Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa has with immediate effect summoned Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (LWSC) authorities for a meeting at his Office on Monday.
The impromptu meeting follows complaints by a cross section of Lusaka residents that they have been consuming contaminated water which he has confirmed to be true.
Concerned residents in residential areas such as Mutendere, Nyumba Yanga, Kabulonga and Ibex Hill yesterday complained of contaminated water .
On Friday, Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) urged the water utility company to be more responsive to public claims of possible water contamination.
But both LWSC Managing Director Jonathan Kampata and his Public Relations Manager Patson Phiri according to media reports yesterday dismissed the allegation saying despite the contamination happening briefly, the situation is under control.
However, Mr. Sampa yesterday established the truth when , during his impromptu visit in Nyamba Yanga area yesterday morning , he discovered that the piped water was contaminated as it did not have chlorine, a chemical used for treatment of water.
Accompanied by Lusaka City Council Acting Director of Public Health Edgar Mulwanda and other council officials, the visibly annoyed Mayor said from his finding yesterday, LWCS is not economically telling the truth.
“I have therefore summoned LWSC Managing Director Jonathan Kampata and his engineers for a meeting on Monday, 7th January to tell us the truth. I have established that water the public are consuming is not chlorinated,” he said.
The Mayor and his entourage later visited an affected patient, Sharon Chirwa who is admitted at CFB Medical centre receiving treatment.
At least four people are admitted at nearby hospitals namely Saint John and CFB Medical Centre respectively.

Good that it’s Miles and not Lusambo, something will be done, not just shouting.
Miles,. Miles really likes to be seen working,, just find a solution for the poisoned water period
Has this Guy been taken to account on his 100days promises, or Lusakans just as Zambians remained ndwi?
He was talking about WIFI fimo…Fimo…but leaving out issues that matter to the ordinary person, such as contaminated water.
And when a few reasonable people on this forum mentioned this, we were called names. Too many shortcuts pa Zed, awe mwe!!
The painful part is that Zambians are taken for granted, anyone can cheat them, never react or take action.
Dont think Miles can do anything …its laughable…when you look at the LWSC board you will find that there are names there that were in Miles Sampa Mayoral Campaign Team, same names pop up in his advisory team.
You docile foooools vote what you get especially those who turned away now you are drinking your own sh%%
The drama from this government will never stop .Are there no regulatory bodies that police poor performance by these service providers or even take these companies to court for putting lives at risk. This is what happens when the rule book on the rule of law has been shredded and replaced with the law from Chawama .
Someone wants to be vindicated that cholera is a national event. Seeing that its overcome they want to atleast find a way of causing the outbreak. Shame on him.
Look behind you , your shadow has a knife
Hehehehe ……let’s her it for privertisation ? No we can’t lungu was selling Lusaka companies ……
When will people understand that good governance is a system that works together?! People have been paying services for years and yet the same sad song of floods, contamination and inefficient supply is sung every year. Yet honestly misuse of taxpayers funds is always in the news from shady government deals. Let’s begin by improving our quality of life equally, we are a small nation for the unequal divide to be this large.
LCC and LWSC are both contaminated with incompetence ,corruption and lethargy. The contaminated water is just a by-product of all the above.
Wamvela vipatala iwe; CFB, St Johns not kids play
The first priority during his campaign was free WiFi rather than clean water. Remind Miles people of Lusaka he also promised to keep Lusaka clean how are the dumpings in Lusaka markets? From all his fake promises he has only achieved giving people contaminated water and pretending to be working with test tubes in his holy hands. PF is developing Zambia backward.
Yes, indeed. Can someone update on those 100 days promises by this dribbler, anything improved pa LSK?
I told you people back then to vote for anyone BUT Sampa …I was accused of being a UPND…Sampa is unable to touch all those places you mentioned as they are controlled by cadres who put him in LCC…even LWSC is a hot potatoe for him as the board is full of cadres who were on his campaign team.
