Tuesday, February 18, 2025

IBA orders suspension of Hustle Reality show


Lusaka Hustle
Lusaka Hustle

The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) has directed Multichoice Zambia to suspend the Lusaka based Hustle Reality Show, aired on Zambezi Magic on the DSTV platform.

The suspension, which has been ordered to be done with immediate effect, has been necessitated following a public outcry, that the Reality Show promotes a lifestyle, contrary to Zambian values and culture.

IBA Director General Josephine Mapoma said the authority has received several concerns from the public, with regards to the show, and as such directed Multichoice Zambia to withdraw it, in public interest.

“Section 24(1) of the IBA (principal) Act,2002 provides that all programmes by a commercial broadcasting service shall, subject to the conditions of a license and regulations of the authority-(a) reflect the culture, character, needs and aspirations of the people in the areas they are licensed to serve,” she said.

Ms Mapoma has urged the producers of local content to produce that which reflects the Zambian culture, as well as take into, the Zambia laws.

She further urged the television stations, to preview the content, and ensure that both picture and sound, is in line with the Zambian culture, and suits the needs of all content consumers.

This is contained in a statement availed to ZANIS in Lusaka today by IBA Director General Josephine Mapoma.


  1. Are those thighs photoshopped or that man has some chick thighs? Perhaps a career in hollywood coz thats too much for Zambia! I’m even confused whether to type “the man has nice thighs” sounds very wrong!!

    • So the scene where these guys are at a massage parlor has the whole country talking? What if this guy had just had his back massaged so he was waiting for the friend who was getting a massage and the friend is visibly naked? Isn’t it that usually people in massage parlors usually have very less clothes on and mostly are clad in robes?

    • Almost all the shows on DSTV “promote a lifestyle, contrary to Zambian values and culture.” They promote murder, adultery, vulgarity, homosexuality etc… just ban the whole DSTV.

    • You should not have put picture, almost throwing up. Close the shhit, delete and wash TVs with jik.
      Dorika is better because it doesn’t have beads.

    • That picture is plain disgusting. Like it or not being gay, transgender is a mental health issue no matter how you say you where “born this way”. Soon America will start promoting beastiality and watch some lunatics come out and say they where “born that way”. If you have seen a movie titled “The Shape of Water”, you will agree with me that beastiality will be a the table for legalization in the USA!

    • The sign that a nation is sick is when a president buys a jet in the sea of poverty and people are silent. A s.tupid movie causes an outcry.

      How God concentrates such s.tupidiy in one country is a wonder

    • First time i heard i tuned in to Zambezi magic luckily the programme was aired again, the conversation in the beauty parlour had nothing to suggest that they are pro twanikane, the boy though he has a girlie figure was talking about how his lady friends always want to make him their Chola boy, and he doesn’t want the uncle respect he received from the lady friend’s kids to be ponyika, maybe those complaining were smitten by his girlie figure, they are the ones who should search deep down their hearts their intentions.

    • Very schopeti decision. Multichoice always shows us people bonking on Big briother and the IBA has never banned it. We watch naked women dancing on Channel o ‘s adult show everyday and no one bans it. The IBA is a toothless rubber stamp that we don’t need in Zambia.
      This Mapoma woman has no spine and we don’t even know her track record record in freedom of the press for her to be appointed IBA boss. She obviously wants to keep her job and is not there to protect our democratic freedoms. She must be fired immedtialy.

    • Everything is political in this country….just remove these authorities and let Ministry of Religion take over everything!!

    • A nation of misplaced priorities!

      37comments on such a useless subject, let there be cholera and we will only have 12 comments!

  2. This hypocrisy is unbelievable! Don’t we watch some South African soapies every day where there are characters playing homosexual roles? And these soapies are aired by the same DSTv. Homosexuality is a terrible thing just like adultery but it is very real. We do watch movies where even adultery is committed but is adultery a good thing?

    • You can watch a man kissing a woman but you can’t watch a man kissing your wife.Same thing..watching other cultures practising homosexuality makes it seem abit alien and acceptable but watching your fellow Zambian do it is too close to home and brings discomfort as long held beliefs are challenged.

    • How do you feel when you fold your d!ck and stick it in your mpuut all day, so your g-string can fit??
      Girls don’t have to do anything to wear shorts and play soccer.

    • its not hypocrisy, its a zambian show, not a southafrican show so its liable to prosecution because we are a christian nation as recognized by declaration in Zambia.

  3. What is contrary to Zambian values and culture, is it the content of the show or one presenter? If its one presenter, remove him/her and let the show continue. Typical hypocrisy from IBA and that Sumaili minister.

  4. Thank you and hopefully it’ll be goodbye as well. We need respectful TV and broadcasts, the programme was not!

    • Patriot abroad you live in a country that practices tolerance even to you as an immigrant yet you exhibit homophobic trends.

  5. Some unwittingly revealing their disguised true sexual orientation from the way they are exclaiming above….hehehe

    Just keep silent….

  6. Now if everything was done so promptly in that beloved country, we would have our own missions to outer space! Nothing would stop us!

