Monday, June 10, 2024

CiSCA and all who snubbed NDF vindicated by Amos Chanda’s resignation speech


President Edgar Lungu with His Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations Mr Amos Chanda at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport before departure for a Private Visit to Kenya at the invitation of His counterpart President Uhuru Kenyatta, on Thursday, 14th June, 2018. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza/State House
File:President Edgar Lungu with His Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations Mr Amos Chanda at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport before departure for a Private Visit to Kenya at the invitation of His counterpart President Uhuru Kenyatta, on Thursday, 14th June, 2018. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza/State House

The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) would like to bring to the attention of the public a significant part of the former Presidential Spokesperson, Amos Chanda’s resignation speech in which he states that having seen the NDF resolutions he decided to resign than be caught up if in future he decided to run for public office.

What does that tell us? Under President Lungu Parliament is a rubber stamp! How can Amos be so sure that what came out of the NDF is going to be enacted even before the Bill is presented to the legislature for legislation? The man put this in writing meaning he had time to carefully think through it. He confirmed what the church mother bodies and all other people who have the best interest of the nation that the NDF was a scam, a scheme and a charade orchestrated to justify the circumventing of the will of the people of the constitution.

The NDF resolutions were a fait accompli even before the sittings begun. Like the Buddha said there are three things one cannot hide, the Sun, the Moon and the Truth! We now know the truth in black and white, Parliament under the current hegemony is only a hammer to nail down the executive’s wishes. Amos Chanda just confirmed that Zambia is currently a defacto autocracy. We strongly urge the MPs not to be used as a rubber stamp of State House but to send a stronger message to State House that you are there not only to represent your constituents’ collective will but to also provide the checks and balances by maintaining the doctrine of the separation of powers. When the Bill rears its head in Parliament, with a clear conscience, consign the NDF Bill to the dustbin where it belongs together with the NCC Bill.

Issued by:

Bishop John H. Mambo, Chairperson

#CiSCA #CivilSocietyConstitutionAgenda


  1. “We strongly urge the MPs not to be used as a rubber stamp of State House but to send a stronger message to State House that you…to represent your constituents’ collective will but to also provide the checks and balances by maintaining the doctrine of the separation of powers. ”

    Really laughable…not in Zambia, the President is King going against him is political suicide.

    • @Jay Jay, please stop rewriting things… We read it, just comment. You don’t like preachers but you like repeating.
      It’s Friday, drink responsibly!!!

    • Nostra….. – Not many people read the whole article.. I doubt you read anything as your posts are incoherent nonsense …I do this to back up what I am posting!!

    • Insoni ebuntu
      Looking very hard in a binoculars, telescope and a microscope at the NDF outcome so they can pick remnants of vindication. Isn’t that a skewed version of life. These low lives, tefintu.
      Stay aways are obviously so hurting that this NDF agenda achieved something and is definitely soldiering on. They are now looking for fragments, table drops and breadcrumbs of a reason to tell us they stayed aloof.
      No there there here.

    • Forget about the MSG, if you stayed away chapwa washala. This is Zambia, we move to other things. Those were implementable.

  2. Besides what Bishop Mambo has stated above, Amos Chanda lacks leadership qualities, etiquette and diplomacy, thus with his kind of attitude, disrespect coupled with arrogance he wouldn’t last long in politics, he can only win through rigging. Leadership requires humility, being down to earth and empathetic. Serving as a spokesperson for the head of state is what has gone to his head a role he never imagined even in his wildest dreams that he would hold. The fact that ECL rather than hold press conferences spoke through Amos, made Amos feel like a real champion, “Mike Tyson”. The best would have been for him to take a back seat role, reflect and let the storm simmer down if it ever, having stepped on many toes. He has to realise he is now home alone.

    • I see nothing wrong with NDF resolutions. I see nothing wrong with young Chanda resigning. I see nothing wrong.
      I see everything wrong with the article. Only a humiliating encounter and engagement on the part of the discredited Mambo and the so called CiSCA.
      In a perfectly normal society, people ought to be resigning their positions. It is a perfectly squarely normal state of affairs.

  3. Bishop John Mambo,
    All the PF MPs were part of the NDF and ultimately agreed with the resolutions of the forum. An reasonable person would expect these MPs to pass what they agreed with at the forum. People who hide behind titles of bishop, Reverend, father, prophet, etc, are cowards that what to pretend that they speak with a higher moral authority when in fact they stayed away from the NDF because they realized that their agendas would not go through without challenge

  4. Not Convincing. Which Higher Office? . The President can nominate him to Parliament and then minister. Did he need to resign?

  5. Never trust lungu ……him and his gang are only after self preservation in GRZ after grand looting and mismanagement of the economy…… have not seen nothing yet.

