Friday, September 13, 2024

HH is the best option for Zambia-Simumba



Trevor Simumba

Trade and Economic Consultant Trevor Simumba has appealed to opposition parties to rally behind UPND’s Hakainde Hichilema for the 2021 general elections.

Mr Simumba said Mr Simumba is the best placed person to take on the PF in 2021.

He said other opposition party leaders should set their personal ambitions aside and support Mr Hichilema for the presidency in 2021.

“If we truly want to liberate Zambia from the shackles of this PF Kleptocracy, the answer is in working together and bringing forth a new generation of Zambian leaders with shared values of service to the nation, integrity and ethical stewardship of our national resources,” he stated.

“Opposition leaders for once get out of your egotistic dreamland and sacrifice for the sake of Zambia. You cannot all be President at once. I have analysed and thought of different scenarios but each one shows that without an Opposition Alliance, the PF will win the Presidency. But who can beat them?”

He added, “We all know that the best placed person to take on the PF is Hakainde Hichilema. Let us support him. We can agree a proportional share at Parliament level and Local Council level but for President lets have one opposition candidate.”

“It is the only way 2021 can be won. Without that unity forget it. Get over this tribal nonsense, Zambians are not tribal. With one opposition candidate we will consign the PF to the dustbin of history. We cannot afford another five years of this President. Even our patriotic friends and relatives in PF know it.”

He added, “Find the courage to get out and help Zambia recover its glory. Zambia needs a new beginning. We need to overhaul the Constitution and strengthen the Separation of Powers and ensure Zambia never elects such a terrible President again.”

Mr Simumba said the level of selfishness and pure greed amongst the PF leadership is unprecedented.

“We have two living former Presidents and I believe three living former Vice Presidents and none of them can even raise a hand to say enough is enough. So it is up to us the citizens to use our vote in 2021 wisely and ensure we protect our votes when they count,” he demanded.


    • Spot on Trevor. the fact is, Lungu MUST go. Wr cannot afford another 5yrs of this incopetent, corrupt, theiving man. HH has thebmost support. If the opposition care about the welbeing of Zambia they must rally behind HH.
      I have some issues with HH, but am coming to campaign and vote for him. Lungu HAS to go

    • HH disappointed us when he choose GBM as running-mate.
      If he HH was wise-man he could listen to us to give him a running-mate. If Ba Nalumango don’t want to face “insults” , then HH should surprise us with Charlotte Scott.
      I repeat:
      HH is very intelligent, but no wise.
      Nalumango is wise, but ordinary intelligent.
      Bo Inonge is very wise, but not intelligent.
      Ba Edgar is ……………. judge yourself, what a disgrace

    • Trever Maliwanda Simumba.

      If HH was the best option for Zambia, the people could have realised a long time ago. You cannot override the (i) Gut Feeling, (ii) Instincts, (iii) Intellect, (iv) Judgement of the people of Zambia

      Trevor, you are economist and you are parallel with HH. You obviously can see areas in which HH can do well in running the economy.

      However, you are forgetting the Big Picture. Running the nation is not just about doing the economy. HH is not a Uniter. He was left with a big chunk of MP’s by Mazoka. He has lost two thirds of that.

      HH has failed so many times to denounce the so coined – UPND to be Party For The Tonga. This ideology has been embedded inside UPND for a long time. Its there very strong in Southern Province.

      Advise HH to work…

    • Trevor, Being “the best placed person to take on the PF” does NOT make Hakainde the best for Zambia. He is a lesser evil though as compared to the incompetent drunkards currently overseeing the affairs of this country. But I can assure you folks that looting will continue even under Hakainde because he has ZERO credibility. How else can you explain the appointment of GBM as his running mate. a person who publicly stated that he was in politics to make money?

    • Cont…

      Trevor, advise HH to improve his likeability. He fails to connect with common people.

      Secondly, his judgement remains to be questioned. What was he thinking in choosing GBM to be his running mate. That mistake has left a lot of people wondering in Zambia about HH.

      Unfortunately, too often in life, a single mistake can override everything you have worked for in your whole entire life. And look how it has ended up with GBM.

      “” Trevor, the credit i give you is that – if HH had 15 more people who were vocal like you, he would do much better. And I know you from the 90’s when we’re all students in London. You are smart and brave. UPND praises itself to be a party of intellectuals, but it has proved to the opposite of that. Its all on paper but not in motion…

    • Sorry.. and Correction on the post @ 1.5

      I meant, he as lost one third of MP’s from the number Mazoka left him with. Its not two thirds he has lost.

    • Only people who are bent on acquiring wealth through theft and massive corruption hate HH to be president. Because under him corruption will be dealt with sternly.

      I HH as my prefered president to take over.

      VIVA HH.

    • Don’t kill democracy.
      Let there be as many parties as possible on the land. Let CKinsultor try his luck, let Edith try her luck, let Mutati try his luck, let Sinkamba try his luck, let Wynter try his luck, let Mmembe try his luck.
      Simumba is trynna suggesting undemocratic tendencies. Multipartism remember?
      A bipartisan Zambia is a definite no no. It should not run in our blood.
      Simumba is already sensing and feeling yet another UPNDEAD demolition, brutalizing, whacking, defeat at the 2021 polls.
      Anything else but the tribal UPNDEAD please.

    • If PF fails we will try someone else not this crook called HH. How did he get rich after being involved in privatisation? How did he buy a Lima bank house and shares in Sun Hotel after being involved in their liquidation.
      He never condemned people that maimed others in his name in Namwala. No the man is close to the devil himself.
      Despite being stinking rich his relatives are suffering. His farm workers go months unpaid although their salaries are too low.
      He does not consult his MPS just dictates to them. Anyone not agreeing with him is considered his enemy.
      Ask senior UPND members and hear what they say about the man. For me and my family NEVER for this guy.

    • I am sure LT know that when the put HH in the headline they are guaranteed of page views and posts even on Sunday!!

    • Been there tried that 4 times in the past. Next it will be 5-Nil. HH is not the best person to lead Zambia, period.

      Furthermore, HH would be learning on the job. You don’t need a rookie at helm at the moment, you need a steady hand because current economic issues are global not Zambia specific.

