Monday, January 13, 2025

Airport road and Meanwood Ndeke -Kampasa roads in a terrible state


Airport road – Welcome to Zambia!

The residents of Meanwood Ndeke/Kampasa are experiencing difficulties with accessing public transport as minibuses shun the area due to the deplorable state of the main road there.

In the morning, one may have to cover up to 2.5km to access minibuses that prefer to be on the tarred road further away in Phase 2. Occasionally, especially when it is dry, minibuses still reach Kampasa.

When returning to Meanwood Ndeke, one has to board a minibus from Chelstone. Those who live in phase 3 near Kampasa are disadvantaged again as minibuses do not reach Kampasa when the roads are water logged. Understandably so, there are just too many potholes and a host of ‘semi-dams’ especially between Phase 1 and Phase 2. So minibuses follow the tarred road towards Phase 1 and then connect to Phase 2. That is where Phase 3 dwellers end up being dropped instead of the Kampasa road which takes them closer to their residences. Again, depending on the minibus driver, one is occasionally lucky to be dropped on the Kampasa Road at the right spot. Others still use the tarred road and then join the Kampasa Road via Alwima Clinic.

We call upon the minister of Roads and Transport, the area Member of Parliament, area Mayor and Counsellor to see to it that the road is at least filled with crusher-stones to just make it passable. The wear and tear exacted on vehicles that side is unimaginable. There is a huge population that side and the degree of inconvenience and suffering is palpable. It is rainy season now so we can only speak of crusher stones as a temporary solution. Of course, in the long term, those concerned should tar the road.

The airport road is badly patched. Motorists always have to meander about for smooth spots on this extremely busy road. We hope our leaders will drive there soberly, reflect on the state of the road and take action quickly to save lives. Not to mention the image first time visitors make of us as they leave the airport to enter our first city by road. If not attended to urgently, the matter will be escalated directly to State House.

The main road in Meanwood Ndeke

By Chalusa Elarm


  1. The money is being used for “important” projects like toll gates ,retirement home for RB ,the Edgar Lungu shopping mall in Kitwe..

    • Well, the airport road is in a terrible state. The contractor who worked on the road just put fresh tar on an already worn out tarred road. As for the Ndeke Meanwood right-side main road, it is in a deplorable state. Compare this to the roads in phase one and two, and Vorna where Deputy Speaker Malama Mwimba and Edgar Lungu’s female physician from Maina Soko live, it is indeed annoying to say the least. The selective development of roads we see in Meanwood Ndeke and Vorna is reflective of what we see in New Kasama and the new residential area to the right of Memorial Park Cemetry Roads there are developed at a faster pace because this is where our ministers and their children and friends are building. It reminds one of apartheid South Africa.

    • Meanwood is a private developers estate which was meant to have all these facilities it is most unfortunate when the developer has “chewed” some money and become rich investing in banks and insurance companies only for us tax payers to still pay for services he had initially promised buyers in this private estate. These are scandals to say the least … Mr Zulu should be answerable

    • Indeed, the selective development of roads in New Kasama, new residential areas opposite memorial park and in Ndeke phase one and two and Vorna is a stark reminder of Apartheid South Africa’s idea of separate development where the Boers developed their own areas at the expense of the Bantustan areas to which the majority black people were shunted. Who ever thought our own Zambian black leaders would treat us the way Boers treated blacks in South Africa for over 25 years? And we think it is the Boers who are discriminatory when our own Zambian black leaders are.

    • There is nothing worse than for your fellow black to treat you the way our leaders sometimes treat us. This is worse than for some white settler to discriminate against you.

  2. This administration has priorities backwards! Its a strong perception that projects with promise of lucrative “sweeters” get implemented at break – neck speed only to stall when the advance payment is exhausted. So much potential and natural resources, but we have a leadership that can’t turn the endowment into wealth and improvement of the standard of living of the nationals. In the meantime personal accounts are getting fat? Why do things only progress when the head of state is involved??? That signifies failure of leadership!!

  3. Even Airport road used by these lazy ministers when they go to escort the lazy bum at KKIA to fly to Chongwe for a 2 day working visit is in pot holes imagine? They would rather procure jets for $60 m and ambulances for $280K a unit just to pocket two third markup.

    • !mbecile, constructing roads from nowhere to nowhere makes your anointed one richer, constructing road from the main international airport to the capital city creates wealth for the Country.

  4. This is very true mwandini. Why is government not paying attention to the airport road? Infact they are supposed to treat it as an emergency. The airport road gives first impressions to first-time visitors to a country. So what impression do first-time visitors get about Zambia? Bad state of affairs, yet people drive expensive vehicles on that road to and from the airport

  5. Don’t complain: Come and see Kitwe Town Centre. Which they call City of Kitwe Kaunda square, you are better off there. Chibuluma Road, the so called Independence Avenue. As though this country has no Copper, Emeralds including Gold at Kansanshi Mine.

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