Saturday, July 27, 2024

I have Never Privatized Anything and was Never in any Cabinet-HH


HH and GBM being Interviewed after the Diologue Meeting
HH and GBM being Interviewed after the Dialogue Meeting

Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema yesterday told journalists that he has never privatized anything in Zambia and that it was the MMD Government under the leadership of Late President Fredrick Chiluba, Levy Mwanawasa and Rupiah Banda that privatisaton took place.

Responding to a question from Journalists on calls for the setting up of a Commission of Inquiry on Privatization, the UPND leader said that he has never been in cabinet and accused the Patriotic Front (PF) Government of privatizing national assets such as Zambian land and ZAFFICO assets, based on the definition of Privatization as stated in the Privatization Act of 1992.

Mr Hichilema went on to say that the one who sells national assets and signs for the agreement is the Minister of Finance and the Attorney General.

“The one who sells assets ultimately on behalf of the citizens is the Minister of Finance. Was HH a Minister of Finance, ever? No. Who else signs? The Attorney General? Was HH ever an Attorney General? No”

The UPND leader said that he was never part of the Government and was never responsible for part of the decisions made during the privatization.

Mr Hichilema went on to say that if the Inquiry route is followed all Lawyers, Estate Agents, Engineers and many other could be indicted and questioned why his name would be among those to be indicted.

Asked directly if he welcomed the inquiry, Mr Hichilema said that inquiry should include current issues like Fire Tenders and Ambulances bought at inflated prices and Roads being built an exorbitant cost.

“Let those who want the Inquiry start the Inquiry, but don’t hide the corruption that is going on and hide behind the privatization,” Mr Hichilema said

Below is the full interview starting on his response on call from Privatization starting at 4:00 minute mark


    • Who asked him whether he was a minister or zpa chairman. Those are wrong answers. You were a consultant and evaluator.

    • Malabishi… this man is guilty as sin, two wrongs can never make it right because some are stealing today you want to say you didn’t steal yesterday? Even you HH were a member of MMD back in those days when you were involved in underwriting the State assets. You were directed by Kafupi your mentor to sell these assets off at give away prices so that you could enrich yourselves along with the likes of Valentine Chitalu. You chaps will surely burn in hell for your sins which cost the lives of hundreds of poor souls.

    • HH, stop mocking the intelligence of families to your victims of the egregious economic crimes during privatization. You guys betrayed your country committing crimes with unparalleled impunity. Be remorseful and respectful to your victims in Graves and on the streets left hopeless. Does the kind of your complicity and unethical crimes require one to be in GRZ only? On crimes of ethics you know better about ?Kenneth Lay and the Enron Scandal that Prompted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA. Why is that whenever you are confronted with topical issues, you resort to obfuscation and fronting out clueless kids in your blogs to claim innocence, confuse weak minds, bewilder, or stupefy them?

    • He is abusolutely correct. Let’s start with the fire trucks, roads, mansion in Swaziland, and many more before we go back 20 years. Look you PF (pure failures) supporters. HH was an employee of Grant Thornton. Its impossible that he acted outside the consent of the company which has all ethical policies. Government had the right to refuse to sale the assets even if the evaluation gave was provided. They also had the option to sale at any price they felt and sideline the evaluation. To solve the problem you will need to implicate all those involved and the list is very long.

    • Why is he talking about being a Minister in government? We know he’s never been an MP, Councillor or Ward Chairman that’s why he’s unelectable.
      He’s stubborn and silly. Real Under 5.
      His role was evaluating and he undervalued the state assets. He sold KCM for $25 million. He took $7 million to Panama. These are the truths the COI will reveal.
      When his assets are seized he will wish he were in government. Under 5 kid.