      What policy ideas has he ever generated either through his MP in parliament today or his own?? All we have is a 10 point one page draft.

      That’s not how a government in waiting behaves. Compare that veracity to MSC (MHSRIP) to HH when the two were in opposition in terms of policy.

      What criteria did you use to arrive at your conclusion??? Nothing!!! How democratic is he??? What is his political history as an elected official??? Nothing!!!

      How about his business success??? Started…

    • Continued…

      How about his business success??? Started with a $350,000,000 net worth in 2006 ~ Forbes Magazine and yet he’s only worth $75,000,000 today (Panamá Cash included).

      Instead of growing his own net worth, he has squandered it. Is that someone best suited to run the Zambian Enterprise??? The list is endless.

      Trevor, if you want to be his running mate you go kiss up all you want. The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise are ready for 5-Zero in 2021.

      My money is still on ECL, he may not be the best person to run Zambia but he’s the best among the alternatives. You are not going to change government with HH, it’s a pipe dream.

      Look for someone else. Elias Chipimo on a one on one match maybe even the best alternative but unlike his father, he doesn’t know how to…

    • Continued…

      Look for someone else. Elias Chipimo on a one on one match maybe even the best alternative but unlike his father, he doesn’t know how to grow from within and that’s been his downfall.

      Elias is an extremely intelligent man, a Rhodes Scholar with brilliant ideas but is a Lone Ranger with serious trust issues.

      The Edgar Chagwa Lungu as President with Brian Hapuunda as Vice-President (Running Mate) for 2021 is a landslide ticket.

      For 2 reasons, it balances the geo-political equilibrium for the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise for one while bringing in youthful leadership to the fore.

      Let’s roll … epo mpelele,


    • Trevor wants relevance all the time. He albeit falls short all the time. Look at analytics from one BRM and learn from him. Maybe, only maybe you will one day learn to be objective.

      I don’t support Lungu 100% but HH is the worst candidate to replace him. Believe me child!!! I also agree with BRM that if Chipimo understood systematic dynamics, and learned to work from within, his rise would be meteoroidic.

      That’s a classic study for anyone aspiring to leadership.

    • @BRM … keep them coming young man and cut Jay Jay some slack. He’s maturing as days go by. Give him at least an “E” for effort.

    • @Nostra … Charlotte Scott was my idea for HH’s running mate. But that ticket loses terribly to ECL with Brian Hapuunda as running mate. My numbers don’t lie.

      Also, you have paraphrased my words. I have said here several times before that HH’s biggest problem is that he’s not smart … he’s clever but not smart.

      He actually has a lower IQ than ECL. Compare the two men’s demeanor and therein lies your answer.

      Epo mpelele,


      @ Ba Luchembe … well noted, bakalamba. I will take that under advisement and maybe, just maybe revert to calling him Jay Jay. Lol

    • @BR. MUMBA Sr.

      Guys keep them coming. You two guys keep these upnd guys below flotation all the time. You use facts and not guess works. I am loving it….

    • First and foremost Trevor Simumba is Tonga, his analysis is not based on hh as a best candidate but been a Tonga. The truth is hh is not the best candidate he maybe an economist but he’s not the best. This is the man who does not support anything good, the man who controls his MPs, the man who does not attend any national event, the man who fires anyone who supports the efforts of the government. A good example is the case in kafue, where a Upnd counsellor was fired for supporting the cleaning efforts by Lungu, who does that? Hh is a bitter man, like l say all the time Bembas, Nsengas in Upnd are wasting their time. A Tonga bull will never allow you to run Upnd. This is the good example of Trevor Simumba, instead of calling for convention in Upnd and select electable candidate, he’s…

    • This is the good example of Trevor Simumba, instead of calling for convention in Upnd and select electable candidate, he’s calling to vote his Tonga man. Welcome to club. Hh forever in southern province.

    • Mambo@ 1.20
      Noted and thanks.

      Muza@ 1.23
      Trevor Simumba is NOT Tonga

      He is Mambwe from Mbala District. Men’s Names from that part of Zambia can often start with Si…*****

      Such as the following:


      If Trevor has a sister, she will be addressed as NaMumba. If you are a man, you get addressed as Si…***

      And as woman you addressed as Na… ***

      Similarly Bob Sichinga is not from Southern Province but from Munchinga Province.

    • Why is Zambia my country full of educated id01ts who can not see that the economic problems the country has have been caused by PF and Lungu its inept Leader who thrives on stealing. Can’t they see that Lungu is destroying the country completely.

      One even went to the extent of saying the bad economy has nothing to do with Lungu by God. Really??????

      For Zambia to develop Lungu must go and HH should take over.

      I urge real Zambian professionals to join Laura Miti and group to protest for the removal of Lungu and corruption.

    • @Wanzelu or is it Waulibe Nzelu … there you have it. It’s okay to root for your guy but it’s not okay to call educated patriots cretins just because they don’t agree with you on your choice.

      And yes, HH is not the answer to the current economic problems. Itemize your response, thanks.

      Also, even if you removed ECL, you would still have the same problems now, how do you propose to solve them?

      Once you have a blueprint of how you intend to move the country forward, we might look at your plan.

      I for one am open to pragmatic solutions, my current analysis and calculus tells me the best alternative is none. The status quo is more viable.

      Please give me something I can analyze and I might just support you but without that, don’t lump me with others as an educated cretin.


    • @Wanzelu … you behavior is typical wannabe intellectual. Real intellectual don’t start stereotyping others without offering real policy differences. In your case, Zambia is doomed without HH and so anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a dimwit. What if you are wrong about HH and your biases won’t allow you to see any better??? It’s called choice, promote your choice without insulting those with a different opinion.

      @INDEPENDENT OBSERVER … you are right, Tonga name would have been Sia… in this case Siamumba

    • @BR Mumba and Luchembe,

      If you two guys do not understand and can not perform causal analysis then its NOT my fault. Its this very fact that forces me to call most PF aligned educated Zambians as educated f00ls because they know and understand why our economy is in trouble but choose to either stay mute or praise the status quo hoping the heavens will solve their problems. If such does not amount to being an educated 1d1ot then what can I call it?

