Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Kambwili condemned for ranting at an Indian worker in Zambia


ZAMBIA High Commission in India has said that she is dismayed by the unwarranted verbal attack by Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili directed at a person believed to be of Indian origin working on the expansion of roads in Zambia.

This follows a video in which the Law maker was captured ranting a driver of a compactor working on the Lusaka roads expansion.

“Mr. Kambwili understands the complaints procedure as former Minister of Labour and that his words are unwarranted in the eyes of the international community having served as Minister of Foreign Affairs too,” Zambia’s High Commissioner to India Judith Kapijimpanga said.

Mrs. Kapijimpanga added that Mr. Kambwili should have taken time to investigate whether the person operating the road compactor was not born and raised in Zambia.

“Mr. Kambwili is a wrong person to attack any nationality working in Zambia because his own spouse works in the United Kingdom and such outbursts threaten the lives of Zambians working abroad in case others retaliate,” she said.

Mrs. Kapijimpanga said pertinent issues that were meant to benefit the masses such as the decongestion of Lusaka Roads Project jointly funded by India and Zambia could not be resolved in an emotional way.

“Zambians have never looked at the colour of any person once having a white Republican Vice President Dr. Guy Scott, people of Indian origin such as Dipak Patel as former Commerce Minister and fomer Agriculture Minister, Suresh Desai who were elected by the people,” she said.

And YALI has issued the following statement on the matter.

YALI Calls on Kambwili to Apologise for Xenophobic & Racial Remarks Against Indians

The Young African Leaders Initiative condemns the act of the Roan Lawmaker, Chishimba Kambwili for uttering remarks against an Indian national who was found operating a grader and challenging the same person to go back to India.

As a lawmaker and national leader, Mr. Kambwili should know that it is not only dishonourable but also a crime for leaders to show racial hatred in all fields including employment. Mr. Kambwili himself has wife, children and relatives who may be working in various portfolios in the United Kingdom and other places such as India.

We ask how Mr. Kambwili would feel if our brothers and sisters working outside as nurses, cleaners, maids are treated with such disdain from leaders in those countries.

Mr. Kambwili can do his political without putting public stunts that promote feelings of ill will or hostility between different classes of the population of Zambia which is contrary to Section 60(1)(g) of the Penal Code and also violate Section 70 (1) that prohibit uttering of any words that express or show hatred, ridicule or contempt for any person because of his or their race, place of origin or colour.

Mr. Kambwili must demonstrate leadership and apologise to the Indian Community and Zambians generally who have no history of xenophobia against anyone. In Zambia, we have lived and worked alongside people from difference race and places of origin without expressing such hatred as we see in some neighbouring countries.

Issued by

Isaac Mwanza
Governance and Legal Advisor



    • Recall that ambassador Kajimpanga, she is rascist.
      Why get involved in Zambian affairs because we have so many Indian-Zambians.
      Infact she is writing same, so contracting.

    • This walking canon ball was moping off his wife, Carol, a Black Zambian working as a nurse in England. Make sure his wife gets the same treatment as he has accorded the Indian man.

    • Indians in Zambia are racist toward Zambia people. Varun Beverages Ltd run by MWENYE has been stealing salaries from ZAMBIAN workers instead of paying them K20,000 which is equivalent to 2000 US$ , they pay them 2000 kwacha, the rest of the money is used to bring indian family members to with no work expirence to come and boss around Zambian workers with Job expirence

    • Indians in Zambia are racist toward Zambia people. Varun Beverages Ltd run by Indian has been stealing salaries from ZAMBIAN workers instead of paying them K20,000 which is equivalent to 2000 US$ , they pay them 2000 kwacha, the rest of the money is used to bring indian family members to Zambia with no work expirence to come and boss around Zambian workers with Job expirence

    • Forget the outburst. What should be unlawful is having a stomach that big. And to think the wife is a nurse. Maybe that’s why she choses to stay in the UK. Who wants to sleep next to that.

    • This is not presidential behavior. Dipak Patel is Indian decent and was in government a more senior position and your making noise on a driver ? This is bad for Zambians working in India .
      No presido material for me Ba Kambwili !!!

    • Racism is bad. Period.
      But I would like to remind everyone here that Africans are despised in India. Remember the students who where mercilessly beaten and others burnt because of racial prejudice?
      In India, an entire community will do mob justice on you because you are black and some false rumour about you is circulating. Remember this, as you condemn Kambwili

    • Kambwili may have a good point, but the language and approach are unacceptable. We have home affairs and labour ministries, that is where he should have directed his anger. Surely he is not a good leader and one wonders how his brain operates!!!