    • In all fairness, only an expert valuation expert can tell whether the asset cost assessed was correct. Why didn’t government get different valuation companies or experts at the time and refuse to use the evaluator or evaluation given if they saw something wrong? Why did they not question the value at the time? We had accountants and economist at the ministry of finance. No one understood the privatisation process? Lungu was there at the time. Why did he not question at that time? Lungu admitted he was part of the process. Why does it become unethical for HH but not for Lungu. Zambians let’s fair for once and focus on genuine issues such as the debt problem and how Chinese have taken over our land.

    • We should also see to it that past officials of the IMF and World Bank who oversaw this process and wrote reports were they commended the actions even going as far as to award the crooked Late Ronald Penza an award as best Finance Minister be brought in to answer questions and if found wanting let them too be arrested under International Law as being party to a crime. These are serious matters, many people died from depression, AIDS, TB, street kids became a new thing, the extended family was broken because we couldn’t afford to keep nephews and nieces etc as a result of bread winners becoming destitute and poor because of this privatisation. We demand justice.

    • That’s a curve ball he is throwing … the question for the inquiry is not who was the authorized signatory and/or appointing authority. It is who used the process to enrich themselves.

      Like ECL said despite being Chairman for Zambia Storage Board sell, he did not use his position to enrich himself. Hakainde on the other hand used his position to fully enrich himself and his relatives.

      Having listened to his explanation, I am now even more inclined to ask that we move with this inquiry because such an explanation entails that he knows fully well how he used his position including those he references as law firms, Chipimo being one of them as beneficiaries.

      He is a State Witness … Let’s roll

    • HH failed to answer the questions that have daunted him for years.

      That’s how thieves answer questions

      Well ! If you have to investigate me ( HH )
      Why not that person – that stole as well. Why bring in Fire Engines.

      No one has said he privitísed the companies. It’s the evaluation he did and the kick bags that led him to invest the stolen money.. also in Panama Reports.

      HH must be thanking God that Chiluba is dead. Because between them, they stole millions which belonged to Zambia.

      They sold the mines cheaper in return of kickbacks.

      This is because Chiluba over ruled the Cabinet by abusing his power and the deal was left in the hands if HH & Chiluba.

      HH started making frequent private visits to Nkwanzi House to meet Chiluba.

    • I honestly fail to understand how PF supporters fail to grasp how the privatisation process worked. Is it just dullness or what? How does a 29 year old employee of an accounting firm make Cabinet decisions when there is already a functional government? How does one try to use this kind of logic to justify their case? Shocking levels of dullness I swear.

    • Jst chill the inquiry will not put bread on the table it will only help in plunder of more resources zambians funny pipo indeed u want to go back 20 something years back why we are talking abt this inquiry is because these current leaders have mismanaged the economy that was on the up ward trajectory the economy had picked up bt bcoz its in the duldroms now pipo want to take us back 20 years how many scandals present need an inquiry they know how to excite zambians over non isssues if that is done your minds will be some where else while you will not look at their failures let them fund the inquiry from their pockets not our hard earned taxes.

  1. Ok lets the game start now!!!HH will cry like a baby because everybody in Zambia knows the reason why he became rich is due to the role he played under privatization!!!This Bweengwa man has no shame.The commission of inquiry about privatization will expose Kainde badly!!!WE CANT WAIT FOR THIS COI!!!Yes everyone involved (lawyers,estate agents,ministers,etc) should be exposed!!!No badala we are not talking about ZAFFICO and Fire engines here,that will come later.All we need to know now is how several Govnt firms were privatized cheaply by FTJ Chiluba and his Co in the 1990s,all those implicated must be prosecuted and if found wanting-jailed!!

    • Statements like “Everybody knows….” is what makes most Zambians fail to think critically. Being so quick to having tantrums just because you don’t like someone is being evil.