      But lets rewind the discourse starting from UNIP. KK did his part but overstayed and caused food shortages and hyper inflation. Then Chiluba took over, economy returned to better standing but then he messed it up by his rampant corruption. Mwanawasa took over and managed to correct things. Evidence is in the value of Kwacha against…

    • @BR Mumba and Luchembe

      Evidence is in the value of Kwacha against the dollar. How did he manage to improve the Kwacha from K8(K8000 old currency) to a dollar to K5(K5000 old currency) to a dollar? Banda just thrived in Mwanawasa’s glory.Then PF took over and quickly started destroying the gains achieved by Mwanawasa. PF took over when Kwacha was K5 (K5000 old Currency) to a dollar . Now under PF Kwacha is 3 times weaker than when PF took over. Thats why inflation and food prices have crept up wards.

      Only people who understand issues of finance and exchange rate mechanisms like me fully understands the determinants required to improve a currency’s value while simultaneously avoiding political risk which is the biggest factor in currency value destruction. Look at…

    • @BR Mumba and Luchembe

      Evidence is in the value of Kwacha against the dollar. How did he manage to improve the Kwacha from K8(K8000 old currency) to a dollar to K5(K5000 old currency) to a dollar? Banda just thrived in Mwanawasa’s glory.Then PF took over and quickly started destroying the gains achieved by Mwanawasa. PF took over when Kwacha was K5 (K5000 old Currency) to a dollar . Now under PF Kwacha is 3 times weaker than when PF took over. Thats why inflation and food prices have crept up wards.


      Look at ZIM, Zambia during KK, Congo during Mobutu. Look at how brexit political risk has lowered the value of the pound against the dollar. Too many examples to mention.

      The subject of what constitutes political risk in finance is quite wide. I would…

    • @BR Mumba and Luchembe


      Look at ZIM, Zambia during KK, Congo during Mobutu. Look at how brexit political risk has lowered the value of the pound against the dollar. Too many examples to mention.

      The subject of what constitutes political risk in finance is quite wide. I would need two full lectures to cover it fully with tangible example.

      Lastly what would you like me to call a Dr Habazooka who denies that the fact Zambia’s economy is under intense pressure despite visible signs like delayed salaries and higher food prices being the norm under PF?. He is just a typical example of an educated f00l.

      Lungu must go and be replaced by HH. Lets try some one else.

    • Wanzelu … none of what you have said gives me any reason why I should consider HH as an alternative. That’s the information I am looking for and you keep dancing around. I am not going to comment on Dr. Habazooka or Ba Luchembe.

      I believe these are grown men who can carry their own water. But don’t include me in your fight with cretins. I don’t want to be any part of that.

    • @B R Mumba
      The least you can accept is that the PF cretins have destroyed the Zambian economy. I can not condemn you for who you choose to support to replace the PF cretins but if you think PF cretins are still the ones to save Zambia after having stolen so much, then you also blind in thinking.

    • @Wanzelu … I appreciate that feedback loop. However, I referenced educated “cretins” you alluded to not PF “Cretins” as you put it. For your own information I am a life long UNIPist and I can speak to the ills of PIG (the Parte & Its’ Government) under that regime.

      I am not aligned with PF and I think they can defend themselves adequately and when it comes to corruption, I can tell you for a fact that the UK and most EU countries are the best examples of countries that try to fight corruption in an honest way.

      The rest of the world, the Chinese, the Russians, the Americans, the Latinos, the Indians, the Africans and pretty much the rest of the world are all corrupt.

      Here is an example of a corruption scandal that would have made a UK or EU Statesman to resign that happened…

    • Continued…

      Here is an example of a corruption scandal that would have made a UK or EU Statesman to resign that happened in the United States.

      * Mitch McConnell is the leader of the Senate – his wife Elaine Chao, however qualified is the Secretary of Transportation (nepotism)

      * Mitch McConnell is up for re-election in KY for 2020 and his Transportation Secretary wife hired a lobbyist wife to make sure $78MM in Federal road construction business is directed towards KY so her husband can easily be re-elected (corruption)

      * Jared Kushner would not be receiving $90MM for his offshore company if he was not the Son-In-Law of Trump (corruption)

      * Under Dick Cheney, Halliburton, a company he was CEO of before he became VP received a disproportion number of contracts (corruption)…

    • Continued…

      I hate corruption, I disdain corruption and I don’t condone it in any way but the above are just examples from here in the United States, I have not touched Russian, French, Italian, Chinese nor African, etc. corruption. The entire lobbying business in the US Congress is nothing legalized corruption.

      So, we have to stop corruption in it’s tracks wherever we see it and HH is no angel either and that is a subject on another topic. I am personally will not let you off the hook selling a defective product for our presidency such as HH.

      Epo mpelele,


  1. What else do we need. Someone to face the reality and turn this economy round. I believe HH who has the balls to do so. This country is going nowhere with PF especially when ECL is on the helm.


      Well polished comments and truthful. You are back as good as you was in your 2008,2009, 2010, 2011 blogs. Always analytic and objective. I always looked forward reading from *INDEPENDENT OBSERVER, *SENIOR CITIZEN, *MMD CHIEF BOOTLICKER, *CAPITALIST EEE, *SYDNEY, *GRACE,

      To UP

    • People of Zambia. HH will die chasing the dream to plot one. please dont waste your energy on this guy. He is tribalist, angry, bitter, satanic and boring.

  2. That cannot happen in Africa.Even parties that have no following will want to field a candidate. There is to much selfishness in African politics. Such a thing as supporting one candidate,as opposition, is a pipedream. That is why we see proliferation of parties. They all want to be presidents. And more over, they are formed on different ideologies. Others are socialist while others are democratic.

  3. HH can not deliver, i dont know why people cant see that. Being a businessman is no passport to being a good president. Let him keep running his business and stay away from state house.

    • @munone, it seems you are comfortable with clueless people running our affairs. You think running a business is a walk through the park in an environment where corruption and money laundering are rife. By the way, have you bothered to find out what skills and experience he has that can leverage our resources and competitive advantage. I guess no, you must be consumed with hate which is clouding your mind and blocking energy which could bring the best out of you.

