Saturday, July 27, 2024

10 000Km of feeder roads to be constructed this year – Chitotela


Ronald Chitotela, the Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister says Government has already approved the construction of the roads following demands to extend road development to rural areas and negotiations with the funders are currently underway.

Speaking during the PF Interactive forum in Lusaka yesterday ,Mr Chitotela said the government is expected to construct 1,000 kilometers of township roads on the Copperbelt Province through the C400.

Meanwhile, the Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister says government in 2018 through the link Zambia 8,000 managed to resurface total of 767 kilometers of road networks and created 6,000 direct jobs.


  1. ” the construction of the roads following demands to extend road development to rural areas and negotiations with the funders are currently underway.”

    Where do these lazy morons like this crook Chitotela take our tax and the toll fees the double charge us….I mean you removed subsidies to fund these projects but you are still negotiating with ‘funders’ without shame.
    What you should be doing is looking for ways to reduce the cost of constructing one kilometre of tarmac…try other methodology of road construction like concrete, roads made with recycled plastic etc. Who in their right mind will fund you crooks charging $1 million/km for laying 10,000 km of feeder roads which you will lay before 2021 and claim you did with own money…always relaying the roads every year.

    • The Observer – Typical you point to my ignorance yet do not correct me …FYI am very familar with this sector and I stand by what I say when I state RDA projects are overpriced …there are ways to reduce those $1million/km valuations for merely laying tarmac without drainage or lighting.

    • That’s wishful thinking especially when he is talking about funding just know that the Chinese are in the background…they are the only ones who fund grossly inflated projects as they know we will never pay back

  2. Well thumbs up JAY JAY , Why plan tuma upgrading of rural roads based on funding from china? Toll gates plus so many taxes we are subjected to ah we can understand if u say we are going to construct 10,000km from the Tax payers NOT EVEYTIME LOOKING FOR FUNDERS AIYA.

  3. The mis-minister has said they resurfaced 767 km of roads and created 6000 jobs.. I find this strange… not only is the number of jobs too even in arithmetic analysis but also the guy would have been wise enough to clarify what kind of jobs these are… casuals are not something a government should brag about coz after a month or working for the Chinese.. very few people will be self sustainining based on the monies paid by these impefu/nyandule

  4. The panda equivalent IQ of a guy has said they resurfaced 767 km of roads and created 6000 jobs.. I find this strange… not only is the number of jobs too even in arithmetic analysis but also the guy would have been wise enough to clarify what kind of jobs these are… casuals are not something a leader should brag about coz after a month or working for the asians, very few people will be self sustainining based on the monies paid by these impefu/nyandule

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