr and Thorn in the flesh.

  14. Though nudity has become big business among most women in a globalized scenario it’s unfortunately those in impoverished communities who’re taking it much so wrongly to heights beyond the limits of our cultural taboos. Even the veiled effort of the author of this article does little to conceal her cultural dilemma

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