  4. Trevor I agree that we need to kick out PF. Yes based on previous elections HH has been close. But you have sàid nothing why you think HH is the best. Is based on his previous election results? Say more man to convince doubting PF voters. It is not enough to talk about Tribalism.

    • Matumbo, have you ever travelled or lived with the real Tongas in Southern Province?
      If the Town Tongas are all you know then you don’t understand how hospitable Tongaland is. As a Bemba, I am at pains to understand people who think Tongas are tribal. I always feel at home with these good people – very honest, hardworking, self-reliant and dependable!
      How Is it a crime for a Tonga to vote for a fellow Tonga and okay for an Easterner to vote for a fellow Easterner in wako ni wako fashion?

    • @Mwine Mushi – my point to Trevor was to stop using tribal lenses. What is the point of his bringing the issue of tribal in his argument. I find it hard to believe that every time even educated people talk they will bring in the aspect of tribe that and that (whether positive or negative it is bad). This is why UPND ended up with GBM as VP – because reasoning is always overtaken by the tribal lens. Let us just argue without branding a group of people tribe this and that. We have worked in all parts of Zambia and have found good and bad people, it is just the nature of human beings.

    • Mwine mushi, yes generally Tonga people are great. I still date a Tonga chick. She is nice mwe.
      The rotten egg entered UPND and turned it tribal, thus, UPNDEAD. The rotten seed gave birth to nasy double h who in turn emphasized it, lived it and still defends it.
      One thing lead to another. This instigator of tribalism (double h) since he rose to the helm via a bitter tribal slogan worsening the connotation of his tribal party, UPNDEAD, rushing into torching, chasing and supporting atrocious acts in a Xenophobic fashion against those who were identified non Tongas immediately post 2016 polls.
      Nimashabe? Nimaliza? Nimapenzi? Why would you want to strangle me for not voting for double h within Tongaland?

    • @7.4 Matumbo, you have argued very well!
      It’s time to move away from tribe talk because that is what spoils every discussion.
      Without harsh to Trevor, I think he was trying to undo the tribalism card which PF used and though it worked for PF, it left the nation with serious Ethnic fractures which we must begin to heal now!
      The UPND tribal talk started with Ackson Sejani whom HH would have done well to condemn then for suggesting that only a Tonga can succeed Mazoka. That is what killed the UPND spirit! However, all is not lost. Whether we like it or not, UPND is the second biggest party in the country commanding 50% support. We have to choose again between PF and UPND in 2021 unless a third force emerges. The only advice I have for UPND is they must hold a Convention to renew their…

    • @7.4 Matumbo, you have argued very well!
      The only advice I have for UPND is they must hold a Convention to renew their democratic credentials or forget about 2021! I rest my case!

    • As far as can be seen the only tribal Zedians are those brought up in the rural areas and those who are uneducated. Those who grow up on the copperbelt Lusaka Kabwe do not identify much with tribe especially if they are educated.
      That is all why parties always have a big fight over Copperbelt votes where people are quite educated but when it comes to rural rural these parties just withdraw knowing whatever they do, the people will go with their tribe or anyone sympathetic to their tribe. Lets just look at Zedian political personalities. Lungu is copperbelt breed and went to school-he wont be tribalistic. Vernon Mwaanga was raised in Lusaka and London, he cant be tribal. HH is rural Choma. To get the village out of him there will be war. Chishimba Kambwili is uneducated so tribalism is…

    • Chishimba Kambwili is uneducated so tribalism is sticking to his brain like a headlice. Gary Nkombo grew up in rural Mazabuka so he is tribal inclinated. Lucky Mulusa is born in Chingola he wont be tribal because he is also educated. To be continued

  5. We need someone who does not care for a second term, and who is focused on actually working for the citizens and not populist sycophants. Someone who doesn’t allow people to allude to him as having kasaka is ndalama or attack Chapter 18 institutions. We just need a sane leadership. Too much to ask? Up to the electorate mwe…

    • Good morning Mr. Hater. The man who would rather see the country destroyed because of his inexplicable hatred for one man. Very narrow thinker.

    • Exactly my point also. People should stop painting HH as the most intelligent man in Zambia who can bring Heaven in this country. Its Other millions of Zambians that are equal to the task.

    • Do those other millions of Zambians have large opposition parties and also over 50 MPs? See why I always say the thinking of anti HH people is suspect. It’s like wanting to buy milk and there is a very well known Dairy farmer just down the road with the best milk possible but just because you hate that farmer you decide you will wait for someone else to start a dairy farm from scratch and then buy from them twenty years later. Pure lunatic thinking. Ati other Zambians, very laughable.

    • People of Zambia. HH will die chasing the dream to plot one. please dont waste your energy on this guy. He is tribalist, angry, bitter, satanic and boring.

      Observes Followship 2.2

    • HH can not deliver, i dont know why people cant see that. Being a businessman is no passport to being a good president. Let him keep running his business and stay away from state house.

      Munone @ 4 dramatically sums it up.


  6. That is what it is. People need to open their eyes and see that there is grace of God on HH. By the way, FIC you have made us proud by standing firm against these PFOOLs. It reminds me of how one wonderful lady called Madonsela stood her ground against the JZ intimidation and served SA with distinction. Mary and your chairperson continue and do not be intimidated by a foolish dictator.

  7. I remember watching ECL on TV at some stadium during the funeral of President Sata.ECL was crying charging that there was cartel that was bent on taking over our country.He drew widespread sympathy.five years later,he seems to have been taken over by a cartel.He was crying for a bango that he cannot play

  8. The best way to punish PF is to vote for HH whom they dread because they know he will wean them from their dependency on the treasury through tenderpreneurship!
    No need to fear an HH presidency because he will be limited by terms of office! If he does well in his first term, we can allow him to finish his second term as well!
    After all he has told us that he won’t need a Salary or allowances to turn our economy around. What can be better than that?
    For those who say he stole during Privatization (which no one has proved) would it not be a wise idea to make him pay back through his service to the nation?
    What all Zambians need is a functioning Economy! When the economy is doing fine, no one cares about politics or which tribe you come from. Zambians were so rich under Mwanawasa to the…

  9. Zambians were so rich under Mwanawasa to the extent that even Sata admitted Levy was doing a great job!
    PF has failed us! No need to experiment with recycled politicians! Let us put in place someone who has not been corrupted by the system!

