Saturday, July 27, 2024

The arrest of Mubika Mubika is a witch hunt, says UPND


UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka addressing a media briefing today flanked by Mazabuka Central MP Garry Nkombo and Deputy National Secretary Patrick Mucheleka.
UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka addressing a media briefing today flanked by Mazabuka Central MP Garry Nkombo and Deputy National Secretary Patrick Mucheleka.

The opposition UPND has described the arrest of its Shang’ombo Member of Parliament Mubika Mubika by the Zambia Police as a witch hunt.

UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka has wondered why the Police has arrested Mr. Mubika this year, when the theft of 110 50kg bags of maize belonging to the DMMU allegedly happened in 2016.

Mr. Katuka said that his party did not understand why the Police had to wait this long to arrest the MP if it is true that he indeed stole the maize.

In an interview with QTV News Mr. Katuka said that his party’s suspicion is particularly that Mr. Mubika was arrested shortly after the ruling PF suffered defeat in the Sesheke Parliamentary by-election.

Mr. Katuka said that the UPND is therefore left with no other thought in mind but to conclude that the arrest of its MP is somehow allegedly connected to the Sesheke by-election, adding that his party has reason to assume that this could also be a ploy by the ruling PF to allegedly incapacitate the UPND.

The UPND Secretary General said that the arrest of Mr. Mubika does not nevertheless have a significant effect as it is a matter that will be brought before the Courts where the law will take its course, adding that UPND is confident that the Judiciary will handle the matter professionally.


    • “Mr. Katuka said that his party did not understand why the Police had to wait this long to arrest the MP if it is true that he indeed stole the maize.”

      This is why I can never support this party of fooooools …have they asked themselves about the date of Chitotela’s crimes and when they occurred? 2016…

    • The Bembas say “umulandu ta ubola.”
      It doesn’t matter how long ago you committed a crime. The reason there is a statue of limitations on most crimes. Murder is the one crime that has no statue of limitation in most countries. Meaning if you committed murder at 18, you will still be prosecuted for it at 100 years old.

    • What if the evidence of his thieving just came to the attention of the police, should they look away just because the crime occurred in 2016? This is the kind of thinking that will forever retard this country’s fight against corruption.

      It is like everyone thinks that corruption and thieving is only CRIME WHEN THEY THEMSELVES OR THEIR KIN/FRIENDS ARE NOT INVOLVED. Otherwise, why should citizens or the police care? It is an African curse in need of some serious exorcism!

    • UPND needs to be careful and not issue rushed statements. What if their MP indeed did steal ? My only issue is there is too much theft among the PF as well bit that should not make their members have an excuse if anything knowing the way the application of law has been so biased under ECL they should strive to be as squeaky clean as possible. Mr Katukas statement is premature as far as I am concerned. The theft of others cannot be used to exonerate this MP from his own theft

    • 2016 isn’t that far. The lazy Lungu police work at a slow pace so now that they have evidence they have decided to make the arrest. Let’s just wait for the court appearance

    • President Edgar Lungu has tired all the three most senior police officers in Sesheke district.
      According to communication seen by the Watchdog and produced below, the three senior police officers and one constable have been retired in national interest.
      The real reason though is that the officers sanctioned the beating of PF thugs who were terrorizing Sesheke residents during the last by-election which saw the ruling party kiss dust.
      Those fired for protecting poor residents from PF thugs are Shaapa Wakunguna the officer commanding for Sesheke District , Fleming Chilongo second officer commanding for Sesheke district, Borniface Lengwe the officer in charge of Sesheke police station and a Constance Fridric Mukela of Sesheke police station.
      Their last day of work was yesterday, Friday…

  1. And UPND is a government in waiting supporting a thief.Expel the mp from the party if HH was true to his word when he criticised president Lungu for not firing the minister who is under investigation.

  2. Which party in waiting,mind you UNIP,27 yrs,MMD,20 yrs, 270 yrs or just 200 yrs, period. We dont argue with people who wish they are actually on the ball,sorry, in 2021,we have introduced another strategy of winning. You will be shocked,seleniko tubombe ifwe,we ll never pass the ball to you keep on marking hard.

  3. Why was he not arrested since 2016,baKatuta umulandu Taubola, you have been condemning ECL for not firing Chitotela! But again you are supporting a criminal who has been arrested. Twalasendapo inshi?

  4. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea for the police to have flown in on a broomstick when they went to arrest him…………..yeah, ……just stick to a police car next time!!!!!

    • At least Chitotela, and the ZAF chap, are alleged to have concealed ‘properties,’ whereas, dumb**ass Mubika(squared), stole maize bags from the poor! I mean just one of those crimes gotta be worth going down for!!!

  5. They are all thieves. ..PF stealing now and Upnd fighting to get its hands on national coffers. Why do you think HH is ready to die……..Someone stole a grader at one mine in 1997 and the case was only connected to him in 2009. He was fired and handed over to ZP. Katuka should just admit that even his party has got its share of thieves. Actually this is not the only one, there could a dozen out there.

  6. That’s the problem with assuming all UPND members are infallible. Please spare us the belief that UPND is made up of angels incapable of stealing. If this MP crosses the floor tomorrow the same UPND will claim good riddance and call him a thief.

  7. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk african politics no one is working for pipo but our berries.Even you who are busy insulting puting u there u ca b bad.

