Saturday, July 27, 2024

The new mobile network operator UZZI launch pushed back to the end of the year


Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba speaking during the launch of ZamPay
Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba speaking during the launch of ZamPay

Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba has revealed that the launch date for UZZI network’s operations has been pushed back to end of the year.

Dr Mushimba disclosed that ZICTA has approved additional time for UZZI, the new mobile network operator, to set up their network.

He said the projected completion of the “behind the scenes technical deployment “ is October or November.

Dr Mushimba expressed confidence that Zambia shall have a new mobile network operator before year end.


  1. We are known for delays. Now will hear another excuse for delaying Zambia Airways. “We have grounded the Boeing 737 Max planes due to crash in Ethiopia”

    • Is this why this moron has a Phd, i know uzzi has a clothing brand, now mobile network, who’s behind the deal

    • “Dull Mushimba expressed confidence that Zambia shall have a new mobile network operator before year end.”
      Another corrupt company merely there to continue with cartel of looting networks…only lazy PF cadres have confidence in this daft moron with a procured PHD from UNZA …the man is as retrogressive as his research topic about coal.

    • Every thing about Brian is not working. Just postpone his job until he gets his mind settled.
      One of the luckiest man in Zambia. Free salary.
      Education is good, you get free money, without working, only annoying poor citizens.

    • Let us change his name to “Push Back Mushimba”. Brian is exposed and educated but when one spends too much time with morons in PF, they also become morons

  2. Hahahaha nothing is done on schedule and as planned in Mushimba’s ministry. The launch of the airline is way overdue, phasing out of small buses keeps being pushed forward.

    The only thing he got before time is his questionable PhD and evacuation to SA

    • This is a company that has never operated anywhere else apart from its country of origin and these thieves gave them a license.

  3. They took bribes and gave a licence to this UZI a kawayawaya, ignoring well established firms like Vodacom who had better bids! The UZI nonsense will never take off. This is not the first time the launch is being pushed back, and definitely not the last. The most sickening part is we have a corrupt government and equally corrupt clowns in opposition desperately waiting to continue looting where Lungu and Chitotela will have left off by 2021

    • What do you expect from a minister who drink drives can go to the US for 4 weeks and spend another 4 weeks in RSA hospital.

  4. UZZI have failed to launch because the assets for their main financier have been frozen by the Angolan government for fraud and corruption. They applied for an extension to March 31st 2019 after which Zicta has to revoke their if their license should they fail to launch. Beyond 31st March Zcta should give someone else s chance.Isabel Dosantos does not have access to finances to launch this project

    • You maybe on something there… they took bribes even Lazy Lungu was flying to RSA secretly meeting them now look at them ….why is he even making such staements.

  5. Postponement is synonymous with this morons name. Zambian airways launch has been postponed countless times and now you have extended this gibberish to UZZI? If you have some iota of shame left in you, just resign and save face instead of trying to appear as if you are working when you are doing absolutely nothing. You must be ashamed that you are drawing a salary for issuing nonsensical statements that are a waste time? Shame, its only in Zambia were people think that by attending workshops, issuing whites papers, making blanket statements is compared to real work. Every time you listen to the news, all you hear are blank statements and no tangible work, let us change for once and do real work, stop yapping.

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