  10. It’s your opinion Simumba,not Zambians option though.God will definitely raise someone from nowhere again.Zambians have rejected your HH.

  11. HH is a good business man but Zambia is a public sector-driven economy.Unless he shows proof that he can reforms and revitalize the public service,he risks becoming exactly what ECL has reduced himself to: A talking head without hands, torso and legs to implement his policies.He must commit to a broadbased public service and difuse more power from the presidency by decentralization

  12. I think HH will do well and since he already has money corruption will be a thing of the past, the problems we are facing now with these PFoools is because they were all poor with 28 kwacha in the pocket when they took over the presidency, the only thing they think of is stealing and drinking free whiskey….. On the other hand HH is a good business man who has seen all kinds of contracts which PFoools only heard of in their lives.. thats why the debt is out of control

  13. indeed trevor you are hundred percent right let every well meaning zambian vote for this economist who will bring development and make zambia once again be on its feet instead of its knees. pf has failed lamentable there is no doubt about it even pf members have shifted their attention to hh. if you go round zambia you look at the peoples faces you will see sadness and ask them why, they will all say this biting economy. south, west, north or east it is the same language under pf

  14. Trevor you’re free to express your opinion, however some of us think Hichilema is a political failure who has killed intra UPND democracy. By the way, it doesn’t mean that if all opposition leaders rally behind him then he can win elections. He failed before in 2006. Although Mazoka was equally a tribalist, at least he respected the tenets of democracy. If you wish to know about his dishonesty ask Nawakwi and Tilyenji. FDD and UNIP have never recovered from Hichilema’s assault, the chap was even issuing adoption letters to his tribesmen in the night. He thought the UDF was an opportunity to further Tonga superiority. He will continue to fail because he’s not honest

    • So the only people who see that HH has killed intra party democracy are the PF? Tell me about PF’s intra party democracy and KBF’s expulsion Mr. Hypocrite.

    • PF holds elections, there was another one in Eastern province just yesterday. UPND has never had any elections since Hichilema took over, so you can’t compare the two

    • So you stop everyone from challenging Lungu in your party and expel those who do but want a change of leadership in UPND in the name of Intra party elections?

    • I’m not PF for God’s sake! PF can stop people from challenging Edgar but at least they hold elections. Hichilema doesn’t believe in elections, the Freemason

  15. I don’t know why people cannot see that HH just wants to serve his own personal interests and that of his other business partners once elected. Open your eyes people… HH is a Saputello (The Mr.Know it and most intelligent man in Zambia) Lets wake up! Its better people that can lead this country from its economic situation than him from within the same UPND such as Garry Nkombo etc. Ine i would rather even vote for Harry Kalaba or KBF than him cause for the past 16 years or so its the same finger pointing and showing he is better than everyone else. HOW?? The world keeps evolving from education to human rights, technology, policies, world trade etc and he claims to know it all. Ba Simumba lets be serious!

    • You just hate the guy mune, stop those nonsense justifications. Everyone in UPND is comfortable with HH just like you are in love with that visionless !mbecile Lungu. Better a person who claims he knows stuff and this is seen from his wealth and investments than a bum who confesses to knowing nothing at all and we actually see the fruits of his ignorance. You speak of KBF, a man who has stolen from clients as much as Lungu as a lawyer and lost his licence just like Lungu. What has KBF done to inspire such accolades from you? Has he built a school or clinic somewhere like HH has done? KBF gave us Lungu so they are from the same pot. You are just a simple jealous hater mune like your friend Ndanje.

    • Ba @Dudelove I have no hate for HH lets get 1 thing clear. I just have a problem with people that claim to be saints and know it all. Everywhere in history such people turn out to be the opposite. Who even told you that everyone in UPND is happy with HH?? If clearly you are a UPND supporter and you are indeed happy with him thats you & i respect that but that does not mean you even represent a 3% of UPND supporters within. How do you then also explain a person that keeps standing but keeps losing and you say everyone in UPND is Happy with him shouldn’t that tell you something. Truthly, I see alot of UPND MPs who are far much articulative & firm given the Opportunity to lead this country than HH.

    • Ba Ghost, HH has been standing and losing but with every loss the margin gets smaller. Does that to you spell that people are unhappy? I would think he would be losing by very huge margins but he keeps gaining ground. So you say KBF has not been claiming to be good and a saint because he has. Do you believe KBF to be a saint considering his past of embezzling clients? Am trying to understand why you want KBF as opposed to HH since both claim to be saints.

    • Let me rephrase my question, what qualities do you see in KBF that would make him a good president as opposed to HH?

    • @Dudelove on KBF… He has a clear road Map and has seen that the current PF leadership has messed up big time from the initial PF manifesto and will to develop Zambia and elevate it out of its abject poverty. He even goes on to say that he apologies on behalf of the PF for the poor quality of life subjected to adding that the PF must accept that the quality of life for an average Zambian has dropped to unacceptable levels. Well on the other side its different for HH. He talks of free University.. YES thats a good idea and plan but he has never explained how he is going to do it.. He usually blows out hot air on anything even though the government has done well. This is what i always say: He is in the opposition and yet does not offer proper Checks and Balances from the current position…

    • So you are willing to go with a man who has a criminal past, licence suspended, has indulged in very shady dealings and has no track record of major investments that has employed thousands of Zambians just because he has apologised and made a good speech? A man who helped Lungu fraudulently win the nomination ku Kabwe? A man who went and woke up a judge kuma 04 to sign an order barring the continuation of the convention so that Lungu was chosen? The whole of that history you forget just because he has apologised on behalf of PF and not his transgressions? You are a very very easy man to lie to and convince my friend. You cannot compare that track record to HH and that is why I insist this is just pure personal hatred. Simple.

