The National Democratic Congress is sadned that workers at the state owned enterprise Zampost have gone for five months without pay.
The NDC is further concerned that Zampost management has not been remitting statutory obligations for its employees to NAPSA and other statutory agencies.
Worst still, Zampost management has failed to pay retirees their outstanding dues and the NDC is urging Government to consider bailing out the postal service firm.
Party Acting spokesperson Misheck Moyo said the advent of information technologies has affected the operations of most postal agencies worldwide.
Mr. Moyo has implored the Zampost board to come up with a viable survival plan to ensure the smooth running of the company.
He said the Zampost board should also work closely with the Industrial Development Corporation IDC in discussing and formulating such a survival strategy for the firm.
“We sympathize with the plight of Zampost employees who are going through extremely trying times. The problems at Zampost are severe. Our position is that the firm be restructured at top management level”, Mr. Moyo added.
He has implored Government to consider undertaking a detailed financial forensic audit at Zampost further demanding that Government undertakes a probe into the alleged disappearance of monies disbursed to the firm in 2014 to pay retirees.
In a statement, Mr. Moyo also expressed concern with the plight of workers at the Times of Zambia and National Housing Authority National Housing Authority who have gone for months without salaries.
He said this is unfair and unfortunate and government should consider bringing private players on board to partner with the two firms.
Mr. Moyo said the problems at the two institutions are seemingly as a result of Gross Mismanagement and bad institutional administration and Government should consider dissolving the management boards at the two firms.
He said Times of Zambia and National Housing Authority can operate as viable entities under the right management.
Even in the western world postal services have been taken over by emails, same thing with newspaper companies, people read news online. The Zampost need to think of how to survive in this challenging times. Things have changed, time to sell stamps are long gone. Why should waste my fuel to go and buy a stamp when l can send an email in the comfort of my home? Ba NDC whatever you call yourselves stop politizing everything, you need to understand the time we’re living now.
@ Musonda Kateule, I think they do call themselves “NDC” so why do you question that? You instruct NDC not to politicize, but are being political yourself!
Second, how does NDC “fail to understand the times we are living in” when they implore management to come up with “a viable survival plan”? This is exactly what you call for when you write that “Zampost need to think of how to survive in this challenging times”. If top management have failed to pay workers for five months (…and even resorted to diverting money meant for social cash transfers!) it is clear they have little idea of how to make Zampost viable or take the company forward. Email is not new – they should have had a plan ages ago! Or maybe you are just over sensitive about top management being PF cadres?
Mr Moyo thank you for good advice to the government.Nice points.
Gross mismanagement,incompentence and insufficient skills are enemies that are depriving most industries of their future.Zampost started on a good not by diversifying its product base,but it lost it’s track when a secrete hand of politicians started resurfacing in it’s operations. Managers do not exercise their professionalism immediately politicians start fidgeting in the affairs of institutions. Am envisaging such a thing to happen to institutions like Napsa. Politicians should not take centre stage in running these institutions. It is in conflict with corporate governance issues. Most of these institutional governance issues,are controlled by politicians who do not know anything about corporate freedom. Let these institutions be accountable to Board Of Directors not to politicians.
The government should let Zampost continue with the selling of motor vehicle road tax.
RTSA on their own is failing to cope. Infact the middle men(chimtengos) have come back because they together with some rtsa staff thrive through this confusion .
It was convinient for the general public to walk to the nearest post office and by the road tax .
Why can’t these guys be innovative? They’ve even lost out on money transfer. …because they have no imagination.
Let ck pay them instead of going on business class to England for tea and back in the even.
Gbm.ck.hh can put zampost on payroll. If they fail chinese must buy zampost. Ninshi mumufilwa yama.
It is the government that has brought Zampost to its knees therefore, government must come to the aid of this company. People inside know what i mean.
Innovate, Innovate, Innovate! Adapt to survive. It is happening to postal services all over the world.