Saturday, July 27, 2024

My Appointment is a catalyst for the continued strengthening of the MMD and PF Alliance-Nakachinda


Raphael Nakacinda
Raphael Nakacinda

MMD National Secretary Rapheal Nakachinda says his nomination to Parliament by Republican President Edgar Lungu is not meant for destruction but for the greater development of the country.

Speaking at Parliament yesterday morning shortly after taking oath, Mr. Nakachinda said his appointment is in fact a catalyst for the continued strengthening of the MMD and governing Patriotic Front Alliance and also meant to build both political parties.

Mr. Nakachinda was yesterday appointed and nominated to Parliament replacing the MMD President, Felix Mutati, who had his nomination to Parliament withdrawn and being relieved of his Ministerial duty at Works and Supply.

“My nomination is not meant for destruction. Actually it is a catalyst for the continued strengthening of the alliance and also the building of both political parties. I will definitely continue as a National Secretary to build our organisation to greater heights,” he says.

And Mr. Nakachinda says he is going to parliament with nationalism and patriotism at heart in order to contribute to what other patriotic Zambians in the House are doing.

“I come here (Parliament) in the spirit of a Nationalist. In the spirit of patriotism and my discourse in parliament will be driven by those two fundamental ideals. I am going there as a Nationalist to partner with other nationalists possibly to exorcise the seemingly spell that has gripped our parliament where our discourse is either on the basis of temporal partisan interest or tribalism,” Mr. Nakachinda said.

He has since thanked President Lungu for appointing him and pledged to serve the people of Zambia diligently.


  1. And the guy is happy to be incorporated into a party whose popularity is at its lowest ebb. What unemployment can do imwe, it’s tough bane

  2. This ka mudala Lungu is a ka smart politician, far smarter than and far ahead of Hacks.
    That is my President, keep it up!!

  3. traveling is a rit thing any president should do so as to get to know things down there and on nakachinda ecl he is head of upnd end of comment

  4. My concern is whether what Mutati started at works and supply ministry to regulate movement of govt vehicles will be sustained by his successor. It brought sanity with regards to reckless spending towards maintenance of govt fleet.
    Ba Mutati bravo! Let your legacy speak louder for generations to come.

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