    • HH has been advising your government from the time of Sata, indiscriminate loan contraction, he was called bitter. There is that famous letter Sata wrote on State House letterhead acknowledging receipt of a letter HH had written to him and then telling him off. What kind of checks and balances exactly do you want him to offer when everytime he says something advising this government, you same people rush here to call him bitter and tell him to shut up? No my friend, your argument does not hold any water at all. You just dislike the man. Admit it the way Ndanje did. You cannot justify declaring you would vote for a criminal lawyer to replace another criminal lawyer at the expense of a man who has never been cited for any criminal activities apart from by PF supporters. It just does not…

    • For over twenty years HH has been telling you practically the same message KBF has told you for three months and somehow KBF’s version is the one that convinces you. How does that work?

    • KBF is just another PF cretin trying to get power so that he can also steal. Any one trusting a cretin like him has some serious mental issues.

      How can a person in his right mind support KBF who fraudulently installed Lungu in power after arm twisting judges to block the court injunction to nullify Lungu ‘s election by show of hands and thuggery at Mulungushi rock of authority. He openly boasts about this. He installed the cretin Lungu in power who he now accuses of being unthankful.

      This KBF cretin is now fighting Lungu because he feels left out on major bucks deals and did not get the justice ministry as promised to him by Lungu.

      KBF is a thief fighting his fellow thief Lungu. Remember there is no honour amongst thieves.

  16. I too, believe HH can deliver if given a chance but we can’t hesitate to remove him if he fails…
    Fact is that we (youths) are going to vote for him, he should only prepare the best team to help him deliver to the Zambian people. We can’t go on with this incompetent gov’t

    • Way to go Watson!
      Let’s help to heal this country from the current ethnic divide! Zambia was fractured in 2016 between its historical lines of Northwestern Rhodesia (Barotseland) and Northestern Rhodesia. It’s painful for us who were born across this divide and have married across this divide to continue entertaining tribal talk. Between ECL and HH, ECL has just been paying lip-service to the One Zambia One Nation. Look at his appointments in GRZ, it’s not a composition that can unite the country. The UPND Central Committee has a national representation compared to that of PF! PF has failed us! If it means voting for a Frog in 2021, let’s do so! God will see us through!

  17. Yeeeh, HH with his quota doctrine is not a solution. I have worked and stayed with Tongas ala it is bad news. We will remember Edgar Lungu after he is long gone and voting for HH is like walking on hot coals.

    • I would rather have a decent, affordable living rather that wallow in poverty under the PF. This party has taken us back to HIPIC due to their reckless spending i am so glad i have never voted for them but giving them another 5 years will be putting a final nail to the coffin

    • @pio,

      Remember cretin Lungu for what? You seriously think majority of Zambians will remember Lungu for high food prices, for destroying and closing down our universities, for delaying salaries for over 3 months, for unleashing electoral violence copied from Zim, for allowing his fellow corrupt PF cretins to go on stealing with impunity, for destroying our economy. ?????? I dont think so.

      Only PF spongers like you will remember PF and cretin Lungu.

  18. Caption on the picture states: “Trade Consultant Trevor Simumba making a presentation during the launch of his study “He Who Pays the Piper” which focuses on Chinese debt.” Are you also a piper doing what your payer says?

  19. Eko usulile ekoapa noko the bembas say some fear that if HH is president he may prove them wrong by improving the economy of zambia these are pipo who cant believe that ECL has been a disater who cant believe that he is incompetent no matter hw much they blink he is not presintial material but it stl remains true he has lamentably failed.

  20. Government departments have economists. What is needed is a leader who can direct these economists and bring sanity in the country by being just and universal in character.

    • @Its political

      Its not government money but his personal wealth obtained via his private businesses while paying his tax dues. Thats why PF can not arrest HH on that.

      But cretin Lungu and his fellow PF cretins are stealing government money and hiding it tax havens. there lies the difference. These I promise you will have to be arrested no matter what.

      Dream on Cretin Lungu is going.

  21. TS is saying loudly what everyone is saying silently. The word on lips is one candidate only: HH. It could be HH or a leader chosen by consensus as the winning number, such as Chipimo. Sometimes, HH shows signs of combat fatigue. To unseat a sitting president, the best formula is to present one and only opposition candidate. This technique was used by MMD to usher FTC. In my view, the contest between two candidates alone would prove the maturity of Zambian democracy and silence all critics.

    • Very true Dr Makasa!
      Let’s try what Ghana is using. They have thrown away the multiparty system and come up with only two parties representing the two regions that formed Ghana!
      Remember that Zambia used to be two states – Northwestern Rhodesia (Barotseland) and Northeastern Rhodesia!
      A two party system can work better on rotation basis the way it is working in Ghana. This is why Ghanaians are largely apolitical. They just switch rulers between the two regions when their tenure lapses. Let’s just throw away this multiparty thing and embrace the American system which Ghana has adopted maybe our democracy will mature!

  22. HH cant make it to plot one,he has no political record and he fails to connect with the ordinary citizen,this is the reason why he has been beaten twice by ecl who easily fits in at all society levels.Secondly,it is difficult to trust ba hh even ba Mwanawasa mentioned this when he was president.HH ku wayawaya fye come 2021 he will still lose.

    • In SA they were saying Mbeki can’t connect and thought Zuma was better. They are regretting the wasted 10 years. HH connects to all well meaning people who are not crooks. He was a chief executive for 12 years at a very young age and left with a clean and impressive track record which PFOOLs can only envy. He won elections in 2015 and 2016 which a certain foolish dictator rigged. In this way a fool placed by the devil blocked the fortunes of Zambia including PF base fellows who busy denouncing a righteous man for their wicked hidden agendas. We pray for God’s intervention in Zambia.

  23. Tribalism is a Pharisees Fallacy whose aim is to hold on to political power, since it’s their only source of income and survival.

    • Tribalism is real.
      It is like racism.
      You wonder why boers won’t rise to power in South Africa. At least not for now.
      Tribalism is like a cancer that led to ethnic cleansing in Rwanda.
      Tribalism is like a HIV. It makes you live in denial.
      Fortunately, tribalism is like TB, you can’t conceal it. You have it, it sticks with you and manifests somehow.
      MMD practiced family trees under Mevy Lwanawasa.
      The least we need is Tribal trees if not forests if Hikainde Hachilema ever won an election.
      Wake up, Triballs are bad people. Waste human beings trodding on mother earth.