  7. Some unwittingly revealing their disguised true sexual orientation from the way they are exclaiming above….hehehe

    Just keep silent like BR MUMBA JR on such matters…..

  8. Is this Iran?
    You guys, isn’t modern family on dstv? They have homosecuals in that show and nonidy has complained. So what’s the issue here? It’s just a show. Let the actors thrive. What a backward lot of politicians and technocrats. Just switch to the next channel if it’s not your show. I personally would be fine with condeming the show and it’s values as part of guidance whilst allowing it to continue as part of freedom of expression. Let “Zodwa wa ma big man thighs” get a paycheck.

  9. Is this Iran?
    You guys, isn’t modern family on dstv? They have homosexuals in that show and nobody has complained. So what’s the issue here? It’s just a show. Let the actors thrive. What a backward lot of politicians and technocrats. Just switch to the next channel if it’s not your show. I personally would be fine with condeming the show and it’s values as part of guidance whilst allowing it to continue as part of freedom of expression. Let “Zodwa wa ma big man thighs” get a paycheck.

  10. Do not allow poofters to walk freely in our streets lest they poison the minds of innocent souls.Let such shows be given space in hell.

  11. You can sweep it under the carpet whichever way you like, homosexuality exists and has been around since Sodom and Gomorrah. Do I agree with the practice? No, I don’t but so do I not agree with adultery but we seem to think adultery is a lesser sin. Let us leave homos to live their life, are they using your Penis to enter exit only holes? Mind your business *****s.

  12. So the “independent” broadcasting authority is not so independent after all. That’s why certain decisions of the IBA regarding private broadcasters are questionable and this proves why.

  13. How “independent” is independent in Independent Broadcasting Authority if they can be dictated by public and political opinion? Maybe they should change their name to Censorship Authority. Shouldn’t they at least review it before booting it, because as much as a programme should follow the provisions of the law, there is is not a single culture or set values; every grouping has a different culture and values. Just the other year, there was so much promotion of a culture different than usual at N’cwala ceremony, there was public outcry on social media. If no one officially complains to IBA, IBA should do nothing.
    The hypocrisy reminds me of Iran, were Zombies in movies wear hijab and niqab.

    • We don’t need IBA in Zambia. Its a censorer. Yes the hypocrisy is naked. Mapoma was just a political appointment who was hungry so they gave her this post just like that Minister of Religion. That is what happens when nepotism is ruling people pretending they are working just steal money from the public

  14. I had a big crush on this sexy boy, whom I’ll name C, has blue eyes, a bit shorter than myself and black smooth hair since I was 18 years old. I never realized it until I turned 19 and by then, we were in the same class and he was the same age as I am. By then he was bi-curious, while I was gay so when I met him inside the school bathroom alone one day coincidentally, I frankly asked him “Do you love me?” He took my hand, looked me in the eyes and replied “I was waiting until you asked me.” And he kissed me and left quickly before someone barged in and saw us. Later on we dated many times and finally devised a plan to hookup one afternoon because usually our our parents expected us to get home late.

    We smuggled a small bottle of lube and a pantyliner to school one day and after school…

  15. We smuggled a small bottle of lube and a pantyliner to school one day and after school finished, we met inside the school bathroom and locked ourselves inside a stall. Then we started making out. I french-kissed C for sometime and we started removing each other’s clothes while kissing. I pulled down his briefs and started giving him a blowjob while squeezing his big smooth ass cheeks, he warned me when he is almost cumming, so I pulled out and let him suck mine. We haven’t cum yet so he took out the bottle of lube and coated my cock with thick silky lube using his hands. I bent him over in front of the closed toilet seat and inserted my hardware into his pink tight butthole. He started moaning but I told him not to be too loud in case the janitor came into the bathroom and heard us. I…

  16. What liars! Ati the authority has received several concerns from the public. You received a complaint from the ruling party and that becomes several concerns from the public?
    The Minister of Religion affairs complains and faster than Usain Bolt you act,you are banning a programme? IBA is a useless toothless censorer and that is not what it was set up to be. A democracy doesn’t need IBA? Journalists must march against IBA

  17. let us ban CNN also for being irrelevant to our lives, it only attacks POTUS Trump. we should also ban supersport, it only promotes useless english premier league which many brain washed zambians watch religiously

  18. Hypocrisy in Zambia, look in the mirror; then your own house: How perfect is it?

    They are much bigger issues to worry about. Why is energy wasted on something that is a choice. Someone provide the nation with ‘Changing Channel 101’ classes, it’s a choice people.

    Everyone gets their panties in a wad with something that is not being forced on them. Get over yourself and take a seat in your glass house. My question is, what does it do to you when you see the ‘immoral’ images on TV? Is their a great surge of temptation that your need everyone’s help to keep you away from responding to your urges?

  19. Guys stop this acceptance of everything goes keep our own culture don’t follow these first world or whatever. I think the morals in zambia as a whole of gone down young girls should not be allowed to wriggle their bottoms be old men watch on that’s disgusting we really need to work on our morals they have really and truly gone down it’s sad really I pray for this guy that one day God will deliver him from this spirit coz that’s that’s what is at the end of it all

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