    • Know your facts well.HH was already rich when the firm he worked for was hired by the MMD govt to evaluate. What I find difficult to understand is the level of dunderheads of pf cadres on social media like kudos, chipuba oval head to understand that HH was not a seller but a bidder to sell the privatized companies. Lungu was hired by the MMD govt as a lawyer to help sell the Zambia Diary Produce Board. The truth is out but the cadres cannot believe it that what they have been told by Chanda were all blue lies. lies have short legs that is why ubufi bulabwlela

  2. For sure let it start from the beginning to date. Any one found wanting must be arrested and whatever they have be given to the state. Let independent commission of inquiry be made up of outsiders e.g British or USA and trust me people will jump. But if it’s made up of local people it won’t be a fair one cause everyone wants to fix the other.

  3. This man is very brilliant. Let’s try him by giving him a term and see what happens. We may just reclaim these lost years of economic mismanagement. Sometimes our own shadows scare us. Otherwise, this stale political smear of privatization is not taking us anywhere.

    • Try him for a term and he’ll take you for a ride like UPND, no elections for 20 years. He is unelectable. His party uses an A4 sheet of bond paper which they call 10 point plan.
      He is president of a Facebook page called UPND. On the ground he’s nothing. He’s not being GENUINE about the inter party dialogue because he’s fighting another front with the impeachment motion. He’s trying to sneak into State House using impeachment because he’s not CONFIDENT about his recent 10 party headless chicken alliance. He’s juggling too many balls. He can’t even start mobilizing his party for 2021 because his priorities are mixed up. He’s to LAZY to start canvassing the country to gather the potential voters. He’s gone bonkers, berserk, nuts! What a looney

  4. Hakainde, the question is: DID YOU PLAY ANY ROLE IN THE PRIVATIZATION PROCESS? If the answer is Yes, what was that role? Did you take advantage of that role by conniving with Government officials in undervaluing assets earmarked for privatisation? Did you eventually end up owning some of those assets? You can only fool your brainwashed bantustans

    • Go back to school, an evaluator is not the seller. The person who receives the evaluation report is the Finance Minister who together with the Attorney General recommended to the MMD cabinet the evaluation report. The Cabinet either accepted or rejected the evaluation. What is difficult here to understand?

  5. I don’t think the question is about HH privatizing anything personally. Or whether he was in Govt at the time privatization took place. The question is: As a hired “TOOL” or “EVALUATOR” on behalf of the Zambian people, did he engage in some UNETHICAL dealings that personally benefited him financially above and beyond what he legally was entitled to as compensation for his work? That’s the question he should answer!

    As a general rule in matters of this sort, an evaluator of any asset can not turn around and buy or acquire the very assets he was tasked to evaluate….it is called CONFLICT OF INTEREST and totally unethical. And we know some people have bragged in the past that THEY DID VERY WELL FOR THEMSELVES DURING THE PRIVATIZATION EXERCISE. So, is the “DOING WELL” about the…

    • Continue…

      compensation they got for doing the work they we’re hired for or something else. Let us find out!

      Who and how many folks engaged in this sort of unethical behavior at the time and what, if any, consequences should befall them is what the inquiry should be about. It is about time this question is answered and finally put to rest once and all.

    • Ethics are not breaking the law dude. What PF is parroting is that HH sold the mines because they know the ethics thing will not do that much damage. Do you think it is fair to hold an employee accountable for taking advantage of government policy as a businessman? Considering that the report was presented to Government by Grant Thornton and not HH as an individual? What I understand is that as a Zambian, he was well within his rights to buy what the government was selling coz the assets were publicly floated. There is no clear allegation from the PF about what exactly he did wrong rendering this funny enquiry business a waste of time and money. On top of that PF does not really have the sharpest tools in the box so if the Levy regime found no dirt on HH PF do not have a chance in hell.

  6. Bwana HH, we know that the finance minister and attorney general by law overseas the sale of national assets but this is done after evaluation. In this case the evaluators were criminals because all the national assets were sold cheaply. This inquiry should be set up as quickly as possible. We need a closure to this issue.

