Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu to launch the construction of a Multi Facility Economic Zone in Chibombo


Chibombo Multi Facility Zone
Chibombo Multi Facility Zone

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu is today expected in Chibombo to launch the construction of the first ever Multi Facility Economic Zone in Central Province by China Jiangxi United Industrial Investment.

The Industrial Park located opposite Farm Store along the Great North Road is a US $300 million project which would accommodate various industries including motor vehicle and generator assembling plants.

The project becomes the major investment that has come as a result of the recently held Central Province Investment Forum and Expo which attracted more than 2,000 delegates.

Central Province Permanent Secretary Chanda Kabwe, his deputy Felix Mang’wato and other government officers inspected the site this afternoon ahead of the groundbreaking ceremony tomorrow morning.

Mr Kabwe said for the breaking said in an project is part of the fruits of the recently held regional Investment Forum and Expo.

Mr Kabwe noted that many companies have expressed interest to invest in the province in the aftermath of the Expo in September this year.

Apart from the Chibombo project, the Expo has seen a number of local and foreign investors expressing interest to invest in Luano, Chitambo and Ngabwe.

“All is set for the groundbreaking ceremony; we’ve started seeing the fruits of the Expo and I must say that this is just one of the many projects that might come to the province because of the Expo,” Mr Kabwe said.


    • I pray for the day Zambia will be cured from the disease of pot holes on our roads. Why should we be opening these multi facility zones when we are still so gar behind in making our key infrastructure meet the minimum standard world requirements? Terrible feeder roads, township and residential roads in terrible condition, I wish the President could devote one month to driving around all the towns of Zambia so he sees first hand this mess we are in.

  1. Well its a small $300m step in the right direction .My only concerns are the landlocked geolocation of Zambia versus the bigger multi billion$ facility economic zones in places like South Africa,Kenya ,Angola etc.

  2. Does not make sense to me. Lusaka Times which is which. Today or tomorrow. You keep on switching the days. And where exactly is this Farm Store.
    They have rigged Mangango. You will know them better.

  3. Development is good. I’m always overjoyed to see a story on development because this positively impacts people. Any leadership should focus on this. This is the news we want to hear about so that everyone can plan how they can take advantage rather than stories on which politician insults the loudest. God Bless Zambia

  4. Good news for Zambia economic growth, I hope this will transcends into job creation for local people and not foreigners

  5. MFEZ have stopped making sense or maybe it’s me who doesn’t get it.
    We have 2 in Lusaka and since their creation have added no measurable value to the economy. The very few worthy investors who have come are stationed in the CBD. Wouldn’t it just make sense to expand the CBD were possible especially to the unplanned settlements since they have less immovable public property and in a way to get rid of them?

  6. Another loan where the funds are going back to China, local contractors/ PF cadres will probably only score 10% of the total loot as with the airports where only 10% has so far been paid to local contractors dununa reverse.

  7. That’s where the secret lies for winning elections. While you keep on criticizing the development agenda, the ordinary citizens appreciate the impact. ..icintu, cintu umwene mukayama.

  8. I haven’t seen any value in these Economic Zones. I thought by now we should have exported enough goods and seen some impact on the welfare of the people, alas we are still struggling with employment and lack of food to feed the masses. When are the people ruling us going to say the truth about these Economic Zones which have grabbed massive land from local people?

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