Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia will not ratify the recently signed Africa Free Trade Area Agreement-Yaluma


Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Hon. Christopher Yaluma
Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Hon. Christopher Yaluma

Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Christopher Yaluma says Government will not ratify the recently signed Africa Continental Free Trade Area Agreement until further consultation is done with the Zambian people.

Mr. Yaluma says it will be after consultation with the citizens that the ACFTA ratification proposal will be tabled in parliament and Cabinet as required by the Zambian law.

He has urged Zambians to support the decision made by government to sign the ACFTA framework to allow Zambia join the envisaged common market in Africa.

He said Zambia stands to benefit in Government will ensure that there is industrialisation and production of quality goods within Zambia.

Mr. Yaluma says Zambians must support this measure as it would help remove the perception of Zambia being a dumping site of low standard goods.

President Edgar Lungu signed the Africa Continental Free Trade Area Agreement during the just ended 32nd Heads of States and Government Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

This is according to a statement released to the media by First Secretary for Press and Tourism at the Zambian Embassy in Ethiopia Inutu Mwanza.


    • You should also stop this foolishness you are planning of sending our brothers to be slaves in Arab countries.
      And please also stop the silly games with Chitotela. We know now that he is just been straightened for stepping out of line.
      It’s sad where our country is going. And it’s more sad to see some educated people on this blog busy supporting corruption.

    • Is Chris Yaluma one of those few cabinet ministers exempted from participating in PF campaign rallies? He is never really seen where the likes of Kampyongo are …

    • I think Africa has to overcome bigger problems before it can talk about free trade.

      Let us start by tackling corruption and abuse of office.

  1. Tell me. What legal route will you use to have the people of Zambia ‘ratify’ this agreement, when it has already been signed? A referendum?

    • Thru theirs Members of Parliament. According to the Constitution, all international instruments are subject to “ratification”.

  2. Zambians should mature enough to compete in business with fellow african notions mediocrity will do us no good , we must rise to the top our educated fellows need to make-up from slumber and start working than just complaining all the time .
    We have university graduates who cannot achieve anything to show to the world could not even design a bridge neither envent anything tangible to convince us , we have construction jobs given to the chinese because we lack credible engineers , not only in one field but multiple sectors of disciplines .

    • @3nshilimubemba YOU DEAD WRONG, Zambia has very qualified people in many fields, WHAT WE LACK IS PATRIOTIC LEADERSHIP TO VALUE OUR OWN PEOPLE!! Chinese are doing road projects NOT bcoz our people cannot do them BUT BCOZ THEY ARE USING CHINESE MONEY TO CORRUPT OUR LEADERS WHO CARELESS ABOUT THIS COUNTRY!! During KK’s time, we had Zambian construction companies e.g.Minestone,ZECCO, ENERGO,Delkins,Appolo,JJ Lowe, Wade Adams.. etc which employed Zambian Engineers who designed and built many buildings.Politics of greed and lack of patriotism decimated all those construction firms!! During KK’s time we had active research in Agric which produced maize,wheat,sunflower and groundnuts varieties suited for Zambia. The National Council for Scientific Research produced formulas for soft…

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