    • Da ….. HH as an individual did not evaluate the assets it was done by Grant Thornton the company HH worked for and by law you have to take that company to court and not HH, the only problem is Grant Thornton did their job but the MMD govt under the leadership of Chiluba decided not to listen to Grant Thornton and decided to sell companies for a song. This is just a political gimmick which is about to back fire on the PF govt. Did you even know that Edgar Chagwa Lungu was involved? I guess not until his name appeared in the papers …. belive me the inquiry won’t hold because they know it will implicate most of the PF members so they will turn around and say after a lot of consultation it won’t benefit Zambians but for me I would say bring it on cause noushalimo akabamo. Lies have…

    • What you are insinuating is that the evaluator has the final say on the price of the company to be privatized?
      Tell me, If you are selling a house and you hire an estate agent to evaluate your property, will you straight away agree on the evaluation report if the price is lower than you anticipated?
      You are failing to believe the obvious but the lies you have been fed by pf are hard to remove because they are embedded in your thick skulls

  7. Hakainde, the question is: DID YOU PLAY ANY ROLE IN THE PRIVATIZATION PROCESS? If the answer is Yes, what was that role? Did you take advantage of that role by conniving with Government officials in undervaluing assets earmarked for privatization? Did you eventually end up owning some of those assets? You can only f.ool your fellow bantustans

  8. @Yambayamba, that is the most sensible comment on this thread thus far this is not about HH privatising anything. That is not the question. This is about the role he played

    Standing on a podium and shouting that my mother is a woman is plain silly and typical of Under 5 attitude. We all know that your mother is a woman, we all know that your never worked in Government , we all know that you were never in any cabinet, and probably will never be standing on the roof top and shouting my mother is a woman is silly.

    That is not the issue here

    That is why we call you under 5

    • I follow your comments but I think here you are missing a point. The ultimate authority to sell part or whole of government assets rests with a the Minister of Finance (Plus attorney general and others in government) and the cabinet. If HH undervalued some property (by the way, this was a some one in his late 20s or early 30s), why should the elected officials accept that and go ahead with the sell? The FTJ cabinet was perhaps one of the best in terms of having some our best educated and brainy citizens of the time. They included the likes of Penza, Tembos, Miyandas, Kavindele, Mulemba, Malambo, Nawakwi. How could they be fooled by a kid?

    • Our hatred of HH must not lead us into irrational decisions and waste money on unnecessary inquiry. Privatization is a complex process involving ZPA, Cabinet, President, Attorney general etc. and cannot be blamed on a citizen whose firm was hired to provide value for certain government owned property. The decision to sell or not sell rests with elected officials and their technocrats and Not private individuals and firms. This is a dangerous way to go. Politically it may make sense for a day, to try and disqualify HH, but in a long run is not good for economy or investment.

  9. He is abusolutely correct. Let’s start with the fire trucks, roads, mansion in Swaziland, and many more before we go back 20 years. Look you PF (pure failures) supporters. HH was an employee of Grant Thornton. Its impossible that he acted outside the consent of the company which has all ethical policies. Government had the right to refuse to sale the assets even if the evaluation given. They also had the option to sale at any price they felt and sideline the evaluation. To solve the problem you will need to implicate all those involved and the list is very long.

    • Fire tenders will come later. First things first.

      Dont mix issue in order to confuse and obstruct.

      Why did end up buying a lima bank house

      How did he end up being share holder in southern sun hotel .

      We Dont hate this man. We just hate his silly childish arrogant attitude.

      He was an axis if evil and today hes trying to bring up ftj and lpm simply because they died.

      Arrogant. Pompous. Rude. Self centred. Crooked. Tribal.

