Saturday, July 27, 2024

No person or investor is allowed to fence water sources or bodies-Jean Kapata


Lake Safari Lodge Siavonga Zambia
Lake Safari Lodge Siavonga Zambia

The Minister of Lands and Natural Resources has directed private land owners who have fenced off water source frontiers to remove the fencing immediately. Jean Kapata explained that no person or investor is allowed to fence water sources or bodies.

Ms Kapata disclosed that 50 meters from water frontier should be left open for community use. The Minister made the comment in Siavonga when she was addressing Journalists who wanted to find out what measures her ministry is putting in place to deter people from fencing water sources.

She said communities have the right to access water frontiers as they are a natural resource. Ms Kapata wondered where domestic and wild animals will drink water from if all river frontiers are fenced off.

She stressed that government will not allow a few individuals to enjoy water sources at the expense of majority Zambians. The Minister said she will soon write to land officers in the provinces to give notices to people who have barricaded river frontiers.

Ms Kapata said she will not wait for the draft national land policy to be enacted for her to swing into action.


    • This is work off opposition to challenge issues. The whole kafue river front has be privatized and you can’t take your children for fishing adventure

      We have a clueless opposition that thinks pf will be removed through insults.

      Today the media is the ONLY voice .

      The only thing we hear is tender.znbc . Chinese .nrdc.

      What a wasted decade

      Am a non partisan political consultant

    • What about those resorts that don’t allow black Zambians to step in? Up to now nothing can be done! Shame on you Zambians.

  1. On a serious note, Ba Jean has started this year at a high note with people in mind. Don’t change the lane Ba Jean.
    PF think twice, Jean can make a great Presidential running-mate, Nalumango can’t match her!

  2. Yes, step in the right direction. And please review the 99 year lease in foreigners owning land. It’s the most valuable thing we have. Not mention it’s the one thing we are sure to leave for our children.

  3. read the terms and conditions when giving these people anything? And soon its ZAFFICO when ma chinese put a wall-fence

  4. Even siavonga. You cant access water. Its all private land and yet its opposition stronghold. Why . Where is opposition .

    They are busy in hotel s with 10 united talking about tender. Avic while foreigners are grabbing land.

    • The opposition parties in Zambia are extremely weak. We hardly hear from them on many issues affecting the country.

  5. Madam minister I hope this will also be extended to Kazala Richard who has also done the same thing at his farm which is located along Chingola Solwezi Road, 25 Km west of chingola. He has deliberately barricaded the land (water body) where people used to go and draw water and and other stuff. He has fenced the whole area for his cows, thereby disadvantaging the local community because the whole mash is totally unaccessible by the local people.
    So can the minister investigate this matter without favor.

    • This is not okay. And its top govt officials that do that. Its crime against humanity.

      These are topical issues for opposition to capitalize.

  6. The problem is more complex. For example, imagine 5 resorts, each with a fenced off 1km shore front, all of them neighbours ( i.e one after the other, concurrently) adhering to the 50m guideline. To access the beach, you would have to enter from somewhere 5km – if you find an access road that is!
    2 decades ago, i saw this in Zimbabwe after crossing into Zim through Chirundu. Practically upto Harare there was farm after farm , all fenced off, all fences adhering to the 10m-from-road rule, BUT, how do you access land BEYOND those farms??

  7. We an opposition that can promise to reposess river frontage. The greater majority will support that kind of promise.

    These are issues GEAR Mapenzi must be talk about and punching holes in PF

    Now you have an opposition that is crying over mukula that was cut and auctioned already

    Am a non partisan political consultant

  8. We concur with that statement to avoid disturbing eco-environmental natural set up. It would be more effective if law is enacted to back up the move and warn the general public and investors.

  9. the words where “I have No Plan” we shouldn’t be surprised that the people appointed have no idea of their job description.

    • Dont insult Hon Nurse Jean The Baptist…lol.
      They are all clueless she should have gone to the people in her Ministry to find out if the titles issued covered the waterfront. But what do you expect from a misfit of a Minister who should have been left wirking as a nurse?Total confusion.The scandals happening at her Ministry right now make Gladys Nyirongo look like a saint and a geniuse…

    • @Mario, maybe the ignorant one is you who doesn’t know that by law no title can extend into a water body whether it’s a lake river or just a mere stream whether it’s seasonal or perennial.

      Wherever there are water troughs, or gullies created by water as an end boundary, there is no firm boundary as that is common land. Unless such gullies, streams, or water bodies are completely inside the external boundaries of such land e.g dams.

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