Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Edgar Lungu off to Japan for state visit


President Edgar Lungu bids farewell to Veep Inonge Wina before departure for Japan at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
President Edgar Lungu bids farewell to Veep Inonge Wina before departure for Japan at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport

President Edgar Lungu says Zambia needs to scale up her mutual and development cooperation with Japan for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries.

The President said he looks forward to engaging Japan to deepen her development assistance to Zambia in order for the country to transform into a middle income nation.

President Lungu pointed out that a lot of things have happened between the two countries in their last fifty years of mutual cooperation adding that there is need to renew and strengthen friendship, trade and economic ties.

The Head of State said this when he addressed journalists at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KKIA) in Lusaka before departing for a three days state visit to Japan.

President Lungu said his visit to Japan has delayed as it should have been undertaken two years ago.

The trip had been postponed on several occasions due to other commitments.

The President said he wants to tap into Japan’s development expertise, resourcefulness and investment in order to support Zambia’s economic development and diversification, a development which will benefit Zambians.

President Lungu stated that Japan, which is constructing the Kazungula bridge, will also undertake works to reconstruct the new Luangwa bridge as part of the international gateway for connectivity and domestic conduit for free movement of people and goods.

He said Zambia stands to gain from Japan’s resolve to promote and support connectivity, trade, transportation and development of telecommunications in the region.

Mr. Lungu said as part of Zambia’s industrialization agenda, he will solicit Japan’s assistance to help develop the manufacturing sector in order to create jobs and wealth for the country.

And President Lungu has expressed concern with the continued turmoil in the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and hoped that peace will return to enable the country hold its Presidential and general elections next week.

President Lungu, who is also the Chairperson of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Organ on Politics, Defence and Security, said he has received assurances from President Joseph Kabila and DRC authorities that the situation is well.

President Lungu said he remains hopeful and prayerful that the situation will return to normal and that SADC agents are on the ground monitoring the situation.

The DRC, which is expected to hold elections on December 23 this year to elect President Joseph Kabila’s successor, recently witnessed the gutting and destruction of election materials and equipment.

President Lungu, whose plane took off at about 16.45 hours, was seen off by Vice President Inonge Wina, Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Davies Mwila, Service Chiefs, Cabinet Ministers, senior government and party officials.

President Edgar Lungu in an interview with Journalists   before departure for Japan at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
President Edgar Lungu in an interview with Journalists before departure for Japan at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
President Edgar Lungu confers with Patriotic Front Secretary General Davies Mwila  and Defence Minister Davies Chama  before departure for Japan at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
President Edgar Lungu confers with Patriotic Front Secretary General Davies Mwila and Defence Minister Davies Chama before departure for Japan at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
President Edgar Lungu watches some dances by PF women's group  before departure for Japan at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
President Edgar Lungu watches some dances by PF women’s group before departure for Japan at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport


  1. Travel safely Mr President and represent mother Zambia well in Japan Sir.Haters in opposition shall complain as usual but majority Zambians do not mind them because we know too well that they are just jealous of you big man!!!!Deliver outstanding results before 2021 and us voters shall reward you by voting for Mighty PF once more!!!

    • Edgar, are Japanese also cockroaches? The language that this man uses is not presidential. Now he is stereotyping the Bembas as thieves. This is unacceptable. Disgraceful

    • I pronounce a special blessing of good tidings on Chagwa and his entourage. You’re blessed in your going and coming. Every negative message is out-rightly sent back to the enemy camp. Japanese are reliable friends of Zambia. Go engage them from a point of strength and our Zambian value. No country can thrive if opts for isolation. Zambia is part of big community of nation that should be benefiting from her many linkages in the international system.

    • There goes the lazy thing …to do what he does best loaf..he even gets people to come to escort him at KKIA without shame

    • What an id!ot, probably going to borrow more money in the hope he can offset some of these Chinese loans and a bit more for his pocket, what a moron, just remember the Japanese look like the Chinese and when you are drunk on their free whiskey don`t call them roaches, it something you are capable of due to IQ issues

    • I we chime numb skull it’s his money not tax payers money.

      Say that to Lungu who is stealing public money and hiding it in offshore accounts.

      Now back to reason why Lungu is going to Japan.
      Lungu s cancer has advanced because the medication he is taking is being rendered ineffective due to excessive drinking of Jamesons. The other week he sneaked out incognito for a medical check up in SA. I knew this.
      Lungu has caused deaths to thousands of Zambians needlessly by stealing money meant for health care and terminal benefits. So his verdict is approaching ever nearer ; death!

      Lungu must go by all means.

    • Sunday Chanda aka Mr.Kudos, your envy for HH will choke you. HH worked, and works hard for his money unlike you and your brother McPherson who are common thieves helping yourselves to social cash transfer, money meant for the poorest of the poor in our society ….shame

    • Wanzelu I don’t believe the fake cancer story. He’s entitled to tax payer money for his trips which bring FDI into Zambia. Now both of you up here, Obatala and crony (HH) never worked for his money. He shortchanged the miners on the Copperbelt and stashed his loot in Panama.

    • HATRIBES Larry Mweetwa, when did you see the president stealing in your mother’s kitchen? Are you mistaking him for HAKAINDE MENTAL who has taken Zambian money to an offshore tax haven in PANAMA? That is Zambian money and I hope one President will ask PANAMA to bring that money back.

  2. Dear opposition UPND follow the Presidential Challenger closely it might take him to South Africa for secret medical check ups.

    • “Presidential Challenger” has left Zambia at 06.30 on the 9th December and landed at Lanseria (HLA) just after 08.00. No further movement since then.
      Instead your Endemically Corrupt Leader is using tax-payers money to charter executive jet for three days holiday.


  4. Just be careful people don’t fool yourselves because you are there ATI nimuyaya time is slowly passing. Same thing was said Pali the late ATI yo sata can’t be president what happened? God is alone ndiye aziba za mailo not munthu odya salt.

  5. Edgar “Airmiles ” Lungu is off to the shiny land of the rising sun coming from the trashy land of the rising debts. Japan’s cleanliness is a vast contrast to the monthly trash Lungu picks up .

  6. Tourist minister ECL one day you wake up the sun will be coming from the south instead of north it will be a shock to you after the efforts tying tactics to remain into ???? your friends will turn against you will look like a fallen witch confused. Clean up is no more time is flying

  7. Yeah Lungu Japan was right to postpone your visit twice after you showed them you had no interest during the Africa -Japan TICAD meeting held in Nairobi.

  8. Is it really necessary for more than 10 senior government officials to see off the President at the airport? To make matters worse it was a Sunday, so almost everybody was free.I think to me even 4 are enough. They should come up with a duty rota in which not more than 5 government officials see off or welcome the President at any given time. It is a sheer waste of fuel.Ati austerity measures my foot!

  9. Looking at the writing style that Sunday Chanda uses in his long articles and the type of writing/language that Mr Kudos uses here i believe now that the two are one and the same!

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