  10. This man thinks we Zambians are fools and we don’t know what happened. It is the question of who evaluated those assets of state owned enterprises before privatizing. HH was the evaluator of those assets and he undervalued them in order to get some kickbacks from the purchasers of the same assets. We know that he was closely involved in the privatization process by way of being hired by chiluba government to assess the value of the assets. The government could not privatize those assets without HH advising them of the value of the assets. After giving the government under assessed value of the assets the government now privatized them little did they know that the values were manipulated to HH’s benefit

    • Yes HH was the evaluater under Grant Thornton the firm he worked for, they did their job and gave the figures to the MMD govt under the leadership of Chiluba but instead of them going by what was evaluated they decided to sell the companies cheaply, the people you need to start asking questions are Katele Kalumba, Edith Nawakwi, Francis Kaunda and your own Chagwa Lungu. This is political and it just backfired.

  11. In all fairness, only an expert valuation expert can tell whether the asset cost assessed was correct. Why didn’t government get different valuation companies or experts at the time and refuse to use the evaluator or evaluation given if they saw something wrong? Why did they not question the value at the time? We had accountants and economist at the ministry of finance. No one understood the privatisation process? Lungu was there at the time. Why did he not question at that time? Lungu admitted he was part of the process. Why does it become unethical for HH but not for Lungu. Zambians let’s fair for once and focus on genuine issues such as the debt problem and how Chinese have taken over our land.

  12. The corrupt Guptas of SA were never in cabinet. Was President Lungu in cabinet? President Lungu chaired one committee. What was role?

  13. This man thinks we Zambians don’t know what happened during the era of privatization of state owned enterprises. It is the question of who evaluated those assets and not who privatized them. HH was hired by the Chiluba government to assess the values of those assets but unethically he undervalued them in order to get hefty kickbacks from the purchasers of the same assets. we know that he was closely involved in the privatization process by virtue of being a valuer .The government could not privatize those assets without HH advising them of their values. After giving the government under assessed values, the government now privatized them little did they know that the values were manipulated by HH to his own benefit.

    • Sounds exciting thoughts. If I’m a selling a house, I engage someone to value it, and that someone undervalues it, do I sell it at that price? Don’t I get a second opinion? Besides, was this HH hired as an individual or was it a firm he worked for? Mind you, this was a 30 year old.


  15. Well said fellow bloggers. If the inquiry will aim at fixing one person then we are missing the point. At the same time I agree that the inquiry should not just look at privatization of state assets in the past. We need to include activities taking place to day, the way road construction tenders are evaluated and awarded. The inflating of figures for example on fire tenders. All the evils must be exposed.
    Country men perhaps lets take the “TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION ROUTE” where people will be allowed to state the side of the role they played and state what benefits they accrued if any. Those who will refuse to come forward and later on exposed should be jailed and made to pay back what they store. Those who will state the truth will be granted amnesty and forgiven as…

  16. Hakainde was a beneficiary of the assets he undervalued. He could not have sold the assets but he undervalued the assets, knowing he was going to buy them cheaply with his friends. Let the inquiry begin and let those who used insider information be prosecuted.

  17. Going on the outright defense is a wrong strategy. What HH needs is to do a thorough background job quietly. The timing of this issue is meant to elicit exactly this kind of response….Get ahead of the game badala or you will be done before you know it….Remember how Task force dainted FTJ’s image?

  18. Even those who bought copuncil houses at cheap price must hand them back to the government. Most these people commenting about privatisation were in nappies when it was done. How can you say they were undervalued? More than 20 years ago? Meanwhile you are wathcing some people stealing governemnt money and you are watching. The agitation for privatisation that happened 20 years ago has come about because the country has huge debt and people are as poor as they were 20 years ago because of theft by PF.

  19. Usual response

    Dodging issues.

