Saturday, July 27, 2024

Teaching Service Commission authorized the withholding of salaries for some teachers


The Teaching Service Commission says it has authorized the withholding of salaries for teachers who have transferred to various stations without normalizing their pay points.

Commission spokesperson Jane Mbambara said currently, salaries for 125 teachers who transferred from rural districts to Lusaka Province and did not have their pay points normalized have been withheld.

Ms. Mbambara said the salaries will only be released once the affected teachers have reported back to their initial work stations.

“The Teachers may recall that the Commission earlier this year, issued a directive to all teachers who were transferred from various stations without normalizing their pay points to go back and offer their services in stations where their pay points were, a directive which was sadly ignored”, She said.

Ms. Mbambara said the Commission has observed with sadness the high number of teachers who have relocated from rural districts while their pay points still remain in their previous stations.

She said this has led to schools in Lusaka and other urban districts being overstaffed while the rural schools remain with very few teachers, thereby causing an artificial shortage.

Ms. Mbambara has advised the affected teachers to report to the District Education Board Secretaries and have their cases reviewed.

She has also urged all the concerned teachers to adhere to the Commissions earlier call, by reporting back to their initial work stations adding that education Managers have been directed not to recommend transfers for teachers without vacant payroll positions.


  1. ‘Vacant payroll position’ is an interesting concept. One would think what is required is a vacant teaching position and then addition or transfer of ones payroll should be a formality.

    • I think the Teaching Commission here is being harsh to these teachers. I believe these teachers were authorised to move for various reasons. I believe someone somewhere in the fratenity has not done his job to normalise their transfers. You are being unfair because these people have families to take care of. Where do you think they will find money for feeding? Find another way of dealing with such issues.

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