Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Lungu concerned with the use of social media to spread hate speech


President Edgar Lungu delivering the State of Nation Address on progress made in the Application of National Values and Principles at Parliament on Friday, 15th March, 2019.  Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State House
President Edgar Lungu delivering the State of Nation Address on progress made in the Application of National Values and Principles at Parliament on Friday, 15th March, 2019.
Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State House

President Edgar Lungu is concerned with the use of social media to spread hate speech and commit cybercrimes.

Addressing the Nation on progress made in the application of National Values and Principles in Parliament today, President Lungu urged the public to be weary of vices on social media.

He revealed that the enactment of a cybercrimes and data protection bill meant to bring culprits of hate speech and cybercrime to book has reached an advanced stage.

The Head of State has appealed to parliamentarians to support the bill.

And President Lungu is concerned with alcohol and substance abuse which he said are retrogressive to national development.

He said government undertook sensitization programs for chiefs from all provinces on the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse as they are key agents of change.

And President Lungu said government has made strides in promoting morality and ethics through intensified awareness.

On Patriotism and National Unity, President Lungu said Patriotism demands that everyone speaks well of the country.

The President further said Government has continued to improve access to social services such as health care and education for all citizens.

President Lungu also noted that political violence threatens the country’s national unity and democracy.

On good governance and integrity, the head of state said Government will continue to involve the public in the development of government policy and legislation.

He also noted that the there is need to continue enhancing transparency and accountability in the use of public funds because it will bring integrity in the public service.

And President Lungu said Government is committed to fighting corruption and has implored relevant agencies mandated to combat corruption to step up the fight.

President Lungu added that there is need for the country to respond to the threat of climate change by improving the management of natural resources.


  1. Especially the junk articles of PF media lead by Sunday Chanda about HH and your MP Kambwili, way worse than treason.
    Wonder why Ba Edgar even know Sunday Chanda, because a leader with good morals can’t have such employees.
    Yes nobody like Kaizer, they HATE him on media and on streets.

    • Especially from Sunday Chanda the PF jobless hired propagandalist. I totally agree with the president because Sunday Chanda ,Amos Chanda and Mumbi Phiri are very sarcastic.

    • “On Patriotism and National Unity, President Lungu said Patriotism demands that everyone speaks well of the country.”

      Need we say more??? Heaven help us all …

    • Mumba Junior, your are a bit of an !diot and a quack. You and I have clashed before, but I since told myself that there is no need anymore. Patriotism is not stealing from your own country the way Lungu and his hypocritical bunch of thuggery cabinet, Chitotela, a good example being shielded by Lungu as I speak, are doing! Need we say more??? Yes we should, but I don’t have the time for people like you…

  2. this’ similar to the same drivel that he reads at un , you can tell even in his body language that he’s got no clue what he’s talking about
    talk is cheap. don’t nobody want to listen to you talk esp in general terms. these guys have taken Zambians for fools.
    what specific steps has he taken on issues that the public has raised. why not address those specific cases?
    …yes everybody knows that there’s need for the country to respond to climate change. what specific steps are you taking in managing natural resources? whoever wrote his speech just added that at the end..oh yeah lets add something about climate change (because it’s trending).
    these are the guys who are put on top to lead the nation.
    allahu Akbar!

  3. “President Lungu said Patriotism demands that everyone speaks well of the country” iv had this wrong, I always thought this was nationalism.

  4. drivel no substance. same way he reads (poorly) his un speeches
    no specific outlined plans of resolving what he’s talking about
    just talking like he’s talking to children.
    Zambians you’ve been really taken for fools
    and these guys are supposed to lead the country

  5. LT, why the h ell are you blocking my posts?
    if you don’t want free thinkers to voice their opinions don’t put in online. this’ dumb

  6. Social Media is a good thing! Most smart businesses today are social media-based!
    What is causing Social Media irritation and venting is the absence of the Free Press that used to give the masses opportunities to vent! What those in leadership today must understand is they will need the free press and social media when they leave office to speak on their behalf! Only leaders with a lot of skeletons in their closets have developed hypersensitivity to social media! Word of advise to those in power: Please Understand the Purpose and Power of Authority! Do not seal a boiling pot! Social Media is not your enemy but yourselves!