    • Kambwili is a fat lunatic who should never be anywhere near the presidency. That innocent Indian did not come into Zambia illegally. He should direct his foolishness to Kampyongo who issues them with work permits. Ironically this same clown has employed an Indian as his accountant at Mwamona Engineering. Don’t we have accountants in this country who can do the accounting job at your company?

    • Kambwili is a fat lunatic who should never be anywhere near the presidency. That innocent Indian did not come into Zambia illegally. He should direct his f.oolishness to Kampyongo who issues them with work permits. Ironically this same clown has employed an Indian as his accountant at Mwamona Engineering. Don’t we have accountants in this country who can do the accounting job at your company?

    • Kambwili is very right but his outburst was at the wrong person.

      He should have directed the outburst to the contractor managers & zambian high commissioner in India & Immigration for importing & issuing visas/work permits to foreign drivers when our youths are languishing with no jobs. Can a Zambian get a work permit in India, China or RSA to work as a driver? NO!!

      Lets protect our borders otherwise we’ll continue to be slaves & 3rd class citizens in our own country.
      1st class = mubbunu
      2nd class = Choncho-Li & mwenya
      3rd class = chifita

    • Ck is very right, it is the corrupt PF rats who don’t care about Zambians being unemployed.

      I told you , they want to send unemployed Zambians to the ME and bring in unemployed Indians and Chinese to work…who then send all their money out and bring in more Indians….

    • Ck is very right, lungu and his gang are only intrested in loans from other countries so they continue stealing….no one will stand up for the poor unemployed Zambian being swamped by unemployed Indians and Chinese…….

      Just ask these PF rats condemning CK if a unemployed driver or builder can be given work in India ???

      Your sorry black monkey will be lynched if you try to do work in India meant for Indian unemployed ……..

    • The fat hippo Kambwili is just trying to rally attention away from his corrupt acts, he himself at his Mwamona company employed Indians as well so what a hypocrite this thing is. My advice to the govt if they are serious about fighting corruption let Kambwili be an example for others and when found guilty send him straight to the cells with the maximum sentence possible.

    • If kambwili has a point he is arguing with the wrong guy. He should speak to his employer or home affairs. What a dumb politician!

    • Osanama iwe mbuli! Unakhalako iwe ku India?

      Don’t lie you ignorant chap, have you ever lived in India? Indians are descent people if you know them or have lived among them. The bad behaviour of few ‘Zambia Indians’ who are disrespectful is not representative of the Indian people.

      We have many Zambians in India now and to have a political leader behave like this is atrocious. Worse still he even has supporters…Pathetic

    •  Pakudya Salimbana

      Decent people where ?? We have all seen the videos on line of blacks being lynched in India……and an Indian in Zambia would rather employ an Indian illiterate from Indian than your black monkey any time all day….

    • Ebalefwaya ukuba ba President aba! Awe mwe. There are ways of expressing your dissapointment with the loopholes in migration if you are a politician. You dont go around insulting every suspected illegal immigrant.

  1. Anger is a good thing. It’s a vice that Zambians don’t show anger when they should as Kambwili did. Indian-owned Zambian Fertiliser started with some Zambians as PR but they’ve since replaced several with Indian-sourced employees. Mr Kampyongo is aware of this but does nothing. Don’t be ignorant. UK wants only best brains or people to do dirty work their own people don’t want like care work and farm work.

    • @Mumbai Phiri. I totally agree with you. Most people who are saying negative things here about CK are people who’ve never travelled outside and seen the conditions for being employed in a foreign country. Just like it’s our government’s duty to create Jobs for Zambians, it’s the duty of the Indian government to create jobs for Indians and not the other way around. This Indian was comfortable in India when Zambians were waking up early to go and vote. India is using its taxes to develop India meanwhile foolish Zambians want our taxes to go and benefit India. This is why we’ll never develop.

  2. If you think Africans as well Zambians in India are living a care free life in India there must be something wrong in your head, because you have no idea how many Africans we’ve seen even killed over a simple Rs50 and now because Kambwili utters a few words against an Indian in Zambia everyone must act woke and call him racist. You are the uncle toms in history books let the man express his freedom of speech.

    • @Junior king Cobra. I agree with you. Zambians think they are kind to foreigners. An Indian will spit in your face if you’re in his country. Those Indians will mercilessly kill you just for being African. Even here in Zambia, you should see how they treat Zambian workers they employ. Look guys Kambwili has money and can live his life comfortably but he chooses to do such things for the common Zambian who does not have a job. Kambwili’s wife never got a job from any Briton. if they allow a foreigner to work in the UK, it’s because there’s a shortage of people to do that particular job in the UK. Zambians enjoy worshiping other races. That’s where I admire Nigerians. People who are criticizing CK are dull and uninformed.

