Saturday, July 27, 2024

Inonge Wina outlines President Edgar Lungu’s vision of empowering rural communities to Indian firm


Vice President Inonge Wina with Shakti Pumps Vice President for International Business Lakhpatsingh Dabi
Vice President Inonge Wina with Shakti Pumps Vice President for International Business Lakhpatsingh Dabi

VICE President Inonge Wina has outlined President Edgar Lungu’s vision of empowering rural communities with a view of reducing poverty and hunger.

“The President’s vision is to further improve nutritional levels which is in conformity with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of ending poverty by empowering rural communities,” Mrs. Wina said.

The Vice President said Zambia recognised agriculture as the main stay of the economy.

“I wish to emphasise that agriculture productivity is largely dependant on the various components of modern technology such as irrigation, modern multiplication of improved seed varieties that are drought resistant and can withstand harsh weather conditionalities,” she said.

Mrs. Wina added that Zambia stood ready to benchmark from India in the area of technology especially solar water pumping solutions.

The Vice President said this in Mumbai, India, when she held talks with India’s leading solar powered water pump manufacturer, Shakti, which manufactured digitalized water pumps in the outskirts of Indore, a City in the Indian State of Madhya Pradesh.

“There is need for solar pumping technology in Zambia to increase dry season irrigation to achieve food sufficiency,” she said.

Mrs. Wina had since invited the company to travel to Zambia to explore investment opportunities.

And Shakti Pumps Vice President for International Business Lakhpatsingh Dabi said the solar powered water pumps which could be switched on and off from any part of the world on phone also made it impossible to use once stolen.

“The technology has been put in place in response to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi who wants to digitalize all services in the Asian sub continent,” Mr. Dabi said.

And Zambia’s High Commissioner to India Judith Kapijimpanga said the company could work with water utilities in Zambia in providing solar water pumping solutions in view of the energy deficit that equally affected water supply.

This was contained in a statement made available by First Secretary Press and Tourism at the Zambian Mission in New Delhi, India, Bangwe Naviley.


  1. Here, here Madam VP
    As the new generation of Indians, we are committed to stronger ties with our Zambian brothers and sisters

  2. Is Gogo Wina on a working medical check up trip or what? The first paragraph is not true. President Lungu himself told us that he has no vision. So where did this vision come from?

  3. Always negativity ba observer. HH once said when voted into office the lowest worker would get K5000. When PF increased salaries, hell broke loose. Where are they going to get money to pay. Until today civil servant have never gotten paid after sate!!!! Its always on time or in time. To you what hh says is the best antidote for Chambia. Grow up my friend and begin to analysis issues level-mindedly.

  4. We are not on the Asian sub continent. Why not continue with the Chinese? Borrowing left right and centre can’t be good.

    The smart thing is they can turn the irrigation systems off by mobile from India if you default on payments! The question on the digitised systems is whether they are security passed. Will our security be compromised installing inter continental software that can be backed abroad.

    What are the implications on migration growth?

    • Will our security be compromised installing inter continental software that can be HACKED abroad

      What are the implications on immigration growth from the Indian continent.

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