    No comment answers. Ati that’s being smart

    Do you understand privatisation

    Answer: No comment

  20. Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Swaziland Land Corruption Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Swaziland Land Corruption

    This Privatisation CoI call n0nsense is really like chasing a goose… PF thinks this is the only way they will get back at HH but what they are failing to know is that they will end up fixing and exposing their own corruption and their friends’ who served in the MMD. The truth is MMD and FTJ Kafupi in particular are the ones who looted the national resources and pocked the proceeds of privatisation. HH may just be a side kick who took advantage and benefited from the privatisation. He has valid points about the fact that he was not in government and those in govt are the real culprits who had a responsibility to do right by the country. But above all, what will they do with the findings of the CoI? Is the aim to reposes those public companies and assets from those who bought them or to…

    • Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Swaziland Land Corruption Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Swaziland Land Corruption

      continued….Is the aim to reposes those public companies and assets from those who bought them or to send people to jail? In either case, it is near impossible because for starters most of those companies have since changes hands and the owners now are not the same ones who bought the companies back then at near give away prices. In the latter case, most of the main culprits like Chiluba have died and the country spent huge amounts of money trying to prosecute them and recover the stolen money to no avail.
      And this may be more complex than you think… you will have to involve the IMF and World Banks and witnesses and suspects since they are the ones who advised govt to sell those non-profiting asses in the first place. Since no one wanted to buy them at the time (because they…

    • Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Swaziland Land Corruption Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Swaziland Land Corruption

      continued…Since no one wanted to buy them at the time (because they weren’t viable) and Zambia was in huge debt at the time, it was the IMF and World Bank who set up the conditions of the privatisation, like disposing them off no matter what, even at give away prices and having tax holidays of up to 10-20 years until they broke even and started making profits.

      And if the aim is to learn from history, I’m afraid we have to start at the present where this govt is looting whatever national resources remain and selling them away to the Chinese at a song. This CoI call is either a ploy by the PF to distract from their current looting or they are trying to think they will finally catch HH or they are simply guilty of their looting at the moment because we all know nothing will…

    • Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Swaziland Land Corruption Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Swaziland Land Corruption

      continued…we all know nothing will come out of it. How many CoIs have we had and nothing has come out of it, except the country has continued losing huge amounts of money on them… not even Siliya or Masebo have gone to jail from the previous CoIs for their dodgy involvement in dubious procurement. The PF are also trying to future proof themselves from prosecutions and CoI to investigate their current selling of state assets when they leave office, so that they argue you refused to investigate the 90’s privatisation.

      I say be careful what you wish for… the main suspects in all this is the PF and the MMD.

  21. Ati bembas are thieves.

    Here is one for you

    He will never accept he stole till the grave

    When you surmon he will keep saying NO COMMENT

    Hes a hard-core thief


    In 1978 – 84 kk introduced COMMUNIST government ( Anglo Americans made kk an enemy)

    In 1984 kK expelled the Anglo American completely. ( the issue that brought removal of UNIP.

    In 1975 ZIMCO and FINDECO listed as a multi million dollar enterprises ( Anglo American wanted full control of mines and other sectors kk refused)

    In 1970s kk introduced Russian and Balkan systems of ruler ship ,( Anglo American and IMF squeezed unip government on economic sanctions)

    In 1977 Mazoka made to be Anglo America chairman of Southern Africa ( preparations to oust unip government)

    In 1985 Anglo American and IMF punished UNIP for direct alliance with the China and Russian on arms deals.

    In 1987 Mazoka had finished his role and…

  23. In 1988 the WINA and AKA families formed MMD by funds from Anglo American. The black manifesto was to SELL the companies and factories in Zambia.This was to do away with COMMUNIST Governments of running NATIONAL AFFAIRS.

    In 1990 MMD was launched to challenge UNIP .( moves plotted by Anglo American)

    In 1991 MMD formed government , PLANS OF ANGLO AMERICAN get underway and fulfilled.

    In 1992 the Imperialist dominates over SELL OF COMPANIES and MINES by using the own people to EVALUATE the goods at their lowest ebbed.

    Mazoka’s son and others trained by Anglo American crucified Zambians by SIDING WITH THE SAME IMPERIALISTS . They sale national asset at give away price.