  3. “We ask how Mr. Kambwili would feel if our brothers and sisters working outside as nurses, cleaners, maids are treated with such disdain from leaders in those countries”…His wife is wiping old people’s as$ses and putting napkins in the UK. Exposure to pee and poo is dangerous as the hot swampy poop gas cutting off oxygen to the body leads to a potentially lethal condition known as hypoxia.

  4. question can you find a black Zambian in india working as compactor driver? Some Indias are very bad people towards the black community we should not tolerate them. It really is annoying seen indians steal Zambian peoples jobs

  5. I am surprised that there are Zambians condemning CK for what he did. You people who are criticizing CK don’t understand Indians. Indians are racists. They cant allow you to work in their country. All countries in the world regulate the type of jobs foreigners are allowed to do. Most of these deportations you hear about are about people found working in countries where they not allowed to do such work. Zambia has a shortage of jobs for its citizens and as a country we can’t afford to allow the little jobs available to be taken by Indians. Why do you think those Indians are here? It’s because the Indian government has failed to provide jobs for them. Our country is now incurring a lot of debts but you want the money getting out of the country to help India develop?

    • @Kangwa
      Zambians for you my dear! Always intimidated by color and now launching full assault on CK when in fact he means well for Zambians. Most of them have not travelled to see the level of injustice towards black people in some Asian countries (incl. India). Why cant Zambians for once see a sense of pride in themselves??? Do you honestly need an expatriate to come and operate a compactor in Zambia?…. When the rest of the world sees that, do you think it portrays a good image of the country?….. That Zambians are jungle and backward people incapable of or lacking expertise even to operate a compactor? This is the message we are sending to the rest of the world. Zambians, please wake up and open your eyes. Take charge of your economy and don’t allow every Jim and Jack to come to…

    • It is mostly the PF rats who are benefiting from corruption because to get loans from other countries they bring in their unemployed as a condition that are condemning CK ….they need those loans to steal…

    • So if one black man has killed a white person whites would be justified to kill you if they see you in their neighborhood because you are also black??

  6. If you say Indians are racist then how many Zambians go to india for medical
    Everyday? Can you go for medical to
    A country where people are racist?

    • @Ngulube. People don’t go to India to receive free medical treatment. They pay a lot of money that helps India develop. The only reason you get medical treatment there is because you’re taking money there (and helping provide employment to Indians). If you go there to look for a job, they will chase you. Even other racist countries will welcome you if you go there to give them money. Please Zambians, we leave in the so called information age and you should know these small things. There’s what is known as medical tourism. Africans have been killed by Indians without provocation. A few months ago, because of ignorance, black people were being mistreated and sold as slaves in Libya by Arabs. Let’s be careful who we entertain.

    • You are very out of topic and I think you don’t understand what is being talked about, if you don’t know no foreigners receive free treatment in India even the Indians themselves pay for the good medical services provided by the medical facilities in the country so why would they be racist to a foreigner who is actually increasing the countries national income by the money they pay for medical treatment. I’ve never heard or seen or even read of an African working as even a simple brick layer in India those are jobs for the low class citizens in India and would never be offered to an African when they have thousands of employable youths doing nothing, but here in Zambia when someone doesn’t tolerate something that is not tolerated in other countries you want to call them racist Mr…

  7. He simply said what most of you cowards are too spineless to say to under-qualified, non-skilled foreigners working and living in Zambia. You have this resentment in your heart and mind towards foreigners and while you want to take the moral route on this, Kambwili is merely saying what you’re scared of pointing out. Kambwili and Zambian hypocrites belong to each other.

  8. ““Mr. Kambwili is a wrong person to attack any nationality working in Zambia because his own spouse works in the United Kingdom and such outbursts threaten the lives of Zambians working abroad in case others retaliate,” she said. Mrs Kapijimpanga should learn to shut up. let local authorities take care of this, Indians treat Africans like dirt in their country. At times being quiet is good.

  9. I have problem with bringing racial remarks. The principle behind CK’s behaviour must be taken up by the authorities. Can someone justify employing a foreigner as a grader or compactor operator? Can someone justify employing a foreigner as a guard? Who issues such work permits? Making comparison between someone working in the UK and Zambia does not make sense…do we know what it takes to get even visitor’s visa to the UK?

  10. Bad behavior,bad language this is not how presidents behavior. He has started the system of South Africans. In Zambia we rebuke this spirit take it to your family. Your anger will not make you president

  11. The man, Chishimba, is at it again. this is the same man who went to southern province to say he was sorry for uttering rubbish to the Tonga tribesmen. He also said he was looking for a chemical to clean his brain after singing Dununa reverse. This time around is chasing away someone to go back to where they came from even when he has no facts on the Indian looking man who could be Zambian. The man may be testing the machine after repairs.” The manner it is given is worth more than the gift itself” After all the blame shall be on the contractor when things go wrong and Chishimba will be the first sing his usual songs.

