Saturday, July 27, 2024

AU advises DRC political players to challenge Election Results through Peaceful means


African Union Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat
African Union Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat

African Union Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat has advised all concerned stakeholders in the just ended presidential election in the Democratic Republic of Congo to act in a way that consolidates democracy and preserves peace in the country.

Mr. Mahamat who took cognizance of the provisional results of the Presidential election in the DRC, as announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission congratulated the people, political actors, civil society and relevant national institutions for the conduct of elections deemed satisfactory by African Union Election Observer Mission led by Dioncounda Traore, Mali’s former President.

The Chairperson advised political players with intentions of challenging the results to do this peacefully through avenues provided by existing national legal framework and political dialogue among all stakeholders.

Mr. Mahamat emphasised that regardless of the final results of the elections, the situation in DRC requires genuine National consensus based on respect for democratic principles and human rights.

This is according to a statement made available to Zambia Embassy in Addis Ababa, by the Peace and Security Department of the African Union made available to the media by First Secretary for Press and Tourism at the Zambian Embassy in Ethiopia Inutu Mwanza.

Opposition candidate Felix Tsisekedi has won DR Congo’s presidential election according to electoral officials.
The announcement, sparked accusations of an “electoral coup” from runner-up Martin Fayulu while the Catholic Church said that the result did not match data collected by its election monitors.

The ruling party, whose candidate finished third, has not yet contested the result, prompting allegations of a power-sharing deal with Mr Tshisekedi.

It is an accusation Mr Tshisekedi’s team denies.

If confirmed, Mr Tshisekedi will be the first opposition challenger to win since the DR Congo gained independence in 1960. Current President Joseph Kabila is stepping down after 18 years in office.


    • Too many benefiting from free and unfair rigged elections. AU should be renamed – UAD (Union of African Dictators).
      Kabila has proved expert at hanging on to power since succeeding his assassinated father in 2001. Elections were delayed repeatedly as he sought to carry on after reaching the two-term limit on the presidency in 2016. Protests were lethally suppressed. When he eventually called elections, he barred western observers. A mysterious fire destroyed voting machines, polls were delayed, and officials said violence and an Ebola outbreak precluded voting in places. Widespread irregularities were followed by the lengthy wait for results, with suspicions growing as the government shut off the internet.

  1. Iam shocked how foreign countries have so much interest in the elections in dr congo , we begg them to leave the people of congo alone with their decision of their leader.
    It is wrong for any church to involve it self in choosing a president the church need to remain neutral with partisan politics , careless speeches can incite people to do violent acts learding to the loss of lives I wonder if the catholic church is ready to be blamed for such nor the foreign minister of france .
    If Fayulu lost elections this time in fact he is a new man in this game the winner is a popular leader of a well known party throughout the nation who cannot struggle to sell himself to people of congo.

    • @nshilimubemba, I beg to differ with you the DRC problem goes beyond the Congolese people given the length, location and impact it has had on the region. It’s like asking your neighbor who has fallen in pit to pull himself out, your hand or rope will go a long way in saving his or her life the sooner you offer it. On a positive note, turning around things in DRC will bring unimaginable development to the region.

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