Zambia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji has stated that the call by President Edgar Lungu for a government of national unity in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was necessary to bring peace and security to the country.
Speaking live on SABC, Hon. Malanji said that even in the event that all processes were complete, this could not guarantee peace and security in the DRC.
And South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Lindiwe Sisulu has called for a UN Mediation team to help arrive at a political Settlement.
Hon. Malanji who is the Chairperson of the SADC Ministerial Committee on the Organ of Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation and Head of the SADC Electoral Observer Mission in the DRC said DRC was holding the 3rd election in 60 years. He recognized that the advisory was unprecedented and historical because of the unique position of the DRC.
Hon. Malanji thanked the DRC government for funding their own elections and for ensuring that the Congolese people expressed themselves through the ballot.
Hon. Malanji said the government had overcome numerous challenges including security threat and disease to have this elections and that some regions did not participate because of the Ebola and areas of insecurity, adding that although there was a legal process, the interest of DRC and its peace was secured and SADC was committed to a peaceful Congo before and after elections.
Hon. Malanji said Zambia agreed with South Africa’s proposal to the United Nations Security Council to send mediation team and appreciated the role that the community of SADC had given to the DRC.
Hon. Malanji said DRC, had 600 political parties and attracted over 15,000, and said that CENI also did well to ensure that transparency.
However, a member of the Felix Thisikedi team based in Johannesburg, Claude Ibalanka expressed concern that the proposal might undermine the process. and called for a possible government of national team after the court process was complete. Mr Ibalanka denied that the outcome of the recent elections was engineered by the out-going President Joseph Kabila.
But Hon. Malanji dismissed the fears, saying the matter was a strong proposal for the sake of peace and that President Lungu consulted widely to ensure that if engandered, lasting solution and peace will prevail.
The so called ‘governments of national unity’ are an affront to democracy and have shown in the past that they do not work. Did not work in Zimbabwe nor Kenya. They are a compromise to appease sour losers. Democratic elections require that a winner is declared and has a mandate of the electorate according to the prevailing rules of the constitution. Why do we then need to begin accommodating people/parties who were not voted in according to the rules? I thought we had moved past this nonsense in recent years. Lungu should be care in promoting such initiatives as he can rest assured that in 2021 if PF wins by a small margin (which is more likely than and landslide), the UNPD will push of a compromise in the form a government of national unity.
@blabla. I beg to differ. For true purposes of transition GNU works, provided that all parties involved participate in decision making. It worked in SA, Namibia, Kenya (Kibaki and Odinga coalition). The winner takes all kind of democracy isn’t always the best especially were they are rising tensions.
Lungu has been AWOL for 6 days now.
He went to RSA to brief Ramaphosa on DRC elections & for a routine medical check-up.
Democracy in Zambia has crumbled, hijacked by a thieving cartel. PF00Ls & Zambians have no moral right to comment on DRC.
Jesus said, “Before removing the speck in your friends eye, remove the log in your own eye”.
How many times HH went in for treason because of not “recognizing” some one as president??
Dialogue first with Kambwili and invite Tshekedi to witness how it done.
Kekekeke listen ifyo abena Kaizer is saying that PF has government of national unity with MMD.
That MMD government spokesperson is now PF spokesperson.
Govts of National Unity are lazy solution ….and don’t slave anything if there is a winner why push for one. What SADC is saying is that they are also not sure about the result
Where is this lazy man called Edgar Lungu?
You Gay fagot Jay basterd you read quack news at Zambian Witch Doctor and come here to make noise. get lost Moth fckr
Ask your relative Sishuwa or your nephew Lloyd.
You’re still an arss hole in 2019 no sign of growth from your Under 5 state. Pillock
LT editor look at the small boyi without internet etiquette Bonehead spewing nonsense
Idi*ot you think it’s fine for you to poke ridicule at the Republican President and the First Lady. Get the fck outta here Under 5 bushman. Go jerk off to Kainde’s oxtail.
BaKontwe – Profanity is the common crutch of the conversational cripple…these are small boyis like Sunday who just stumbled into the party don’t mind them!!
He thinks its his job to protect his master Lazy Lungu like a dog without thought….I for one dont have any dispute with this boy!!
He has gone to waste time and to consume high quantities of alcohol such that he can temporally lose his mental functions about problems in Zambia .
My man, Mr. Kudos!! Chebe ichi mwana cha ndoshi!!!!
The opposition has taken the matter to the Constitution Court which is yet to decide on it. In addition
SADC has not sent a delegation to DRC to talk to all parties and verify the claims by both parties. The call for the a Government of National Unity is therefore premature and baseless. The true winner is known and the Court is yet to decide. What is wrong with African leaders? They so incapable of resolving simple issues. CENCO has the results and they know who the winner is.
You let Kabila over stay his term in office, now you want to protect him from prosecution. He is suppose to be heading to the ICJ, so that a precedent is set.
