Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Dr Chilufya and Lusambo will be key to President Lungu’s 2021 election victory-PF Member


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo chats with Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo chats with Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya

A senior Member of the Patriotic Front Central Committee says President Edgar Lungu needs hard working Ministers to guarantee his 2021 election victory.

The Central Committee Member who opted to have his identify withheld said most of the Ministers surrounding President Edgar Lungu are not connecting with the grass root except for Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya and his Lusaka Province counterpart Bowman Lusambo.

The Member was reacting to the warning by President Lungu to his top leadership to stop misleading him.

Addressing PF officials at Chipata College of Education in Chipata, President Lungu top party leadership who are misleading him need to stop because they will consistently distance him from the power base who are the Zambian people.

The Member said in an interview Sunday morning that President Lungu needs to realize that only Dr Chilufya and Mr Lusambo are the ones that are helping bridge the gap between the party leadership and the grass root.

“What we know is that majority of these Ministers are simply technocrats and they are not politicians and as such, they are struggling to connect with the grass root where the real people are. The disconnect unfortunately is now widening and only these two Ministers are helping to bridge it,” the Central Committee Member said.

“It is therefore important that President Lungu keeps these two officials close to him as we head towards 2021, these two will be key for him maintaining the presidency after 2021,” the member said.

The Member said the fact that President Lungu is now complaining publicly that his top officials are misleading him calls for serious introspection.

“When you critically analyze, which other Ministers apart from Bowman (Lusambo) and Dr Chilufya are able to pull a crowd in any part of this country? The truth is that most of the people around the Boss are not helping him, all they do is rush to State House to ask for money because they do not have their own initiatives.”

The member added, “Just look at the campaigns for Bahati and Roan. The two (Dr Chilufya and Mr Lusambo) are doing very well and connecting with the voters. They are even over shadowing the candidates they are campaign for because the people love them.”

“You can take Bowman to Munali, Mpongwe, Masaiti, Roan, Solwezi or even Mongu in Western Province and he will be able to pull a crowd and address them about developmental issues and the people will listen, the same can be said about Dr Chilufya, we have seen him in Mwandi, Chipata, Serenje and on the Copperbelt and he is able to connect. These are the two people that we need to nurture if our 2021 victory is to be guaranteed,” the Central Committee member stated.


  1. So Lungu’s 2021 election depends on two individuals? ECL’s re-election or lack thereof should strictly be based on his record on corruption,infrastructure ,healthcare ,education and the comatose Zambian economy.

    • That’s why I keep telling you that Bowman will be president before the Delusional Dictator HH because he appeals to the voters. But the Delusionals will tell you that he is not educated and I will keep saying democracy is about appealing to the people and it doesn’t matter whether you have a PhD or never been to school you get one vote!

    • Must be better news to be informed about than an anonymous more likely a non existing one proclaiming what he sees fit for 2021, get out of here.

      All Zambians are just dull



    • How can you win an election by counting on only 2 key members??

      You need the entire team pulling in the same direction.

      Come on, now!!

    • This guy should anonymously be bemba. Just recommending his tribesmen. Dr Chilufya is a failed minister. Zambian hospitals, you get sick you go there all they do is write you a prescription. Your relative is in coma, they don’t have anything to give them. They write a prescription. Bowman is a street boy. A cadre. He is just loud, no intellect. And he is eyeing the presidency. So this guy wants his bembas to rise to the presidency.

  2. Bufi, bozaa, wenye, ulabeja…! What message has that mposa-mabwe (doorman) taken to luanshya apart from the usual lies which we have heard about before.? Bola naikosa. Kikikikiki. We have had enough of this nonsense now

  3. With hard working and visible Ministers like health minister, lusaka province minister, CB minister, luapula province minister, nortern province minister, muchinga province minister, easern province minister and central province minister, 2021 will be 2016 again

  4. This is very true,Doctor Chitalu is just one person you cannot describe,coz personally I have failed to understand him.He is a man who carries the national character and fits in every situation.When he is upset it means someone has messed up with the people and work.

  5. I like what President Lungu has embarked on, interacting and connecting with the grassroots in all constituencies because these are his employers and are key to retaining his Presidency. For instance, the Munali MP, Nkandu Luo, when was she last in Chainda, Avondale, Chestone, Kalingalinga and Mtendere? All she does is fight the the students in Higher institutions of learning instead of revising, improving and outlining Government policy on higher education. These students are good enough to articulate and understand Government’s policy if well engaged and explained, but what we see is a disconnected MP. I pray that one day President Lungu visits the said areas in Munali constituency before elections so that he sees where his major votes come from. Ba Nkandu Luo balinaka and cannot be…

  6. contd
    Ba Nkandu Luo balinaka and cannot be relied on! Infact, let the President visit these areas improptly so that he can reprimand those not serving the people. People should no only be important during election times but work and fulfill the campaign promises.