  7. Mr President dont just be concerned but learn to listen to us Zambians who voted for you!!People end up using social media in a wrong way due to frustrations because Govnt is not listening to them.Governing is simple as long as you people in leadership do the correct things.
    Right now Zindaba Soko,RTSA CEO wants to increase fees for vehicles and force people to re-register their vehicles,why?IS RTSA NOW ZRA?Zambians pay taxes left,right and centre and you are there as a president just watching poor Zambians suffer at the hands of your Govnt-IT IS BAD!!!FIRE ZINDABA SOKO MR PRESIDENT NOW AND ASK ACC TO INVESTIGATE HIM ON HOW HE BOUGHT 10 HOUSES IN NHA COMPLEX NEAR HEROES STADIUM!!!Too much of anything is RTSA must be abolished.Let Zambia police and the council do the job which…

  8. @nostadamus lmfao!
    it’s frustrating when they block a post for no apparent reason.
    I guess it’s their prerogative, but I think it’s fear that has crept into the media outlets in Zambia cuz of these fools who want to silence those who point their shortcomings

  9. @Nostradamus lmfao
    it’s all good.
    let them do what they please, it’s their prerogative I guess.
    seems like these fools have everyone scared silly

  10. @ 7 Njimbu,i totally agree with you,let President Lungu fire that Rascal Zindaba Soko,it`s too much of paying too much taxes at Ratsa.Mr President Sir,it`s people like Zindaba who make you look bad in the eyes of Zambians,otherwise you are a good Man.

  11. The president is detached from reality. He does not have the grasp of the mood of the people. He is presiding over a nation who have lost faith in the leadership the president continues to have sacred cows when it comes to addressing corruption. In succeeding FIC reports those suspected to have broken the law have been seemingly been protected from prosecution by the president. That speaks volumes about where the president’s heart is on fighting corruption, exposing a decadent moral fibre of the nation.

  12. We must have a legal definition of what constitutes so-called ‘hate speech’ so that somebody doesn’t just accuse you of hate speech to settle personal or political scores. Right?

  13. I personally feel sorry for this president.He is clueless, has a clueless team meanwhile he doesnt want to listen to reason.The combination is a catastrophe awaiting disaster.Like someone said in 2015,watching PF is like watching chimpanzees in a room full of dynamite trying to figure out how to use matches….l

  14. On Alcohol sir. even some of your ministers eg Minister of finance, she abuses alcohol and thats why she is the waste finance minister zambia has ever had.Loom at the way she has squandered money meant for public prosecutors. They have gone two months without pay. A thing that has never happened in the history of zambia.please Mr Ecl take these workers back to police becoz NPA is a failed pilot project.

  15. Says a guy who is known to Love alcohol, is Corrupt to the hilt, was found wanting for embezzling a Widows cash, shields the likes of corrupt Chitotela, & keeps a very violent Kaiser in his armpit.
    Jona can’t even say he does not believe Kaizer is a violent thug, as Kaiser physically assaulted a female police officer in full view of the Drunken Jona @ Gabon Disaster Stadium.
    No sense of embarrassment whatsoever ba Jona, coz everyone including his sycophantic cadres know what cloth Jona is cut from.

  16. We use social media to insult useless morons like you a fcuken useless president who only know how to drink and pee himself, u are a useless pr!ck who is hell bent on distroying a functioning country, mother fcuker pay the govt workers…. 0IQ c@unt

  17. “Patriotism demands you speak well of the country” Nope Lungu ,that’s called blind loyalty and approving your wrong track.Tough love and constructive criticism is healthy for you -its the real patriotism.

  18. Doesn’t seem to have been much in the speech about the economic road ahead? Poverty, debt, unemployment levels, the youth, health, education, – what concrete plans and actions there are for all of these? Did I miss them?

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