Saturday, July 27, 2024

Religious Affairs wants Lusaka Hustle Show Discontinued, it promotes homosexual lifestyle


Minister of Religious Affairs, Godfridah Sumaili
Minister of Religious Affairs, Godfridah Sumaili

Minister of Religious Affairs and National Guidance, Rev Godfridah Sumaili has advised Multichoice Zambia to discontinue a TV reality show called Lusaka Hustler as it promotes immoral behaviour.

Zambezi Magic has responded to the public outrage about the show claiming the show does not promote homosexual lifestyle despite one of the participants who displays gay lifestyle.

But Hon. Sumaili has advised that the show be discontinued because of the immorality it displays.

“This show should stop immediately. Our stand as a Christian nation is clear and the laws of the land speak louder.”

Head of Zambezi Magic, Mr Timothy Okwaro, has responded to comments on social media about the reality show Lusaka Hustle.

Mr Okwaro expressed regret about a social media post, which he says has misrepresented the content of the show.

“Lusaka Hustle is a locally produced reality show which follows the lives of three Zambian celebrities who regularly appear on television. The suggestion that the show advocates or promotes any particular lifestyle is an unfair misrepresentation”.

He added that Zambezi Magic is deeply respectful of Zambian laws and culture.

Below is the promotional trailer for the show

Lusaka Hustle
Lusaka Hustle
Lusaka Hustle
Lusaka Hustle


  1. I think it’s unfortunate they called it Hustle as that seems to suggest some sort of behaviour unsuited to what common Zambians would understand culturally.

    • Dictionary meaning given of Hustle:

      push roughly; jostle.
      “they were hissed and hustled as they went in”
      synonyms: jostle, push, push roughly, bump, knock, shove, nudge, elbow, shoulder; More
      obtain illicitly or by forceful action.
      “Linda hustled money from men she met”‘

      Number 2 shows a common interpretation by people internationally, a form of immorality.

    • If you watch an advert selling perfume using a women wriggling and giving suggestive eyes to a man across the room, followed by a voiceover saying “wear this tonight and get a man of your dreams.”. Is that not suggestive of other activities?

      I think the protection of values of great importance as is the freedom to be whom you decide to be. There must be a balance and mutual respect of cultural ideas and a way of cultural being.

    • You are posting from the UK where you have thousands of TV channels at you finger tips from Hardcore porno channels to Gay TV to Family TV to Religious Channels…you dont watch all of them because they are not to your liking so what makes you think others like you also will watch them. ..yet UK is morally upright than Zambia where a minister can not resign on his own when caught red handed with or even a minster flipping a vehicle whilst drunk driving…you also have another openly stating that he will pay $10,000 FIFA penalty charge for a disgraced administrator who is guilty of receiving an $80,000 bribe we are talking of a minister who didn’t have a source of tangible income three years ago.

    • You are posting from the UK where you have thousands of TV channels at you finger tips from Hardcore porno channels to Gay TV to Family TV to Religious Channels…you dont watch all of them because they are not to your liking so what makes you think others like you also will watch them. ..yet UK is morally upright than Zambia where a minister can not resign on his own when caught red handed with or even a minster flipping a vehicle whilst drunk driving…you also have another openly stating that he will pay $10,000 FIFA penalty charge for a disgraced administrator who is guilty of receiving an $80,000 bribe we are talking of a minister who didn’t have a source of tangible income three years ago.

    • Minister of Religious Affairs and National Guidance, please can the resources be directed towards improving our health system. Not this fantasy we find ourselves in, lacks direction, objectivety …

    • @Jay Jay, but UK does have a broadcasting complaints overseer who can decide what is suitable to view on UK TV, heard on radio, printed in media etc. In accordance with expected and acceptable content standards the public want. They too call the shots as to what is suitable.

      Also there are tons of unscrupulous MPs in the UK and worldwide, but the difference is that the corruption and legal standards are always upheld. We in Zambia must follow this example.

    • The same individuals complaining about Lusaka hustle only few weeks ago were watching EPL matches with players putting on rainbow arm bands and corner flags in rainbow colors too.

    • Patriot Abroad – Why do you think there is the The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) which was established through an Act of Parliament No. 17 of 2002, which was amended through the IBA (Amendment) Act No. 26 of 2010.
      That’s authority that deals with such issues “fairly” not some silly hypocritical minister of an utterly pointless ministry cherry picking what is moral or not whilst wasting taxpayer money.

    • We are a Christian Nation indeed, we don’t trust the Church Mother bodies and don’t promote homosexuality but corruption, stealing from public coffers, cheating during elections, political violence. Hypocrites!

