Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH to sink a borehole and repair broken down ones in Milanzi Constituency in Eastern Province


HH waves the UPND symbol to the Villagers in Milanzi Constituency in the Eastern Province who welcomed him
HH waves the UPND symbol to the Villagers in Milanzi Constituency in the Eastern Province who welcomed him

Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema has bemoaned the lack of clean water in Eastern Province particularly in Milanzi Constituency.

After seeing people of Milanzi and surrounding areas sharing dirty and contaminated water with animals, Mr Hichilema pledged to sink one borehole and repair all those with faults.

The UPND President has also promised the people of Eastern Province of better and improved agriculture policies as his time to rule nears.

He further encouraged the people of Eastern Province and Zambia at large to unite for one common goal of restoring Mother Zambia’s dignity and true One Zambia One Nation motto.

” This Patriotic Front (PF) government has neglected you, the roads and bridges are impassable”, said Mr. Hichilema.

Mr Hichilema is in Eastern Province druming up support to all opposition candidates participating in the forthcoming local government by- elections slated for 12th February, 2019.

The UPND leader wrote on his Facebook page, “Held a fruitful meeting with 26 headmen in Kamusimbi village of Milanzi constituency, Katete district of Eastern province on Wednesday afternoon. We discussed agriculture and rural development for our people across the country.”

He added, “Later we addressed residents of Kamusimbi village in Chindwale ward at which we emphasised the need for development in rural areas. And having heard the concerns of lack of safe and clean drinking water from both the village headmen and the residents, we pledged to sink water boreholes, repair those not working with immediate effect and begin setting up dams for cattle in the near future as all these are life supporting necessities.”

He said, “We are on a journey to making Zambia great for all and this we told our brothers and sisters as we drummed up support for our local government by-election candidate Jennifer Phiri taking place in Chindwale ward slated for 12th February, 2019.”

“We will together as a people take love where there is hurt, create jobs and business environment because there is non now, offer quality healthcare and education for all. Eastern province is beautiful but we will make it even more beautiful by among others developing the tourism sector in the area which will in turn create jobs for our people.”

“We are one people brought together by God, almighty for one purpose and that is to develop this land. Tiyende pamodzi ndi mutima umodzi, kuti tipeleke ziko latsu kusogolo.”

And in Nyimba, Police blocked the UPND President from greeting people who had gathered by the roadside.

The Police were however advised to act professional by allowing Mr Hichilema to extend his greetings.

Speaking on behalf of people Nyimba’s Kavuma village headman told the Police that Mr. Hichilema is a Zambian son who needed no passport to visit and share his vision with the people of Eastern province.

And the UPND President told the Police officers that he is not fighting them but fighting for them and their conditions of service to be improved.

Mr. Hichilema added that he was aware of the Police’s action to threaten and arrest UPND members and citizens believing in the party’s vision but that this should not be the case.

“Thank you to our mothers, women and youth who rushed to the roadside along the Great East road, particularly in Nyimba and Petauke districts of Eastern province,” he said.

“Seeing the elderly and the young running towards us shows how comfortable you feel when in our arms. We can assure our people in Eastern Province of greater times ahead full of better and improved agriculture policies.”

“To the Police, we say: allow citizens to enjoy their democratic rights. Remember that Hakainde is not fighting you but fighting for you and under our government your conditions of service will improve.”


  1. A borehole a cattle dam and some repairs during a ward by-election will surely develop eastern province. Politics of bribery, poverty and showmanship. Shame

    • “Seeing the elderly and the young running towards us shows how comfortable you feel when you are in our arm…” Zambians are welcoming to everyone except in Tongaland where you have told them to chase and stone anyone other than a UPND zealot. Zambia is not divided. It is your rhetoric and tribesmen rhetoric that is divisive.

    • The Police were however advised to act professional by allowing Mr Hichilema to extend his greetings.

      Speaking on behalf of people Nyimba’s Kavuma village headman told the Police that Mr. Hichilema is a Zambian son who needed no passport to visit and share his vision with the people of Eastern province.

      And the UPND President told the Police officers that he is not fighting them but fighting for them and their conditions of service to be improved.
      “To the Police, we say: allow citizens to enjoy their democratic rights. Remember that Hakainde is not fighting you but fighting for you and under our government your conditions of service will improve.”

      If you genuinely continue on that trajectory of working for the people of Zambia not for publicity but just in the spirit of noble works across the land and outside government, people will begin to appreciate you and the Government of the day will begin to get jittery and jealous. Its their money you know. Give it back to them slowly, once you give it all, in no time you will earn your spot in Red Brick, mark my words and mark ’em well. This time whoever advised you to do that, did one enormous job. Crisscross the land with that and bam! Double h will be the CICOTAFS and POTROZ. I declare.

    • When you realize that those have access to national treasury are incompetent , this is the perfect thing to do, can anyone show a even a single latrine built by Chang Wang
      before he became mp.

    • Certainly way better than chitenge, tee shirts, and alcohol that the other party pries the electorate with! The boreholes will benefit the community with a measure of domino effect on the province and the nation as a whole. Health benefits of the community drinking safe water are immeasurable!

    • @1.6 and 1.7 Are we not talking about a “self-made” billionaire? Where is his heart for the people.
      Real test, yeah? Just like in
      Matthew 19:21
      Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.”
      Gloomy faces ensue on the faces of all rich kids at the sound of this verbatim. I can see you’re sad already.

    • I’m surprised that people still listen and believe these useless statements from politicians which come only during elections.

