Saturday, July 27, 2024

Transport Minister Brian Mushimba discharged from South African Hospital


Mr Mushimba with Hospital staff upon his discharge
Mr Mushimba with Hospital staff upon his discharge

Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba has been discharged from Awryp Hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Mr Mushimba was evacuated to South Africa after suffering some injuries on his right arm following a road accident in Lusaka.

The Kankoyo Member of Parliament posted on his Facebook page that he was happy to be heading back home.

“It feels good to be going home today after an extended stay in hospital repairing my injured right arm. I’m thankful for the many well wishes and prayers,” Mr Mushimba wrote.

Mr. Mushimba was admitted to Awryp Hospital in Johannesburg from January 26th 2019 after he injured his arm right which affected significant soft tissue.

His vehicle had flipped on Thabo Mbeki road as he was driving back home past midnight.

Mr Mushimba with Hospital staff upon his discharge
Mr Mushimba with Hospital staff upon his discharge


    • A simple arm injury ,the pro poor pf had to spend tax money to send their night rider to a south African clinic, money that would have been spent on a local clinic.

    • The RSA nurses are just laughing at the foooolish drunkard minister who has run away from his country to go and relax in a foreign hospital.

    • Unbelievable and unpardonable, one month in an expensive hospital abroad to treat an arm fracture? what a thoughtless waste of tax payers money

    • When I tell people these are WASTED YEARS AND there is no leadership people think I just hate LAZY LUNGU…where are those bootlickers…this chap flipped a GRZ whilst driving under the influence and he is not ashamed as he knows his boss is equally useless!!

    • Don’t complain about him being in RSA we have people who believe you need a nuclear research center in Zambia when u cannot even handle such basic medical problems

    • This is INSANE !!
      You mean your health institutions are that lousy to treat arm injuries? Oooh Myyyy Goooood !!!
      And this guy is even smiling after and bosting on FB after using Zambian Tax Payers money? Those Zambians who condone this kwena nishi fipuba sana.
      How can you manage a Nuclear Research Centre?
      This Stu.pido at its peak.
      Even if you are a hardcore PF, I don’t think this is something you should be proud of. Shame.

    • This is national disgrace!

      Posing for photos after having treatment in foreign country at a huge cost without shame.

      This is utter stup1d of the PF

    • What a calamity! When I say Zambian doctors are useless I really mean it. Now that licensure exams are done away with, expect broken finger nails to be treated in India at taxpayers expense.

    • I am pretty sure some of these South African hospital staff are now his extra extra concubines at tax payers’ money. But why don’t we make our hospitals much better to stop these nonsense evacuations..???

    • Am sure a brand new replacement GRZ vehicle is waiting for him…this is what happens when there is no leadership..can you imagine this irresponsibility recklessness of ministers under Sata.

    • One wonders where the Minister of health is and what he doing about this nonsense, I am sure it’s him signing off those evacuations.
      A poor boy with nails in the stomach could not be evacuated, this drunkard has those privileges to live on Zambian taxpayers money.
      As usual, Zambians are Ndwiii, as long as they have their shake-shake or ka mosi.

    • As leaders it’s time they lead by example. It’s time the government upgraded one section of UTH for these so called special humans they send to SA for treatment. If the government has no faith in our hospitals then when are they going to build us the South African kind of hospitals?

  1. Awryp Hospital charges minimum admission fee K30,000 per day X 30 days = over K1,000,000 for a drunken driver’s broken arm. That’s excluding tests, emergency call, surgery, medication, relatives escorting etc.

    Yet PF Govt claims there’s no money for student meal allowances. Misplaced priorities. what a wasteful regime. The pipo who keep voting/rigging for this regime need to be detained at Chainama mental Hospital.

    • Who goes abroad for a bruised arm…I don’t this thief is using his money meanwhile they can’t pay meal allowances for students.

  2. So this drunk moron has been in hospital posting govt statements meaning we are paying him whilst he is there…what a reckless govt indeed.

  3. This should come out of his pocket. Malabish yeka yeka. How is an injury on the arm become so life-threatening that no doctor in Zambia is capable of dealing with it? Zambians should demand to know how much this government is spending by flying these useless ministers to South Africa for sick leave.

  4. Was he on govt. duty when accident occurred? Does he / Govt. have an insurance scheme whereby the costs are met by insurer? Is govt. going to pay for this or are we assuming? All the same, i think Govt. ministers /employees should belong to some kind of medical scheme so that such costs do not reflect in their accounts except for the monies paid to insurer.

    • How can costs be met by the insurer when it was a fault accident without a third party involved…he was in SA issuing fooolish statements about ZAMTEL what does that tell you. Whatever scheme he belongs to is paid for by taxpayers!!

  5. It’s a curse to have such a Muppet as a Cabinet Minister. Worse that he is even Transport Minister, flipping government vehicle past midnight.