Can a lawyer get in touch with Sharon and sue these corrupt service providing agencies? Maybe getting them to pay for their mistakes will create some improvements. Doubt it though, Zambians are too complacent with expectations of a better life in the next life.
Charge and fine that company, let the victims be compensated….
A mere telling off is not good enough.
People have lost earnings and possibly life….
Zambians are not that organised to mobilize themselves …you will find that majority of them didn’t even go to the clinic to get a sicknote. People power can even force govt to sack everyone but we all know that the company is full of cadres close to Lazy Lungu.
Miles don’t stray into Bowman’s territory
Bowman will give you good kicks Miles you don’t hold test tubes for bwana Lusambo the Minister of the great city. Instead go activate wifi we need to browse.
Thank goodness we now have private hospitals; the public ones would have been gagged from releasing information. This must be the year that the Zambian population begin to demand accountability, delivery of services being paid for and proper monetary itemization of what it is we have been made to pay for all these years. So-called service charges must be clarified going forward.
Ba LWSC likes blame game…..they don’t own up on whatever they serve…..it’s either Zesco no power….or unknown people damaged their pipes…..it’s a shame they are not ethical in their operations….
They are just following what Lazy Lungu and his govt does fish starts to rot from the head…you are still waiting on FIC Report, Vespers Report, Mukula Report etc
The Truth of the matter,if you don’t bring back kalani muchima on prime TV forget about me watching your station.last time I asked muvi TV management to return coster mwansa they refused, that made me to stop watching muvi TV.i don’t follow the name of station but the caliber of the journalist and the way they ask questions during interview.in kaoma we have few people watching muvi TV , which may happen to prime TV if they don’t return kalani muchima reporting in shiwang’ndu district.on prime TV I followed kalani ,mark and kaseba mashila not your station name NO!! watch tomorrow interview will be very boiling like for last week.just return him don’t few shy kalani muchima has made this station to be known because of him.Hope on Monday he will be available on interview.
Thank God that LWSC has admitted water is contaminated, so Please Look for a Quick Solution before its too.
You are truly gullible and incautious…they admitted after one week on something the regularly take daily hourly tests on its standard Quality Control…its like ZB knowingly letting sub standard bottled beer on to delivery trucks instead of destroying. You are happy to drink urine and feces??
wake up!!
Thank God that LWSC has admitted water is contaminated, so Please Look for a Quick Solution before its too late.
So Sharon is contaminated too, no wonder lately she been missing here, Sharon….Sharon…
I thought u re taking about the reaction of the mayor of Lusaka to call upon the management of Lusaka water and sewerage company to come on board and see the way forward not bowman is a failure .he felled to develop kabushi constuency come 2021 he who see, former i p s in mmd kabushi constuency.
Sampa , this is all because of you not doing your Job. Whoever voted for you are fools. You are totally not suitable for the Job of a Mayor. The city is very very dirty and very soon you will be experiencing Cholera. I saw the filthy with my own two eyes in Lilanda for example. It is the same everywhere. Do you even move around Lusaka to see what is going on or you just spend your time in your office in a dilapidated building ? You first clean your Dirty City, then summon the LWSC. Shame
nika third episode alefumya. in case have forgotten this is the who ate nshima for K700.00 and failed to ati nshalipile service tayaciba bwino.
What Authority does the Lusaka Mayor have to ‘summon’ the LWSC management? I thought he’s just a board member of the LWSC ? Where is the Minister of Water and Sanitation?
Mamamamama “Bowman Lusambo directes the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company to secure their water infrastructure” and “Miles Sampa summons Lusaka Water and Sewerage over untreated and contaminated water”. Let us wait and see.
HOPELESS MAYOR, just reacting to situations through Public Relations stunts!! When you move around the city, Street lights, Traffic lights are NOT working, there are no Road Markings and road signs in some places, drainages are blocked with water running over roads, Buildings are being modified or extended with out council inspections and all he does is pop up to show some “numb” authority when some error is committed instead of PUTTING THE ENTIRE CITY IN ORDER!!