  8. Wonders shall never end!Witch hunt? Surely level of ignorance in UPND is worrying.Them think Umulandu ulabola?What is the connection between Sesheke and stealing Maize?Just a Ka simple understanding,you are failing and you think you can govern? Rubbish!

  9. Kkkkkkkk.WHERE IS SPAKA?Spaka,look at your SG’s reasoning.shocking stuff!!!And some fo0ls claim that UPND is a Govnt in waiting?Now listen Katuka,your Mubika Mubika is a thief.It does not matter when he committed that crime.Chitotela and Eric Chimese committed their crimes in 2016 and 2015 but are being arrested and taken to court by the police now.If HH is really man enough,he must fire this dull UPND SG Katuka for embarrassing his “cuundu chaitwa” party.Truth be told,both PF and UPND have thieves who moved from UNIP, and MMD to the two parties.This same Mubika Mubika was in RB’s MMD Govnt.He moved to UPND with dirty hands just like GBM,Masebo,William Banda,etc!!!THIS IS WHY I SAY IT BETTER TO MAINTAIN THE DEVIL (PF) WE KNOW THAN VOTE IN THE ANGEL (UPND) WE DONT KNOW IN…

  10. stealing is stealing please can you drop your MP now ba HH, its very bad to steal for the poor people and you saying waiting government imwe ba pomwe bankusa

    • I can assure that as soon as Lungu fires Chitotela, he Chitotela will become an instant hero for Upnd. Remember what GBM said when Chitotela was arrested by ACC? He claimed Chitotela was just being victimized for having presidential ambitions. I’m sure Lungu is playing some kind of game. ..wait for the courts to ” fire ” Chitotela.

  11. Even the UPND MP for Livingstone was arrested earlier this year for corruption in the Land allocation when he was a councillor for the same and the UPND danderheads and sycophants are not talking about it. Iam surprised that even the mighty PF are not talking about it including the Supreme leader HH of the UPND

  12. #1.1 “This is why I can never support this party of fooooools …have they asked themselves about the date of Chitotela’s crimes and when they occurred? 2016…”

    Surprise surprise coming from Jay Gay of the “lazy” fame. But friend, seek clarification from Spaka, his “party of fools” means PF but you are referring to upnd.

  13. #1.1 “This is why I can never support this party of fooooools …have they asked themselves about the date of C.hit.otela’s crimes and when they occurred? 2016…”

    Surprise surprise coming from Jay Gay of the “lazy” fame. But friend, seek clarification from Spaka, his “party of fools” means PF but you are referring to upnd.

  14. #1.1 “This is why I can never support this party of fooooools …have they asked themselves about the date of C.hit.otela’s crimes and when they occurred? 2016…”

    Surprise surprise coming from Jay Gay of the “lazy” fame. But friend, seek clarification from Spaka, his “party of fooooools” means PF but you are referring to upnd.

  15. “UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka has wondered why the Police has arrested Mr. Mubika this year, when the theft of 110 50kg bags of maize belonging to the DMMU allegedly happened in 2016.”

    That is the Political head of Zambia’s largest political party. ZP should investigate all MPs, ruling and opposition. That nation has suffered long enough.

  16. Animal Farm where Police are swift in arresting opposition. PF cadres that beat Lundazi Journalist, fired live shots and found in possession of dangerous weapons aimed at maiming armless citizens in Sisheke have not broken the law according to PF. God is watching, your day will come surely PF.



  18. Politicians are all thievs very few are clean, insansa niwemwine,kulalibombela fye we mwine.Trusting these *****s can cause you heart attack.

  19. But this Katuka also, so unreliable, he always contradicts what he said just the previous day…. anyway, what do you expect from a that has to make do with one cell in his brain?

  20. Kwena these so called alliance fooools have all been reduced to think. The satellites have agreed to kill their tuntemba parties in favour of one big central party upnd. Just look at upnd trib.als, when they have an issue they speak as upnd, even Hacks the de facto leader of the alliance speaks as upnd leader not as a member of the so called Opposition Alliance.
    Now look at Mr Sean Tembo, president of the Patriots for Economic Progress PeP, he does not speak as president of his own party but as Chairperson.of some idyotic sounding Finance and Media committee of the “Alliance”. Despite their denials befitting trib.als who do not think, it is clear that they have been swallowed by the party of fooools as Jay Gay calls the big upnd. Come 2021 Trib…

  21. …… Come 2021 Hacks will be allocating seats to each small candidate in his own village and keep the big prizes in his strongholds. Talk about a plot, that is Hacks for you, smell the coffee!!!

    Ever heard of the term nsenga term “Vizende ngako”? Eeh eh, Sean Tembo is one of them, Milupi is another, ooh and Mulongoti….yes the evacuated one…kikikikiki

  22. There was a thief who was being chased by a mob, and as he turned a corner he saw a lone man and started shouting THIEF, THIEF so people around that place started chasing the other person leaving the actual thief. That’s Upnd for you.

  23. The Honorable Mr. Katuka’s logic and intellectual capacity is weird (strange). To him, HH’s grabbing of grazing land from the poor in Namwala is business cleverly. Arresting a UPND MP for a crime committed in 2016 is a politically motivated move by PF Govt. Apparently, Honorable Mr. Katuka’s buries his head in the sand when Hon. Chitotela was arrested for corruption committed in 2016. Mr. Katuka’s brains require urgent mental repairs.

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