Thursday, June 13, 2024

Introduction of ICT in all government departments intended to help curb corruption


Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet for Smart Zambia Dr. Martine Mtonga
Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet for Smart Zambia Dr. Martine Mtonga

Deputy Secretary to Cabinet Martin Mtonga says the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all government departments, is intended to help curb corruption.

Speaking when he addressed civil servants in Mansa today, Dr. Mtonga explained that Information and Communication Technology is the most clear and easiest way that government can use to trace corruption across the board, hence the need to enhance the exercise.

He noted that the introduction of ICT through Smart Zambia will help bring about transparency in all government departments and also improve efficiency in the workplace.

Dr. Mtonga has since warned civil servants in Luapula Province, to change their working culture by embracing the new and efficient mode of work or risk losing their jobs.

He observed that most civil servants are still static and do not want to evolve in their work.

And Dr. Mtonga has handed over a vehicle to the Luapula Province Administration, in order to make it easy and more conducive for Smart Zambia personnel, to carry out their duties around the province.

Meanwhile, Luapula Province Acting Assistant Secretary Charles Daka says electronic governance is the most efficient avenue of doing business.

He said the province is developing economically and investors coming to the province want to ease their job hence the e-governance system is one type of system that will ease their work.


  1. @ Lombe just wondering from a person
    that loves the continent , and has watched
    Zambia from afar and up close, why inject
    hate into a supposedly common sense article?
    look all around you and Africa, for that matter
    here in the United States and the world, it’s
    “cancerous” comments such as yours that are
    harmful to everyone. hope your sleep better in
    your bed sheets of hate.. one love

    • It is a tribal zealot of UPND that supports only the TONGA party and everything else is “BAD!” ZAMBIA was a very peaceful nation (it is for most part) UNTIL it came.

  2. Deputy Secretary to Cabinet Martin Mtonga says the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all government departments, is intended to help curb corruption.
    Although commendable, ICT alone is not the answer to curbing corruption..
    along with equality , equal pay for equal work, educational opportunities , housing,
    medication and just simply respect of the common man.. a change in the culture of
    entitlement is in tall order.. the attitude that since am the leader of the nation am
    entitled to just enrichment along with my 40 thieves….

  3. Anglo America was full of tribalism

    Central statistics office at one time from Director all the way to tea makers and drivers was composed of one tribe.

  4. May be this will help. Its sad, i have been following the PAC committee meetings headed by Haward Kunda, its really sad to see the level of corruption in government institutions. And the leadership in these institutions is uncalled for. Some do not even know what goes on in their departments. Please we need sanity in these ministries.

  5. When the mindset is corrupt not even computers will solve the problem, if the penalty of corruption was death no politician will steal.

  6. Meanwhile, Luapula Province Acting Assistant Secretary Charles Daka says electronic governance is the most efficient avenue of doing business.

    He said the province is developing economically and investors coming to the province want to ease their job hence the e-governance system is one type of system that will ease their work……
    This is by far the greatest advantage of ICT in any given business setting!!!!! not what Mtonga is insinuating because ICT will never bring corrupt practices to an end….

  7. RTSA systems are either archaic or its a question of incompetent staff and systems management deficiency.
    At the ZISC pay point you queu for one hour to be ussued with a payment notice , then you join another queu for another one hour to make payment to the cashier. Definetely lCT systems at RTSA are not working.

  8. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all government departments, is intended to help curb corruption.

    This is a false assertion and it is intend to deviate attention by this thieving Deputy Secretary. It is the people who manage ICT not the other way round. Zambians have become very ignorant and gullible. I think it is due to the run down education system.

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