Saturday, July 27, 2024

My dismissal should be taken as an opportunity to rebuild MMD-Mutati


Felix Mutati at the launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province
Felix Mutati at the launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province

Movement for Multi-party Democracy MMD President Felix Mutati has directed his national secretary Raphael Nakacinda to call for a National Policy Conference which will among other things discuss the future of the party.

And Mr. Mutati says his dismissal should be taken as an opportunity for members of the party to ensure that they work hard in rebuilding the party to make stronger and ensure that it remains relevant to the country’s politics.

Speaking during the launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province, Mr. Mutati said his party makes decisions in consultations with the members and that the decision of how the party moves forward as regards the 2021 elections lays in the hands of the membership hence the need for a policy conference.

He said the policy conference should discuss the way forward for the party because members have been asking for a clear road map on the operations of the party going forward.

He said just like in 2016 when the party decided to go into partnership with the ruling Patriotic Front (PF), the policy conference will consult with the MMD membership and give direction on the way forward.

And Mr. Mutati says the MMD will continue to embark on its mobilization to ensure that it remains a critical component of the country’s democracy just like the forefathers envisaged at its formation.

He said with hard work from members across the country and Gods blessings the party will regain the numbers it once hard.

He said the party will ensure that it goes down the lowest members to ensure that they are reactivated so that the party is put in shape to effectively participate in any election.

And the MMD President added there was no need for political players to intimidate one another because the country belongs to everyone.

He said politics that encourage division such tribal politics and political violence should have no room in the country.

And the MMD has posthumously honoured its first party and second Republican President Fredrick Chiluba with a framed statue of an eagle for his contribution to the party and the nation at large which was received by his son Darlington.

And in receiving the honour, Darlington Chiluba said the family was humbled and grateful to the party’s leadership for recognizing his father’s role in democracy.

The MMD launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province
The MMD launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province
The MMD launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province
The MMD launch of the card renewal for Lusaka Province


    • We know you can’t sleep about us even when the article ain’t about us you always looking for ways to summon us. OK now tell us who have we incited this time around?

    • I agree with Kudo MMD have alot of chances to bounce back unless upnd change it leadership by replacing hh and his term. I just hope Nevers won’t start his court cases against Mutati that may affect the performance of MMD. Welcome MMD we proper checks and balances on the government. Not ifi ifyabwaice ifya ba upnd, just crying everyday about being heard and boycotting national events. MMD you have a chance to bounce back.

    • Who is funding MMD?
      RB is the man behind the whole exercise.
      He is going to regret if PF loses to HH or SP.
      He will have company behind the bars.
      And for Mitati, bwana, I told you in Mbala last year and I repeat, stay away from elephants fight.

    • Nevious Mumba is irrelevant & a dead wood. Mutati will struggle to disentangle himself from this PF corruption & none people centred approach to governance. The PF government approach is about “ubomba mwibala”. All these road developments are prioritised because of huge kick backs from Chinese contractors. Zambians remain unemployed & hungry. Mutati is guilty of this by association. So MMD will struggle. Tongas are in tribal troubles. So Zambians lwenu

      Organise and Grow that thing.
      But right now you are a real threat to nervous nevers.

  1. The question which MMD is going to be relevant, is it the Mutati faction or the Mumba faction, remember the Mutati faction is an arm of PF until they fired Mutati and left the other useless ones in the sh!t hole govt

  2. So what is he going to say about PF since he was sacked…this man has no shame or integrity merely a Trojan horse…he is finished!!

  3. Now what will happen if the court declares the nevers Mumba faction to be the real MMD? Does mutati have information from the court especially the concourt for him to confidently hold this card renewal excercise.

  4. Atase, MMD with Felix Mutati at the helm. This man is very rhetoric and I have serious dislike of him. I have never heard him serious denouncing corruption or theft of funds this coward. He is corrupt to the core. I fail to understand what people see in him except talking without reading.

  5. PF should start worrying about MMD instead wasting their resources on HH. The resurgence of MMD will be a PF nightmare thereby giving UPND an advantage. Most of the PF strongholds today are or were MMD’s, so these are the likely places that will share/spoil the votes for PF because definitely people are missing the old lady. Meanwhile Mutati and Mumba should find a way to work together instead of this immaturity they are both exposing.

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