  24. The group of people [the Financial Cartel] who are attacking FIC is actually the same group which is involved in the following:
    1. The purchase of Fire Bridge at an exorbitant price about 4 times more than normal price.
    2. The purchase of Ambulances
    3. The purchase of presidential jet.
    4. The suspension of UPND MPs from National Assembly.
    5. Nepotism in government and parastatal institutions.
    6. The offering of contracts to AVIC and others Chinese contractors
    7. The creation of NDF
    8. The economic crisis in the country from 2011.
    9. Failure to pay salaries to 30 Institutions.
    10. Massive and at times fake defection and also burnt the market to induce the rectification of article 30 or 31
    11. Political instability in the country with intimidation.
    12. Involved the twisting the…

  25. 12. Involved the twisting the harm of the judges, rigging election, abusing the police force and insulting the Catholic Church.
    13. Runaway of money laundering scandal against the FBI regulations (Federal Bureau of Investigation).
    14. Chiluba used Matrix system to commit the financial embezzlement during his term of office the PF are using Calculus

  26. The PF promises were the following
    – More Money in peoples pockets – current scenario is zero money in peoples pockets
    – More jobs – current scenario is zero jobs
    – Lower taxes – current scenario is higher and more taxes
    -MMD Mealie meal K30 – PF Mealie meal K100
    -MMD Exchange rate K6 – PF exchange rate K14
    -MMD More reserves – PF reserves eaten up
    I am PF but I want to be magnanimous to say, this is a no contest because as PF we have failed lamentably. Palibe napo bisama apa

    • The above reasons are what made me vote for pf, BUT how i regret, yes the devil we knew was better than the angel we didnt know.

  27. I saw one comedian who has posted that HH is useless, obviously the comedian is paid to type things but question the people who sent you. Trevor is advising you and you are stone cold. Let me send you the economic indicators off line so that you may be appraised, and post again if you want us to continue with this downward trajectory for the next five years after 2021. Why is that in Africa, both IQ and EQ are scarce?

    • You are saying God should come down and right everything that’s gone wrong in our country? Make me understand please @ Paulos.

    • @34, my dear, God will not come down because He has been here already and has told us all we need to do is use our brains! Religion always tells us we are going to Heaven but if you read the Bible correctly, the present and future home for Mankind is Earth (Now Old Earth and Future New Earth!).
      Heaven is a dangerous place for Lawless Humans! If your pastors care to read the Bible without reading anything into it, they would know that The Kingdom of God does not come by observation. God is a King and has a Kingdom with Laws, Commandments, Statutes and Judgements. The Kingdom of God is in YOU! (Luke 17:20-21). We should therefore desist from bringing God down when He has given us all we need to Govern Earth! Don’t you know that Man was created a King with Earthly Dominion? You are a King…

    • @34, my dear, You are a King with two Head gears – Royal (King) Priest! They will reign as Kings and Priests – Revelation 5:10! No State/ Church Separation in the Bible! Things are going wrong on earth because Christians shy away from Public Office. Don’t we pray “Your Will be done on Earth?”

    • @Paulos

      Thats blasphemy if you don’t know. God has given all you need to empower yourselves and you still need him to provide you with food. Really?

  28. Politicians have disappointed us, that is why we don’t have trust in HH, but looking at what we have i think HH is good. The way i supported pf, lord forgive.

  29. I wonder if Hikainde Hachilema has the balls to govern Zambia.
    If he fails to scoop the 2021 election even when all the opposition rallied behind him. That would be a recipe for disaster because he would completely fail form Government with various fragments of political components.
    He has completely shown a luck of leadership seeing him change vice presidents like nappies. At least Sichael Mata kept his vice from opposition to office.
    Let’s rally behind Melix Futati or Ndith Eawakwi or ngachashupa Kynter Wabimba.

    • All these you have mentioned have been PF cretins before. What can they do differently that they never did when they were in PF Nawakwi is working with PF but just watching corruption with impunity going ahead.

  30. The Plans of ‘Mice and Men’, so says the Man whose uncle is Chairman of FIC, and his employer. The plan was that after painting the country in bad light with the FIC publication the same band of people become vocal on TV and in the press in a campaign to making a case for their true hidden agenda and candidate. This is their intention all along, to sabotage the country and Claim that their candidate is best placed to repair it. Zambians are not stupid and see through such underhand attempts to gain power at any cost even through making it ungovernable. God will never yield his inheritance to the devil or its candidate.

  31. Comment:why are some people grave critical of HH to passing judgement that etenarly condemn him? why do they think that it is OK for those personalities in pf to perpetually commit grave mistakes to the point they have gotten us to presently? who has said HH is supper human and can never make a mistake? is it right for any one to conclusively condemn him even before he is allowed to prove himself with an opportunity on the job? if we tried ECL why should it be a sin to try HH? remember Zambians critics had declared that Mwanawasa would never make a good president, but he turned out to be one of the best Zambia has ever produced. we are all in agreement that we can’t continue with team and direction we are in now. Zambians let us wake up! Trevor is right HH is the man to go for

  32. PF won in 2011 without an alliance , let other political parties compete,we need different kinds of manifestos and the best candidate will win. The coming up of NDC and DP will make the election in 2021 very interesting.

  33. Just because am not Happy with PF does not mean i should vote for HH.
    A good leader will certainly emerge but my vote will not go to HH…NO WAYS!!

  34. The person talking is from which tribe? Is the analysis fare? How many opposition presidents do we have? Why pick on only one person? Why don’t you give us options?
    I think its you who is supposed to come out of ‘ your egotistic dreamland and sacrifice for the sake of Zambia’.
    HH has tried so many times and u still want us to depend on him, for what? Don’t we have other people better than your HH? Is HH indispensable? Come guys lets be real on this issue!
    In-fact your are very trible yourself! And you have taken this thing very personal by saying and i quote’have analysed and thought of different scenarios but each one shows that without an Opposition Alliance, the PF will win the Presidency’ end of quote.
    Nayaaa ine!