  12. Every person has an element of racism in them but we try our best to suppress them in many situations especially for a politician in public. But for a person like CK he has no tommorow ‘kalapusumuka’ so forgive him because anyone who knows the truth about this pretence may one day fail to contain the pressure inside.

    All I can say is that races are different seeds in the same field planted by d
    the same farmer for different purposes. So no human effort can root out racism but we can trade together work together while keeping our social boundaries and each one realizing and living their purpose.

    • You call sending Zambians unempoyed into slavery in the ME while brining in unemployed Indians and Chinese as protocol ?? Or procedure ?? Or order ??

      Stupeeed koswes ….

  13. Was the High Commissioner summoned by the Indian Foreign Ministry in New Delhi for making this feedback comment to the Zambian population or what? What is going on here? Or is it politics as usual…

  14. It is a good argument but packaged wrongly. I would not have CK as my consultant if I was HH or NDC. If this is the calibre of the consultant, you don’t want to hear from the clients.

  15. “…Mrs. Kapijimpanga added that Mr. Kambwili should have taken time to investigate whether the person operating the road compactor was not born and raised in Zambia….”

    Stop lying you du.ll woman, no Indian born or raised in Zambia can be doing manual jobs…….you want to take Zambians to work as slaves in the ME while you bring unemployed Indians and Chinese to Zambia , where is the logic ,???

  16. Kapoyongo and the Labour minister should be summoned for allowing Indians to be doing jobs Zambians can do while they contemplate sending Zambians into slavery to the ME …..

  17. Those Indian contractors have damaged Woodlands and Kabulonga roads. There is nothing as clear-cut as corruption as this.

  18. If this is the level of National leadership we have in Zambia….Parliamentarian for that matter……it means that the old saying is surely true…….” Zambia has gone to the dogs”.

  19. heheheh, you people indians are racist the problems you think with your anus and not your mind…go round and see how indians treat their workers you will cry. Anyway CK thanks for speaking out. When Zambians are burnt in SA, what do we all say? nothing why because the majority of us don’t care what happens to a fellow zambian than to a foreigner. wake up and use your brain.

  20. Hello, hello, for once Chishimba Kambwili who is not my cup of tea is right at least his “mae nceria”, his rationale in his emotional statement is quite TRUE. Only those who have never been out of Zambia hold a contrary view. Take a Zambian to go to India and work as a driver, nurse, shop keeper, or a messenger even a garden boy – no one can look at you. Bizarre, Zambians working under Asian businesses suffer similar degrading attitudes. Zambia has many unemployed drivers to drive that compactor. CK is right.

  21. So its true we have undiplomatic, and qonga Dr in the name of CK. Very embarrassing indeed. By the way, are there no other people of UK origin that can do the job mrs CK is doing in UK? Let him begin from there. Otherwise, it is very embarrassing. Yes, good complaint, but wrongly packaged.

  22. Would have written more about this man I have known since he was a Nchanga Mine Club evening Entertainment Band Leader, but won’t.
    That act is an act of assault. Where his wife is in the UK shouting and pointing at someone like he did to that Compactor driver is assault. If I were the driver I would sue him for assault.
    This man his twin daughters and wife are in UK as foreigners working and studying. Shame on you CK. Is it because your Chingola-Solwezi Road contract is in vain or what? Mulekula ba Shimpundu!

  23. Normally , one who has held various ministerial portfolio’s , including that of foreign minister , cannot be expected to behave in such a manner. It is undignified. ..But the world is a crazy place nowadays. Look at the Presidents of USA , Brazil and Philipines?

  24. This fat excuse of a human does not realise how hypocritical he is being. He yells at an Indian and then drives off in a car that’s owned by an Indian company. The foolishness of this person surprises me

  25. “Indians go back, railway is built”, sinking a borehole 30meters shud require indians? Indians are a cancer on Zambians, they steal our land, economic opportunities, emeralds, copper, gold, and in return flood our country with hard drugs, heroine, fake and expired medicines, india is exploiting Zambia.

  26. Guys,
    Here are some clear and irrefutable facts. As a Zambian who has spent over 20 years living and working in Asia , I can tell you this. No African would be allowed to have a job like this in India . Chisimba for all his show-boating and aggressive behaviour is right. I would like to remind Ambassador Kapijimpanga that our own diplomats were assaulted in india by Indians in the past. The late Naphy Lungu was assaulted by some guys in traffic while driving a car with diplomatid plates in New Delhi. I was in India at the time. Our first secretary Mr Paul Mulu had his Diplomatic ID thrown at him by a government official when he went to advocate for the release of a student who had been arrested under really shady circumstances. I was assaulted (slapped) by an immigration official in full…

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