  7. The goodness with social media is that most people comment on things and people whom they have not had any dealings with, they only know them through the media. Chitalu Chilufya is a very greedy and ambitious bully who thinks MoH must come to a stand still if he’s not around. If he’s a good leader why is HPCZ in a mess? Why has MoH imported toxic vaccines and drugs? ZAMRA has been rendered impotent. Let him deny that he’s not a member of Luapula United. If I were Edgar I could’ve fired him together with Mujajati, that was the most opportune time

  8. Bowman would make a good president. He is tough he would fire nonperforming ministers and can end corruption. He would sing praises to America and other western countries ninshi pa Zed yabalansa. kikikikiki

    • My God. Three years ago this guy used to run around in overalls in the streets and now you want him to be president of Zambia? Ulichipuba??

  9. In my opinion Chitalu Chilufya is the most dangerous chap in Edgar Lungu’s Cabinet. Chilufya would be the worst president that Zambia ever had. His greediness, power-hunger and dictatorial ‘know-it-all’ attitude would mean a lot of Zambia living in exile until he dies. If Chilufya became president today he would never leave the position until he dies. As for Bowman Lusambo, come-on guys…this guy can sell the country out, the same way he sold MMD to PF. But the most dangerous thing about Bowman is that he is congenitally dull…Zambia cannot progress. In Lungu’s current Cabinet, only Vice-President Wina can run this country and bring it back to sanity socially, politically and economically – the only problem is that she is old, a woman and Lozi.

  10. The fact of the matter is that most of the MP’s and Ministers in PF are rich and do not care any more especially that they know 2021 is a bridge to far and impossible to cross, right now they are just telling lies that everything is fine while they know nothing is fine, come 2021 they will literally be behind the president pushing him to the ditch which they have successfully dug, and they will scatter in different directions waiting for police call outs and offering to be state witnesses

  11. If these two are key to EL’s re-election,then THANKS COZ THESE CAN’T WIN HIM AN ELECTION!!At crunch time,these 2 will be told that they are NOT TRUE GREEN BUT MMD one of the reasons they fight Kambwili and thereafter most old PF will accuse EL of tranforming PF into MMD and jump ship..That will be the end of it for PF and EL,I believe people will not regret but look to the future with alternatives!!EL can do better by foregoing 2021 and allowing PF to revitalise itself in good time before credible people to guide the process like mama Inonge Wina retire!!

  12. The president has an opportunity to make this country great.The problem is that he has allowed all his ministers and civil servants to steal bcoz he never embarked on serious monitoring system implementation.If he were a serious president he would have strengthen the systems in place to stop civil servants from rooting resources.Let take advantage of ICT to end corruption.Why also not to invest in agro processing plants?.DRC has market for melie meal.We should be thinking of having industries which can absorb young women and men regardless of their status in the country.It’s not easy to find white color job in Zambia coz jobs are limited.Unskilled and skilled can only work together in manufacturing companies.Marketing is also very big gap in Zambia.The president should know that…

    • And the prolonged non-appointment of an Auditor General has raised a lot of eyebrows such that even those pronouncements on corruption fights by this regime are just empty tins

  13. Zambia is drowning in a mountain of debt, money meant for student and the poor is being spent on cadres and elections and all you can talk about is the re-election of Edgar Lungu? Meanwhile Rwanda is developing.

  14. Very good observation. But my advice to the president is that why not just work with Zns because it has got the structure,And displine recruit all the young youth give them the skills and theye can contribute to the Gdp

  15. Sounds like this article was sponsored by either Bowman or Chilufy. I guess whether it is true or not, the unfortunate part is that Bowman does appeal to the gullible masses and very possible that he will become president some day in the near future. May the Lord help us because he is as corrupt as they come and has street smarts…unfortunetely neither one of the traits is what we need in State house.

  16. I also tend to wonder of what help to the President people like Moses Mawere, Christopher Yaluma, Mathew Nkhuwa and several other Cabinet and provincial ministers are. The President needs people who are not only Ministers but also intelligent party operatives capable of reducing themselves to cadres when need arises like during campaigns.

    • Agree 100%, Lungu has surrounded himself with a bunch of very uninspiring Ministers apart from a few like Transport Minister Brian Mushimba who for me is a potential future President, his only disappointment was using taxpayers money to fund his had operation.

  17. we cant continue with try and error type of governance come 2021 will decide. We can not sit and watch while thing are getting worse by the day.

  18. But the WORST SIN for my children is to vote for UPND’s present leadership!
    G.B.M, HH,KATUKA,MUSOKOTWANE, etc are WORST than current PF MPs who are in central Committee.

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