  6. Very intelligent young minister – an engineer by profession. took some muzungus to his office last year, very intelligent man with Very clear thinking. The foreigners were very impressed with the calibre of ministers. Welcome home.
    Although in my opinion, the trip to SA for such an extended period of time for a non threatening injury, was a disservice to yourselves as a government and just leave s a bad taste in people. I think we have an orthopedic hospital in Lusaka that ably handles such bone fractures. This was I’ll advised.

  7. Why didn’t they evacuate the wife to receive and give him a hug as he was discharged? Surely we can pay for that if we can pay for his evacuation and treatment; I actually thought the second picture would say that.
    Or did the madam refuse to receive him?….uuhhmm

    Meantime RATSA, I recommend to please close Thabo Mbeki every night, no traffic beyond 22hrs to save lives, this is a wake up call. You see, I think practical, not like Jay Gay the of the infamous lazy fame……

  8. Upuba in our country never ends. We didn’t deserve to be independent if we are failing to build a reliable healthcare system. This is the definition of foolishness

  9. The government needs also to tell us how each is being spent on each person who is sent out for medical treatment. We cant go on like this

  10. Just wait for Dora and Chanda… they are busy cooking what to feed you tomorrow.

    And you will see the vocal PF who comment to every stu.pidity here, they will be resurrected. For today they all disappeared, in hiding. They are waiting for talking notes to use for their arguments.

  11. UTH is useless the hospital could not treat Brian Mushimba for a small problem. Our taxpayer was again spent while others cannot even get panado. Useless hospitals, useless roads and bridges useless corrupt PF government.

  12. Bamambala imwe tamwa Keats amano, all you think about is yourselves. Why don’t you buy the equipment you lack in Zambian hospitals n drop medical tourism? You had to be evacuated to SA for bruised arm sure….not a threat but one day , you’ll meet yo waterloo

  13. This is a national disgrace, we were told uth has the facilities to separate joined twins. Can the doctors at uth fail to treat an arm injury for sure? 55 years of independence we can’t treat simple health problems. Close all health facilities in Zambia and send every patient to SA. Why should Zambians go to uth, when the politicians don’t believe in the in the health institutions we have dotted, around the country? Chansoni Sana ba Lungu.

  14. @Ba Robbie you’re such a disgrace to the beloved mother Zambia. Supporting such stupidity going on in Zambia is a shame. The so called ministers in Zambia are not there to serve anybody but to enrich themselves. There are so many many things going on in Zambia that we will never know, Zambia is being ripped apart in our own eyes. All we are doing is applauding and encouraging the same thieves. Only nincompoops can support such, Wake up mother Zambia, wake up!

  15. What is surprising is that the man and his wife do not seem to realize that it is wrong. If they do not invest in local hospitals and medical staff these characters will be heading to South Africa for simple headaches. FOOLISHNESS AT LARGE!

  16. Social media will continue to be the downfall on many great and potentially great men (and women). Brian should have known that the cloud surrounding his accident and thereafter evacuation to South Africa was a sore point for many Zambians. Even for those who gave him the benefit of doubt, this was one step too far. Despite him being a promising young leader as a result of his education and professional background he has already made or been involved in some questionable decisions such as the re-launch of Zambia airways…such that when something as controversial as his accident occurred, he would have best to lie low. Not posting justifications/excuses about how/why the accident happened and now making it public knowledge that he has been in a hospital for 1 month at taxpayers expenses…

  17. Please leave Mushimba alone. He is Minister and he needs to have privileges such as these. This is in the Law. You cant keep a Minister in a foreign country without being entertained. Surely even you guys you cant go to South Africa and come back without a girlfriend!!. Leave him. Its his time to enjoy and your time will come too. If your time does not come whilst you are on Earth, then it will in heaven. That is the way it works.

  18. It is not convincing that the injuries this man suffered in that accident warranted evacuation in South Africa. There are many patients in dire conditions that should have been evacuated in the place of this man who got involved in an accident after a drinking spree in a car that we paid for! This abuse of taxpayers money is revolting as it is nauseating.

  19. Lets put laws in our constitution to prevent politicians from seeking health help outside the nation. I think this way they will be serious by sponsoring good health system. they will put more money in the health system and we will develop, this shows how behind we ar. it really hates to see this. how about my grandmother who is in the village how is she going to get good health system will she fly to SA? with this ther is no excuse politicians need to be responsible.

    • I don’t believe you guys. Don’t tell me you still keep your grandmother in the village. Bring her to town. Let her participate in Politics so that she can get full benefits during her old age. It’s all about the mindset. This thing about the village should end.

  20. You cant give someone food you cant stomach yourself. People holding offices don’t even have faith and trust in the very systems and hospitals they build and you expect us the majority poor people to?? Lets be serious bane

  21. And he is busy on twitter blocking anyone asking him questions whether his stay mu hospital was funded by tax payers money or out of his pocket.

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