  2. Ba Sumaili hearts need to be convince and converted by the Holy Spirit and not regulated by a government entity. Christianity is not a set of rules and regulations, and no one enters heaven because they keep rules and regulations. You would do better serving the nation by focusing on the politicians you have failed to correct,!i guess you worry about your salary or is a stipend? Remember you are ultimately answerable to the almighty. Madam preach grace and salvation, everything else will follow

  3. How can it promote Homosexuality you stupid think one can simply want to mount his colleague from watching such? You have a fellow minister uploading and one drink driving, over speeding recklessly, damaging public property; you are quiet …what a silly minister in a pointless ministry of hypocrites.

  4. “Minister of Religious Affairs and National Guidance, Rev Godfridah Sumaili has advised Multichoice Zambia to discontinue a TV reality show called Lusaka Hustler as it promotes immoral behavior.” How? In which way? How about Parental Guidance and Channel Blocking facility on DSTV? What does the LAW say?The same Revelant puts on lipstick and tweezes the eyebrows, for what purpose?

    Can the minister address the below?
    Some will argue – Prostitution (which is legal in only certain areas). Two consenting adults, what is the problem?
    Some will argue – Abortion, because the fetus is human
    Killing enemy soldiers in a war? That can cut both ways; some people think killing any human beings is immoral, but others will contend that you have a moral duty to protect your country and the…

    • CONT’D…
      That can cut both ways; some people think killing any human beings is immoral, but others will contend that you have a moral duty to protect your country and the countrymen you are fighting beside
      Selling alcohol/certain kinds of drugs/cigarettes/addictive substances
      Although not everyone objects to these on moral grounds.

  5. Having watched the working preview video above, I personally hate it for the falsity it projects. Zambians don’t talk in those daft accents and the clothes are a cheap copy of haute couture. Zambians wear chitenge and cheap clothes from India, China etc.

    The lifestyle projected is fake, not Zambian nor Lusaka lifestyle. WHY CANT WE DEVELOP ZAMBIAN CENTRIC FILMS, SOAPS THAT ZAMBIANS CAN IDENTIFY WITH?

    • You are posting from the UK where you have thousands of TV channels at you finger tips from Hardcore porno channels to Gay TV to Family TV to Religious Channels…you dont watch all of them because they are not to your liking so what makes you think others like you also will watch them. ..yet UK is morally upright than Zambia where a minister can not resign on his own when caught red handed with or even a minster flipping a vehicle whilst drunk driving…you also have another openly stating that he will pay $10,000 FIFA penalty charge for a disgraced administrator who is guilty of receiving an $80,000 bribe we are talking of a minister who didn’t have a source of tangible income three years ago.

    • You are there posting from the UK where we have TV channels like G.ay TV, Hardcore Porn avialable on you see people being influenced by them. fact Zambia is morally decayed where you have leaders like Bowman bailing out former Football Administrators found guilty of taking have ministers with porn.o on phones paid for by taxpayers, ministers drink driving etc

    • So if the lifestyle projected is fake does that mean people will be influenced? You are posting from the UK where viewers have access to all types of channels but guess what they are morrally upright that these hypocrites like this minister here and her cabinet.

    • Because that is Zambia mate. Every time I visit pa Zed I feel like I’m dressed for Soweto market. I don’t wear make-up and have natural hair. I live in a developed country and people don’t stare at me but I as soon as I get pa Zed it’s like “are you really going out like that “ pointing at my jeans, tshirt and trainers. This is Zed and just getting worse!

  6. Lusaka Times, regulate the vile and hateful language used by some bloggers on your media against leadership. It’s disrespectful and by allowing it you are guilty of aiding and abetting it. Very distasteful and shameful.

    • What hateful language used against “leadership”..why can you not be specific as to what is hateful you want to “regulate” as you call it?

  7. Please scroll through the above and delete it. Such behavior is what gives private media a bad and unprofessional name.

  8. Good job Reverend!
    I have watched with total concern how Zambians are sliding down the moral path to adopt and view as ‘ normal lifestyles” such pathetic copycats of decadent typo western lifestyles. It is only the other day that , flicking through the channels, I saw this set up with this HE/SHE guy and 2 other girls and immediately, I knew what they were promoting. BE CAREFUL, some people have an agenda to numb your senses SLOWLY – it is like the peodophile who slowly gets the confidence of his future victim. WELL DONE MADAM!!!!

  9. I don’t care much for the that ‘she-man’ in the show. For me though I think the show is by no means a reflection of the Lusaka hustle.

    I don’t know any friends – male or female in this country right now who just spend all day having pedicures, manicures, sipping on Coctails and shopping endlessly- that Kardashian lifestyle portrayal in the show for me is fake and a no no.

