Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government is disappointed with the manner in which the Government Complex is being run


Government Complex
Government Complex

Government is disappointed with the manner in which the Government Complex is being run with some services not functioning as expected from the property managers Hallmark Property Services.

This came to light yesterday when Minister of Works and Supply Mutotwe Kafwaya, in the company of Director Human Resources and Administration Mr. Wezi Lukhele and Director of Government Valuation Department Brian Chirwa made an impromptu inspection of the complex that houses a number of Government ministries and other clients.

The visibly disappointed Minister took a swipe at Hallmark Property Services management for failing to provide the services they were contracted for.

He has with immediate effect given them a two-week ultimatum to rectify the problems faced at the Government Complex which are the fixing of the lifts, provision of properly designated parking space for all vehicles including VIPs, fixing the toilets on all the 16 floors and cleaning up of the surroundings.

Mr. Kafwaya said his Ministry gave Hallmark Property Services the task to run the property on its behalf and provide services to all the clients and said he was not impressed with the state of affairs at the Government Complex adding that he expected any challenges being faced by the property managers to be resolved instead of allowing deterioration of the infrastructure.

He said even President Edgar Lungu expected Zambians to get the best service from the public servants and Government Complex is one such property that renders service to the public and should be in good condition.

The Minister who took time to inspect the public toilets on the ground floor which are out of service, said the situation was unacceptable.

Mr. Kafwaya was informed by Hallmark Property Services Assistant Manager Stephen Mushota that the problems with non functioning toilets, lifts were due to erratic rental payments by tenants.

He also said his firm has difficulties in stopping the parking of vehicles by the main entrance, most of which belong to senior Government officials because they refuse to park in the designated VIP parking spaces.

The Minister found that motor vehicles including some for VIPs parked on the main front entrance which houses water tanks in the basement.

It was noted that the continued parking of the motor vehicles above the basement threatens the lifespan of the concrete driveway and may eventually collapse due to pressure exerted on it and cause damage to the only water reservoir the Complex has.


    • The is a reason why some countries are classified as 3rd world. You can’t manage a building you want to manage an economy. Independence came too early for these counties.

  1. I have for civil service. Attitude is very poor and its a big mistake to house civil servant in a smart building

    I have seen mopes dirty mopes dangling over those beautiful glass for drying and you just wonder

    All civil servants must be housed in mulungushi with dirty mopes hanging over the windows and cables all over walls and pipes.

    All take them to city market

  2. We have a culture of living in filthy. Whoever is responsible of maintaining Government buildings has totally failed. It’s not just a question of money but using the Brains. If I come from a filthy home how do you expect me to look after a clean environment!

  3. The problemo is no one is sacked or displined…..the management company obviously has powers to clamp wayward parked cars and has the power to lock up and evict none payment for rentals , but they don’t.

    Blame them for everything, the buck stops with them.

  4. Yaaa our country….awe sure!! Very disorderly!! Yes there cars parked right at the main entrance to the building sometimes Minisetrial cars! If one finds out further,they would discover that this same Hallmark is not a renowned Property Manager but got this contract dubiously leaving out those who could have done the job better!

  5. This is the most dirtiest government building in the world…you can not believe that Ministers and PS’s work in this building. The surroundings can make you carry…very very dirty! The ramp is not a parking sport BUT it is these lazy Ministers and PS’s who want their cars parked there. This has been going on for years….

  6. I wish to caution jay jay that not everything has to blamed on the president.we need to change our mindset.Thats why the president makes appointments for people to run these institutions.we shouldn’t depend on the government on can be your own boss without looking for developing nations opportunities are everywhere but we tend to buy cheap talk from disgruntled politicians who are just after our vote to loot.i don’t agree with the these most politicians crying foul and shouting corruption when they are surrounded by the most corrupt individuals .start first by getting rid of these vices before you opt for high office to govern the people you want to vote for you.look at our opposition leaders sorry to say none if Iam to be honest are clean to call the other…

  7. Comment:why not give it to us the army.we LL run it so nicely that you won’t even recognize it.jst look at the start of all the nation stadium.only if the army can come in and protect these mult million start assets. Zambia will continue to prosper as it is now. God bless u all.

  8. CHALO NKHANZA ; you can say that again , one wonders Zambia umugulu , if super power countires whose economy is sound are doing away with nuclear facility , zambia atumbama ati we will build one , i smell a rat , some one is reaping big time from this so called nuclear facility mark my words .

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