Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambian entrepreneurs asked to attend Global Entrepreneurship Summit


The United States and the Netherlands will co-host the 2019 Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) that will bring together emerging entrepreneurs, investors, and supporters from around the world to share innovative ideas and advance economic growth.

Approximately 2,000 attendees are expected at the GES which runs June 4-5, 2019 at the World Forum in Hague, Netherlands, will focus on driving innovation through entrepreneurship.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will lead the U.S. delegation and participate in the pre-summit opening evening program slated for June 3, 2019.

Mr. Pompeo called on Zambian entrepreneurs wishing to take part at the meeting to do so online and summit by filling in application form, website;

Mr. Pompeo said the summit will feature five focus areas of innovation in agriculture, connectivity, energy, health and water.

He added that the agenda will include the global innovation through science and technology catalyst pitch competition

He said during the two days of discussions, GES 2019 will showcase inspiring entrepreneurs, forge new collaborations and opportunities for investments, develop concrete business ideas, and accelerate solutions to global challenges.

The U.S. government and its partners will provide travel scholarships for a limited number of entrepreneurs on a need basis for three nights in The Hague.

Initially, submissions for GES 2019 attendance register started on December 17, 2018 for participants.

The GES is a premier annual gathering of entrepreneurs, investors, and innovative thinkers that underscores the U.S. commitment to entrepreneurship and innovation.

This is according to a press statement issued to the media yesterday by Public Relations Unit at the American Embassy in Lusaka.


  1. Great opportunity to building business linkages instead of just bashing each other politically around the clock. Go for this one the US through OPIC is set put up a staggering $60 billion to promote investment pattnerships across Sub Africa. Smart citizens of Non- Aligned Zambia could benefit alot during the East-west competitive race just emerging.

    • Economies that build smart business linkages supported with access to capital, technology and markets are bound to win big. Just be visionary, embrace a culture of ethics and best practices if you want to thrive in the new world order of big powers competition. Britain is chasing for markets while the US wants to take on China in Africa.

  2. When interests of big powers aggressively take on each other, the smartest thing to do is to play a neural role while exploiting their respective economic edge. Certainly, we have to be smart to understand the catch because in an ideal world of economics, “there is no such thing as a free lunch” Milton Friedman.

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