Its midway January 2019 still no news on the pointless National airline from the dull foool Brian ..please get back our $30 million from EA you thievies
“Dull Fool Brian”
Very good internet etiquette from a self-proclaimed ‘enlightened’ minion squatting in the UK. Piece of sh*it wancker
“dull foool Brian”
Very good internet etiquette from a self-proclaimed ‘enlightened’ minion squatting in the UK. Piece of sh*it wancker
If he is so smart ..why has he not launched his silly airline? My dull small boyi its because numbers do not add up
“dull foool Brian”
Very good internet etiquette from a self-proclaimed ‘enlightened’ minion squatting in the UK. Piece of sh*it wancker
Being called a foool is not an insult ..anyway you wouldn’t know the difference small boyi raised in massage palour!!
Foool – a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person. Ah coming to think about it, stupid would have been better, having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.
What about “sufferer of genetically induced !imbecility”?
Just ignore that trib.al Jay Gay. Trying to die for Trib.al Hacks but imagine even death rejects them!
Here is another one dumba$$ who was born yesterday fixated with tribalism …with this dull one here I think his mom and daddy are brother and sister
Yaba iyi cadre yeve bakuchaya
Ha ha ha ha
GNU is an appeasement tool for sore losers ,an accomodative settlement for losers is not allowed in sports and its never allowed for failed students.Destabilize a country,threaten peace after losing and you get rewarded with a post-that’s sickening to reward such wrongs.
This what happens when you rig elections to return strangle hold on power for absolute power’s sake.
“PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa is in a catch-22 situation over whether to implement recommendations of the Motlanthe commission of inquiry into the August 1 post-election violence, which urged him to engage opposition MDC leader Nelson Chamisa to move the country forward,” reported Newsday.
Zimbabwe is in this economic mess of serious economic meltdown because it is in a political paralysis. Zanu PF has ruthlessly imposed itself on the nation as the only party to govern the country regardless of the party’s performance.
Yes Mnangagwa is caught in a catch-22 situation but one a lot more subtle than having a dialogue with Chamisa. He rigged the elections to return his strangle hold on…
… He rigged the elections to return his strangle hold on power for absolute power’s sake but also to make sure he and his fellow Zanu PF thugs are never held to account for all their past misdeed of looting, rigging elections, staging coups and mass murders.
By rigging the elections Zanu PF was assured of the party’s iron grip on power but it also forfeited the people’s democratic mandate, making it an illegitimate regime.
How can Zimbabwe function properly when sanctions are still in place?? MDC failed to prove rigging allegations when given chance just like all African opposition. Odinga got wise and abandoned the western influenced African opposition which cries rigging all the time. He successfully nullified an election but realised that he still can’t win as his opponents supporters will still vote for their candidate just like his own. The west now realising that democracy is taking root in Africa and their influence is fading as Africans can now make their own decisions-like side with China-are trying to discredit African leadership as corrupt and dictatorial so its people can reject it so they can usher in their puppet regimes-Kainde, Chamisa, Fayulu, Maimane etc. Sadly they are creating single…
…party states as the populations see through their puppets and reject them at the ballot. Then the familiar “rigging” cry bellows and the court contests begin. Its all a scheme to undermine African leaders and democracy by the western powers and prevent the rising influence of the Eastern powers. Truth is democracy has worked in Africa. Administrative glitches or teething problems by electoral bodies still exist but ballot tampering doesn’t. All over Africa western puppets are losing elections. Development takes time but populations are sensitive to western schemes as information is more readily available and more Africans get education.
Hawing wet dreams?
Government of national unity my sorry A$$. Apply it pa Zed, before trying to export that nonsense beyond your borders.
imwe baKongole. Simulima nolima. we shall close our borders and see who brings food in. Just listen to voices of wisdom and do the needful.
Most of you are busy denouncing the proposal BUT you are failing to give context the real problem!! I am NOT a fun of Lungu but I believe this is a GOOD JOB SO FAR!! The PROPOSAL TO RECOUNT VOTES IS IN LINE WITH WHAT THE OPPOSITION,CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS, UN SECURITY COUNCIL, EU,AU, GREAT LAKES REGION WANT and is in LINE WITH THE LEGAL PROCESS TAKEN BY THE “losing” OPPOSITION. Further the results at Provincial and Legislatative assembly give Kabila absolute majority,in which case Kabila’s coalition will appoint a Prime Minister and Ministers to run the government which will MAKE PRESIDENT VERY WEAK TO IMPLEMENT REFORMS.Kabila himself is NOT GOING INTO RETIREMENT as by LAW he is a SENATOR FOR LIFE (UPPER HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT) and thus may even be Speaker of the Senate! These issues must be…
Looks like SADC know results can be manipulated
All this reference to ECL and DRC issues is just a way to make him appear relevant and give the impression he is around and working (when in truth, we haven’t heard from him in almost a week) He has not appeared in person – all these are statements being attributed to him by others.