Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chieftainess Choongo put to rest


The burial of the late Chieftainess Choongo
The burial of the late Chieftainess Choongo

Government says it has noted with concern that most Chiefdoms in the country have continued to experience succession disputes after the death of a Chief or Chieftainess with most cases currently before the courts of law.

And Southern Province Minister Edify Hamukale has implored people in Choongo Chiefdom to continue with late Chieftainess Choongo’s legacy of spearheading development in the area.

Speaking during the burial of the late Chieftainess Choongo at the Royal Burial site today, Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs, Lawrence Sichalwe said government is deeply concerned with increase in number of the succession disputes which not only derail development but are also a serious threat to peace and stability in the country.

He stated that it is government’s wish for all Chiefdoms to have peaceful transition to the royal throne devoid of any disputes that are detrimental to all facets of development.

Mr. Sichalwe said it is in this regard that government is confident that the Choongo Royal Establishment will have a smooth and peaceful succession of the heir to the throne.

“It is government’s expectations that this chiefdom has already a documented family tree which clearly states the succession lineage therefore, government is confident that there shall be peaceful transition to the royal throne in this chiefdom,” he added.

Mr. Sichalwe who described the late Chieftainess Choongo as a leader who was a beacon of peace, and receptive to development with exceptional leadership qualities, said during the transition period government will continue to communicate its development programmes with the Choongo Royal Establishment committee under the leadership of the Ngambela untill a new Chief is installed.

The Minister said government and his Ministry hope for harmony, peace and development to continue prevailing in the chiefdom and Monze at large adding that,it will forever be indebted to the late Chieftaness Choongo for the remarkable efforts she made to improve the wellbeing of people in the Chiefdom.

And Dr. Hamukale urged people in the Choongo Chiefdom to embrace and forge ahead with developmental programmes to improve the welfare of everyone in the area and fulfill her passion for development.

He noted that all the people in the area have a duty to remain united and ensure that the welfare of their children is improved.

“ As we put our mother to rest we all have a duty to continue with her legacy of having a passion for development and also emulate her for being accommodative to everyone regardless of tribe, race, political affiliation or otherwise and respect every human being,” said Dr. Hamukale.

He further challenged young men and women in the chiefdom to emulate late Chieftainess Choongo’s personal traits of fearing the Lord, hard work and inclusiveness.

The Provincial Minister also thanked President Edgar Lungu for being supportive throughout the illness of the late Chieftainess Choongo until her demise on November 9, 2018.

Meanwhile, Senior Chief Monze requested government to continue helping the bereaved Royal family with financial support for them to be able to survive during the trying moment.

He appealed for calm, unity and peace as the Royal family choose the successor to late Chieftainess Choongo.

HH , GBM and the UPND Leadership at the burial of the late Chieftainess Choongo
HH , GBM and the UPND Leadership at the burial of the late Chieftainess Choongo

And United Party for National Development (UPND) President, Hakainde Hichilema appealed for peaceful morning of the late Chieftainess Choongo who was his Aunt.

He also advised the Royal Family to have an opportune time to discuss succession matters and not during the time of morning and thanked all mourners who came to pay their last respects to the late Chieftainess.

Among notable people who attended the burial included Chiefs Chikanta from Kalomo, Mungaila, Mukobela, Muchila from Namwala, Singani and Mapanza of Choma, Sinazongwe of Sinazongwe, Sikute of Kazungula , Hamaundu, and Chiefs Mweemba, Mwanachingwala, Munyumbwe Representatives.

Others included Senior Government oOficials from Western, Copperbelt, Lusaka, and Southern Provinces.

The late Chieftainess Choongo aged 68, who died on 9th November, 2018 was born on 19th February, 1950 and left behind six children and a number of grandchildren.

The late Chieftainess whose real names were Diana Beene Choongo was gazetted as Chieftainess Choongo on 8th January, 2014 through Statutory Instrument number 13 of 2014 and was officially installed on 20th April 2014 and reined on the throne for four years

The burial of the late Chieftainess Choongo
The burial of the late Chieftainess Choongo
HH , GBM and the UPND Leadership at the burial of the late Chieftainess Choongo
HH , GBM and the UPND Leadership at the burial of the late Chieftainess Choongo


  1. Zambia needs to do away with these chiefs and chieftainesses they’re just a drain on public resources.Kenya has no chiefs,Tanzania has no chiefs and Zim has no chiefs.

    • Senior Chief Monze’s appeal to government for financial support for family of the late Chief is misplaced and exposes a weakness that has engulfed many of the traditional leaderships! What ever happened to the leadership that existed and ensured that the traditional leaders were self sufficient and even more important that the palaces were places of support and solace for the marginalized in the chiefdom. Cadreism has destroyed the integrity of chiefs rule and leadership!

  2. I guess off-topics but the only comment-worthy issue in the pics is GMB. That is shocking loss weight! Assuming this is by choice and not due to some illness then well and good as he was unhealthy over-weight. However, I fear the worst and that this weight loss is probably not by choice but more likely due to some serious illness. We will get to know soon enough.

  3. GBM is as good as dead!!!Nobody loses weight drastically like that.The nigga is sick-period!!!I feel sorry for him and wish him well though.
    Anyway, rest in peace Chief Choongo!!!Kainde always shine in tongaland among those villagers unlike in 6.5 provinces where UPND is too weak and has lost elections since 2006!!!No doubt that even in 2021,HH’s UPND will win in tongaland,but the huge challenge is how to convince voters in 6.5 provinces where he has failed to win since 2006!!!
    Bo Kainde,it is now high time you met Mrs Charity Katanga’s team in ndola to explain your lies about ZAFFICO since the funeral is over!!!But prepare coffins for your…

  4. GBM’s govt tenders have run out. No more defence and ZESCO poles supply tenders Kanshi tuletobela fye umulembwe pamo. No T-bone.

  5. @Mzambia wa Zamani. You may have a valid point but it is good to stick to facts: There are traditional leaders equivalent to Chiefs in Zimbabwe; Kenya’s ethnic groups too have Traditional leaders equivalent to Chiefs-they call them ‘elders’.
    In my view, the problem is the failure for us as a nation to synchronize traditional leadership with modern structures of state government. Consider the confusion in land administration between state and traditional leadership. It is chaotic at best!

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