    Light will shine on the astonishing extent of lungus looting and underhand tactics after he is disposed of ,

    even dislodging lungu from power will be a struggle because of his corruption of normal systems of governance


    Good morning Zambia,
    As concerned citizens, we will not sit and watch while the country is being plunged deep into unprecedented depths of Corruption and abuse of authority of office by a few greedy people.
    This June 21st, we are calling on all concerned citizens to join us in the Yellow Card peaceful gathering to be held along the Great East Rd from 14:00hrs to 23:00hrs.
    Carry a Yellow Card or put on anything Yellow as a public warning to anyone involved in the looting of public resources.
    Zambia is for all of us!
    Maiko Zulu


    • Maiko Zulu???? Your name? Who’d have thought it !! A Zulu?

    • You are inviting me yet at the same time you are calling me docile!!! dah!!!! Much as your cause is okay, you don’t have to insult me while trying to attain your aim.

  7. Hysterical rubbish from a Bishop of fake religion. Didn’t this man used to be from the Christian faith? Why quote from Buddah??? This is irresponsible and these societies should be banned. Fake hysterical news threatens our democracy. How, really does what Mr Chanda said Dr facto in his speech, announcing his ambitions amount to questioning the purpose of the NDF and it’s recommendations reached by consensus.

    Zambians please protect your beliefs, these characters are the thieves that come from the dark to steal your peace and create havoc so that they better hoodwink you out of your resources. There is only one truth about President Lungu,’s govt. Is It’s strength is also it’s weakness. The slow use of the law to root out fake elements out of the democratic system may…

    • The slow use of the law to root out fake elements out of the democratic system may appear kind and desirable, but our political system has gathered so many undesirable organisations of petty thieves in waiting endangering our democracy. Too many wild allegations are put out.

      Go well Mr Chanda but if you do want to be President one day remember not to throw too many stones damaging all your connections, lest you need to return one day.

  8. Bishop Mambo is a strange variant of Clergy species. He is parroting HH’s negative approach to political life in Zambia. I cannot trust him (Mambo) for his mischievous clergy lifestyle in that peace is an attribute that he lacks in his genetic make-up. A Bishop is expected to reflect and probe the root cause of Amos Chanda’s resignation and pray for Chanda’s new ventures in life. What a Bishop!

  9. is it this kind of writing that made him start speaking tata tata tatatatatatatat tata tata in apparent failure to respond to simple questions about fuel deals.

  10. Maambo,so called pastor Chiluba and chihana these were OLD SCHOOLS used by FTJ on his third term campaign.

    As for mr.maambo is full of SCHOOL BOY COMMENTS.

  11. Patriot Abroard glad you are abroad. Who tells you that a Christian cannot quote another religious figure and yet you claim to champion democratic rights inclusion and participation? How confused can one be! Shut up and sit down!!!

    • @Nshibomba Mwibala, learn how simple digital reply buttons work. You need to press the reply on my comment, if you want to engage me. No Christian should quote Buddha because, God said.

      I am the LORD thy God.
      No other gods before me.

      You are another secular person that does not understand the Christian Faith. REPENT. RECEIVE CHRIST and worship Him, quoting only the Bible if he be of faith. You will also need to learn and keep the ,10 commandments.
      I AM RIGHTEOUS. Bark all you want!

    • @Nshibomba Mwibala

      The Bishop was not participating, in democracy but justifying NOT participating the NDF which was to be a cross party,/societies/church gathering to reach Democratic consensus. He writes that he and those that did not participate are justified!!!!

      Learn English and grow up!

    • Oh and another thing………’Some Hindu texts regard Buddha as an avatar of the god Vishnu, who came to Earth to delude beings away from the Vedic religion.’

      Idolic worship or what?

  12. Bishop Mambo, who is that? Oh, you mean the disgraced, discredited, or even disdebited one?, go back to church and pray. These are the fyuuls in collar who have damaged society such that politicians ruling party, opposition and trib.als now have a field day cheating us.

  13. He is equally free to express his desires but am sure he knows that there is no total freedom of expression in this politics game. You did your share and let others continue from there. Remember you are not the first and indeed not the last presidential spokes person.

  14. EXCUSE ME!

    The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) would like to bring to the attention of the public a significant part of the former Presidential Spokesperson, Amos Chanda’s resignation speech……. What does that tell us? ……..

    Ba CiSCA, did u follow NDF deliberations? One of the resolutions was for civil servants to RESIGN 2 years be standing for political office. AND that is what he has precisely done.

  15. He is always found loitering at ZESCO Headquarters soliciting for businesses in privately but tries to condemn Government in public! These people are shameless and qe all need to be very careful of thilose who shout loudly because they are rotten to the core


  17. Those who attended and those who didn’t attend were only exercising their democratic rights so no need to defend your decision. The forum came and it’s gone.

  18. Cadres mind you this is a real man of God whose been in the business way before many of you were born have respect for elders and those with the title of bishop fighting for the voice less. Our country is in debt because of our people’s bad decisions. We just had a few questionable characters make important decisions on our behalf without any proper consultation and inclusion. Pretty soon what those characters decided on is going to create even further issues as most of them had no clear understanding of the whole thing. Even the public has issues with some of the issues these dunderheads were agreeing on

  19. Bishop, Amos does not know if the resolution will become law. He is just over cautious. Unfortunately you have seized the moment to vent your anger about all and sundry about the NDF. Arguments based on presumptions are extremely weak if not totally misinformed.

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