    All in all ,the same IMPERIALISTS who took advantage of Zambian traitors ( privatization evaluators) the same…

  24. The privatised Mines, Parastatals and other Assets were owned by GRZ. Its only the Owner of an Asset who can sell the Asset to the Buyer at either evaluated, discounted or market Prices. HH thru his Audit Firm was hired to give Financial Advice on the Privatization of Mines for a Fee. This he did and got paid for work done. The Govt of the Day should be made to Account. Surely the Govt and ZPA records should show who sold the Mines. The Govts of the Day should account for the privatised Assets. Period.

  25. Why are you so preoccupied with one man, HH? This is looks similar to the way the Constitution was at one time doctored to bar Dr Kaunda from participating in an election – PF gov’t please just work and deliver because people want development such as good paying jobs, hospitals & Clinics with medicine, better infrastructure, corruption-free society, affordable water & electricity, food, etc. This witch hunting will not take the Nation anywhere, it will just cost the tax payers more money (more money into lawyers pockets) and exacerbate corruption and also increase our national debt. Why should we go back and dig issues that happened 20 years ago and leave the things that just happened yesterday unattended to (the unreasonably priced Fire Trucks, Ambulances, Toll Gates, etc) – HH is…

  26. Conti…
    HH is correct to suggest that we need to start with these, which are still fresh and may not cost us much. God bless Zambia!

  27. Just open MWEBANTU and read the story headlined ‘Part 4, HH check mated as Privatisation story get uncovered more than before’. My stomach went rumbling after reading.

  28. We all know that this issue won’t go anywhere. Let’s remain sober on this than playing a blame game on a private citizen. Yes the figures sounds very low as at present time, however, we should remember for example that 12,0000 Kwacha was a lot of money 26 yrs ago. I remember buying a 3 bedroom government house at 13,000 Kwacha and I struggled to pay this money. HH never did anything wrong! Ask those who agreed to sell the assets. That’s why being dull is very dangerous because some of these guys were signing things without understanding the implications!! HH is smart, period!!

  29. Mwansa with all that evidence you wonder they have not arrested HH more over the man has said he will realise a detailed statement

  30. This is a Political Witch hunt with 2021 Elections in mind. ECL’s objective of appointing an Inquiry in Privatizing Govt Assets is to convict HH and disqualify him from Running as a Presidential Candidate in 2021. That is ECL Strategy for 2021 Election. This must be stopped forthwith.

  31. If it is true that key national assets such as Mines were under valued by Accounting firms to benefit certain individuals, then this crime deserves an investigation. In the meantime HH and anyone perceived to have enriched themselves must not defend themselves but wait for due process.

  32. So HH single handedly valued the mines!!! He must be a genius!! No nichekeleko sure!! Some of us know that ZCCM inquiries have been set before and the likes of Francis Kaunda were found guilty and jailed.
    Zambians don’t be distracted by PF gimmicks.

  33. I will also push to put in place a commission of inquiry to ascertain as to whether lawyer Lungu stole client’s money and lost practice licence as a consequence. If proved right it is abomination to have him as CEO of the country.

  34. As one of the people who were affected by overzealous privatization and thoughtless closures of some companies embarked on by MMD Government, I lay the blame squarely on the MMD Government of FTJ and his Cabinet Ministers’ including his Vice Presidents’ during that period who are still alive. They were the principal and master-mind in the whole set up.

  35. When cadres are taught how to use internet and not brains…they will cheerfully issue misguided statements about who sold KCM… when it was sold.. and to who it was sold..this is why I believe there should be an exam before getting a voters card to access if some people do have something between their ears…

  36. It makes no difference whether one was in government or not – an accomplice in any shoddy deal is just as guilty as the one directly involved.

    It’s not like these things took place centuries ago. There are definately enough documents in the archives to expose every name of role players in the process. Elsewhere in the world, where investigations are applied strictly and without regard to anyone’s profile, this case would already have been closed by now and all prime suspects brought to book.