      The two PF master piece slogans decimated the deads to the core. One coined by MCS’s PF, the other by the current POTROZ’s PF. During a bye election, when Government is enticing votes, you say they are working, what a coincidence! When the opposition copies that, it’s receive and eat, index finger on your lips and you know who to vote for (secret ballot kaili), the spirit of don’t kubeba. Most UPNDEADians loathed this slogan with heavy hearts citing corruption on the part of voters.
      The sonta epowabomba mockery. Indeed, how can you sonta epowabomba if as Nemesis puts it, you have to be in power even to do small, small projects within double h’s reach like doing a ka simple borehole for the poor? Advice, outside election days shouldn’t double h…

    • … lobby for cash or donations from his party and other donors for him to carry out works he must do across the land? No? Until he is president? Really? A gang of rich kids?
      No no no, rich kids want to be president for prestige not for the people.
      Riches must go hand in hand with taking care of the poor even when you’re not president yet. 10% of your profits to God. 10% to the poor.
      Zambian rich kids are so selfish and diabolical. They must not lead over us.

    • What is HH doing addressing the police? Lets not involve the police and the army in our petty politics. The Electoral Commission must come up with a code of conduct that bans all politicians from addressing policemen and soldiers on anything during their political campaigns. Police should be independent of politricks

  2. Lets stop acting like one is a greater sin than the other coz every political party in Zambia is guilty of voter bribery. Edgar Lungu has chitenges and GRZ money while HH is using boreholes.

  3. The sinking of boreholes and cattle dams by UPND has been necessitated due to bye-elections? Talking about roads I fail to understand UPND policy over roads. Isn’t this the same party that says people will not eat roads?

    • Good works with no strings attached ought to be appreciated and applauded.
      No strings?
      Yes no strings. Decipher this…
      Matthew 6:3
      “But when thou doest alms, let not thy
      left hand know what thy right hand doeth”


    • Suck ’em lazy bams at the ballots! The word performance as it relates to serving people is extremely allien to these lazy zealots. The POTROZ has repeatedly told them to attend to people’s needs but no, they crave for authority and sleep off until the next poll.

    • A wrong is a wrong. If it’s wrong for the deads, it’s wrong for the PF.
      Abrogating this norm must be consequential on both sides. These dirty misdeeds used to be the MMD’s daily bread. That was one of the reasons I loathed Mwadya Mweka Daddies.

  5. Yes,it is high time Zambians benefited a bit from HH’s stolen money via privatization!!!This greedy man has learnt it a harsh way as he kept on promising things minus doing or donating anything.WELL DONE KAINDE AND PLEASE DONATE EVEN MORE BETWEEN NOW AND 2021.WE NEED TO BENEFIT FROM THE MILLIONS YOU STOLE VIA PRIVATIZATION WITH FTJ CHILUBA!!However,winning in Milanzi or Eastern province at large for your UPND is a far fetched dream.We shall see after 12/02/2019 if your UPND candidates shall win in Eastern,Muchinga,Chililabombwe,etc despite your borehole offer!!!WE STILL FEEL PF WILL CARRY THE DAY THERE-PERIOD!!

  6. He knows he cant full bembas. Easternaz have no freedom in sp. They live like refugees after he unleashed cadres on eastenas in namwala

    Please eastnaz ask him about privatization and mine taxation. He will just keep dodging. As him how he made his money.

  7. Sata would go to east. Sit on a rock with Guy scot. Mix with Nyau.

    Now look at him. He is perched on expensive SUV. Talking to bare footed cadres. I feel insulted as an eastena. No wonder siwangangu is NO GO AREA because he is POMPOUS and politically impotent

  8. What is it that people want in state house. I fail to understand why people even waste their personal money even for ward elections to woo votes. Such actions just show desperation of the highest order.

  9. UNIP came and it went.MMD came and left the scene. PF is here and will also go. Nothing lasts forever. Zambia is not a preserve of the few. As long as you are the holder of green registration card, and you meet requirements of electoral rules, you are legible to be a leader. Parties come and go but Zambia will forever be there. If PF fails there are others who will take over and paddle the canoe. It is a fuss to think that this nation will perpetually be ruled by the same people.

  10. Kikikikiki… makes me laugh. Not so long ago he he expressed his disdain for Nsengas (part of the united community of easterner). What has changed today? Hacks, you think that we forget easily?

  11. “After seeing people of Milanzi and surrounding areas sharing dirty and contaminated water with animals, Mr Hichilema pledged to sink one borehole and repair all those with faults”. Hacks, this is the same as villages in your “stronghold” province or any other villages in Zambia. We know that your people do share water with cows. So for your “stronghold” province, how many boreholes have you sunk? Why the sudden love for easterners? I hope the easterners rushed to catch a glimpse of you as they do when they hear the presence of vinyau or gule.
    Boreholes galore! I suggest that Hacks extends this gesture to the whole country, all villages including chilubi island.

    • Ish ..Upnd cadre, stop promoting hate against Southerners! You can hate HH all you want…but stop the insults. Your evil thoughts are scary dude!

  12. Lets not involve the police and the army in our petty politics. The Electoral Commission must come up with a code of conduct that bans all politicians from addressing policemen and soldiers on anything during their political campaigns. Police should be independent of politricks

  13. Comment:
    Proper English notes” Do not look a GIFT horse in the mouth” . The quality of the horse is determined by the look of the teeth. A good will gesture of sinking and repairing boreholes whether during elections or not is welcome..The timing is rather to respond to an immediate looming crisis of dirty water, than wooing would be voters.. should medication be postponed until elections, whether or not either party wins?

  14. @ Thorn in the flesh … Politics aside, HH has made so many donations and supported ventures and structures in a lot of areas for a long time. Do your research. The difference being they haven’t often been reported or ‘boasted’ about. He has been sponsoring students through educational institutions for years, as another example.

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