    If it’s about the Lusaka hustle they should have premised it around young Lusaka entrepreneurs hustling to make a living but while doing that also have social lives????????????

    • Another one is Bowman Lusambo what is he also promoting helping Galu pay off $10,000 to FIFA when he was found wanting of corruption…I mean where does Bowman suddenly get that type of money when 3 years ago the boy didn’t have a tangible income or property…today he has houses with swimming pools and excess cash. In any other morally upright nation you would receive a visit from the Tax Office and ACC but in Zambia that applies to the poor. You have another lying that he was fatigued when he flipped his car when in fact he was drunk..imagine a bus driver telling the officers that the accident happened because I was fatigued?

  10. What if you simply change the channel and watch hope TV, EMMANUEL TV, CNN, natgeo, history etc.

    Are the wrestling channels also risking being closed.

    • Yeah, the problem is that they want to keep an eye on what everyone is doing. That is not government s job. Government wants to regulate even everything that goes on in our bedrooms. Are we Saudi Arabia?
      Our laws are formulated to take care of social behavior. The ministry of religious affairs is not incorporated into our laws all she is doing now is gate crashing on our laws already made by our parliament

  11. Minister with nothing to do as usual you have found something to keep you occupied for now. For you to know about this show means you were also busy watching.

  12. Madam Minister, convince me this is a christian nation first. All of you posting your comments here would perish in a local hospital(God forbid) if you fell ill. You are not important enough to be evacuated. So where is “we are all God’s children” and should therefore be treated the same?!? There is so much misuse of government coffers, little development because funds are mostly ending up in people’s pockets. Believe it or not, there is all these ills in the developed world but they make sure that all amenities work so that the ordinary citizen is not bothered. I guess we will never see that happen in Zambia. When will Zambians understand that life is here and now? These guys are eating “masuku” on your heads in the name of christianity. In the meantime, we are all ndwiii…

    • Dont mind this silly woman …K1 million disappeared through theft/misappropriation from the Toll Gates built at inflated rates and Finance Minister says the reported losses were related to minor system configuration challenges across toll booths and toll stations.

    • Religion is the opium of the poor given to them by the rich after stealing from the government. This Ministry is irrerevant to the very Zambia its supposed to serve. When we take over government we shall scrap it off and punish evryone who benefitted from it including civil servants working there.

  13. Religious affairs ministry should be discontinued as it promotes moral nonsense. Religion is a private matter between you and God.

  14. Homosexuality is genocide. Western Europeans are scared that their numbers are reducing, because their women are refusing to bear children, and homosexuality is on the rise. How are some Africans this blind and dumb? Let Africa thrive and grow like China has. China has the west scared.

  15. This is where you find the PF……..Busy watching each other’s backsides , pretending to be doing dunnuna reverse…

  16. Do not conflate religious matters with the law. You are not running your own homes. You are running a country. This Ministry MUST disband otherwise we will not control mayhem when the intolerance boils over and begins to erode our traditional togetherness. If you can’t stand what you are watching, change channel or sell the TV.

  17. How does it promote homosexuality? Is it a feeling that the minister has or can she provide us all with evidence? If not are we gonna be dictated to by the whims of one and I repeat one minister?

  18. Why do we Zambians like pretending? Don’t we watch South African soap operas where some actors/actresses play the role of homosexuals.Whether we want to accept it or not, homosexuality is real. But I’m not saying it is okay to be homosexual, it is certainly not.

  19. A hypocrite minister at head of an irrelevant ministry attempting to remain irrelevant when she should providing counsel to the administration on values and the endemic corruption that she very well knows in rife in the corridors of power, including the higher echelons. But she is blind to see!

  20. Much as I agree with the minister that the programme be discontinued, I doubt whether Multichoice can go ahead to do that. I’m sure a contract was signed between Multichoice and the producers, so it’s business for Multichoice. It will be loss or revenue for them and besides, they air other equally “dirty” programmes and movies of a gay nature not fit to be watched in Zambia. If Multichoice can’t discontinue the programme, maybe the best for now would be just not to watch the programme when it airs on TV. But I totally agree with the minister.

  21. I for one feel like this ministry is a share waste of national resources, the money being spent on this ministry can really help alot the poor Zambians unlike spending it on some cadre hiding in christian clothes.
    Why hasn’t the minister condemned ”Mpali” the series which comes on Zambezi magic, because that serie is based on a man that has more than 5 wives (and as we all know, polygamy is not allowed/entertained in Zambia).

    These people are using Christianity as a way of making people blind followers to there bad/hiden agendas, and it is working very well. That’s why 1 person said that ”Christianity is an opium to the poor”

    The truth is, our God is not a God to mock, so bena Sumaili should wait until that time comes (it always does).

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