    As for statements like “I never privatized anything…” etc, that’s just an attempt to mislead the ignorant masses who have no clue of what really transpired. This is why an inquiry is necessary to educate them.

  37. E.g. FTJ whilst UK instructed his Vice President on phone to go on air to announce the closure of Zambia Airways on 4 December 1994. This is an airline which owned many solid assets in Zambia, Mauritius, Botswana, other African Countries, USA, UK and Europe etc. The Government appointed PriceWaterHouse Coopers as the liquidators. There a lot of questions needing answers or taking stock of Zambia Airways Assets and how they were disposed off. In short the inquiry is most welcome if resources are available but it is bound to be a mammoth task not just focusing on HH’s involvement, there were many players assigned in various process of privitization and sell of assets at home and abroad. ZIMCO too had many assets at home and abroad.

  38. What this means is that all those who bought government property at give away price are also guilty and should have their housed taken away. The process was illegal, Chiluba had no legal right to sell government property.

  39. I have no doubt HH somehow benefitted from privatization. If the country has the manpower and money am all for the inquiry. Let’s find out who else, how they did it, if it was legal or illegal and if it’s possible for the country to get back some of that wealth. We have too many people with unexplained wealth in the country and it’s time to clean up. Let’s teach our kids morals…dont touch or use what you have not earned legally. In the last 10 yrs I have watched friends and distant families become multi millionaires in unexplained circumstances. It is wrong and it’s time to put a stop to this plunder.

  40. Fire tenders are a very little baby to carry on the back but privatization is the issue we have to deal with as it affected more people than fire tenders , no one died in fire tenders nor lost any job .
    Privatization killed the whole nation and it is not only HH involved a lot more crooks though HH STANDS OUT AS A MIDDLE FINGER.
    THERE WAS A CHATEL OF CROOKS WHO took the shares now we have to FOLLOW UP them where ever they are hiding and we know them.
    They are all backing their fellow crook HH in their mission to cover up their misdeeds.
    The records are there to trace them if you fail to follow-up this case as a leader better step back , Zambians will find someone to bring these characters veto book.

  41. @kudos, the valuation of mines was conducted professionally by pricewaterhouse and the true value of our mines was presented.

    If some politician decided to sell at low value, let that chap be brought out, hopefully not from the grave

  42. Very intelligent response by HH and very satirical response by GBM.

    Ati they must have been drunk when they decided to call an inquiry into the privatisation programme. GBM and HH made my day today.

    PF, mwachepa sana!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. This nigga can privatise the all nation and deny it.
    He does know how to questions. Damn it he is so dodgy. He has been dodgy all a long.

  44. All this time the government has been saying HH sold the mines I thought they already had evidence to my surprise this is when they want to start to gathering evidence against him if they have evidence against him why not just bring it forward so we the people can see it and while they are at it let them also inquire into the other issues that we the people that voted for them have raised e.g fire trucks

  45. From ECL very vocal response so far it’s becoming clear he didn’t steal during privatisation and I think he only became a thief recently for me it only proves he has been stealing because he has never been this vocal about corruption and theft

  46. This issue is non partisan the whole of Zambia is in poverty because of these looters who are shameless , now want to steal much more than they did who shall allow them to do that again!
    Those sleeping dogs shall never lie untill every crook is imprisoned and the loot given back to the state you thought you will for ever be in power but time will make it tighter and tighter for you breath.
    People lost families due depression and you never thought about them because of your insatiable appetite to steal.

  47. Hacks, can you answer the question please? You also embarrassed yourself in the same way with Steven Sackur on BBC Hard Talk.

  48. This is Totally Witch hunting
    You had a Govt in place called MMD some former Ministers and Govt officials who were in that govt are still around. Why go for an individual who just an employee in a company at the time of the privitization process?

  49. if you live in a glass house dont start throwing stones at others . see now very soon we shall hear that some people have been flown to south african hospital for treatment. at this moment its some foolish cadres who still want to believe in lies.

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