  35. Zambia=Aba Tonga babi,they will never rule Zambia……Bemba’s are thieves
    USA=The economy added 75,000 new jobs
    S’Pore=Singapore economy rated the most competitive according to Swiss Business School IMD
    Taiwan=Taiwan is to launch into orbit Formosat-5,a homegrown ultra-high resolution Earth Observation

    • Kikikiki … Zambia is full of Negative Energy for sure! If you are not careful, you can get sucked in for sure! The rest of the world is talking about real progress and here we are still trying to figure out why we cannot vote for chite or this tribe this and that tribe that … elementary talk that has kept the country backward! Are we surprised why we are were we are?
      I look forward to a Zambia where it’s citizens are not identified by TRIBE! For that to happen, the first thing that we need to change is the NRC!

    • He and UPND, has reduced the Zambian political field to the same gangland mentality. It’s like the Crips and Bloods complete with Turf Wars.

      Our current economic situation will improve. All over the globe govts are facing challenging conditions.

  36. Look, let’s be honest HH, lost the plot at inception of his ill founded idea to be President of Zambia. He is nothing more than a businessman who did good through shady methods. His character is the same as Satan, he is wicked to the bone. HE IS NOT LIKEABLE. His character is the problem. He is an enigma within an enigma, and unless you have the patience to decipher him, you would be better off playing with those Russian dolls, which contain many layers of dolls as you open each layer. Seriously, we have seen enough of his troubled personality, he doesn’t understand what government is and does. He is a businessman with no credible political experience other than running and losing elections. He is not patriotic, works against Zambia on the international stage. His fate was…

    • His fate was decided by his Tribalist modus operandi (that is the central issue). He is nothing but a lame duck walking whose strength lies in quacking VERY LOUDLY INDEED.

      He has failed to take part in Constitutional changes. He orders his MPs to walk out of Parliament. He is ALWAYS self centered, everything is about HIM winning the next election, NEVER takes part in democratic govt process but to disrupt.. HE IS TRIBALIST and has caused the South and NorthWest divide (most unforgivable and why he should NEVER RULE). HIS EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT LUNGU FOR STABILITY, CONTINUITY, and PEACE ON OUR SOIL.

  37. Entrenched tradition of rule of law is the best option for Zambia.Tis a fallacy to put our faith in political godfathers who come and go but rule of law and strong institutions will always stay.

  38. Oh please…how much were you paid to say that? Maybe when he attempts a leadership contest within UPND maybe, otherwise the same old labish!

  39. No one is a better option for this nation apart from Jesus. Corrupt activities in this nation cannot be solved by an individual. It is a pity that our children will be bequeathed a nation that is morally and financially bankrupt. The current leadership has no vision and does not exude confidence for posterity. Pilferage of national resources, is all the know. They have even killed and exterminated the little that our fore fathers and mothers left for us. It is even pointless casting a vote of crooks and plunderers. The nation has gone to the dogs. No wonder, people can steal with impunity and brag that they are intelligent out of the wealth they have accumulated dubiously.Politicians are all the same. They are liars. They are all cut from the same cloth of deception.

  40. Independent Observer, Ayatollah, Ndaje Kakhis, Hang’omba Miyoba, Tonga hater, Dude love,……. etc
    Trevor Simumba has expressed an opinion which may be true from aversive commentaries you offer. To be more effective in your argument, propose one single name or names to counter Simumba’s proposition.

  41. I stopped reading the article at “Ethical Stewardship…”.
    HH and the statement refered to cannot go together by any means if Zambians’ memory is working properly.

    Panama papers
    Under valueing and selling to self – insider trading

    Who can forget.
    I know Simumba was a child but I know half the population of Zambia are older than him even though most Miners died because of the misery HH and his Company put them through.

  42. Yes I agree with you Simumba that HH is better placed to challenge the PF come 2021 which is still far away. I say so due to the fact that he has convinced the other contenders in the opposition to think in that line. Their coming together is to remove the PF at any cost including becoming followers to HH whose line of thought cannot be challenged or you see the door. Having said that, it does not mean to say that grouping shall win the hearts of the majority, far from it as long as the perpetual looser heads the club.

  43. I believe the best option for Zambia is us the Zambian people and not these few selective individuals you people call leaders/politicians.. They mean no good to a common man of this great nation…

  44. Are we running out of options or am I missing a point here? Please educate me? Unholy alliances are not good for the country as they tend to crack just after cabinet is announced. Although democracy is about numbers, the trouble in our country is that many people don’t understand why they vote for a candidate or their understanding is misled. So candidates use “electoral bribes”to win votes. This must stop!

  45. HH is not very saleable that is why he needs a “good” running mate. The choice of GBM was his undoing. And if he goes for Kambwili that will be worse. That will be a sure way of losing. HH should not shy away from choosing a good candidate for a running mate even if that person comes from southern province. This is belief that his running mate should come from Northern province is a misnomer. He had GBM, what happened?

  46. thank god if we count for and against we discover hh is a winner and indeed he is going to take it despite the tribal remarks being levelled against him . many have seen the truth and sense that pf is nothing. they have done all they could to damage the economy by steatiling everything and all has backfired. enough is enough go and wait for jail judgements soon.

  47. Hacks best option? Naimwe ba Simumba mulebako serious… that guy is a through and through, otherwise all this time why hasn’t he apologised for being If he wanted to be President all he had to do is make an apologise, simple.

  48. Trevor must have been drunk when waisted his breath to say what he said. Or may be hes just mad. HH is the worst person among opposition leaders you can think of leading Zambia! Because hes a known thief who plundered Zambia through privatization program, hes selfish
    and a dictator as he has led UPND
    for over 12 years without intra-party
    elections we dont want another KK
    Wamuyaya, hes a known tribalist
    who kicked Patrick Chisanga and
    others when he came from nowhere to lead the party.

    to lead the party, hes very crooked because he has avoided taxes in Zambia by banking his wealth in other countries where taxes are lower as is he going to convince not to bank my wealth outside if he became president. Mr. Simumba think again. Dont hate because PF has not appointed you Finance…

  49. Trevor Simumba: “If we truly want to liberate Zambia from the shackles of this PF Kleptocracy, the answer is in working together and bringing forth a new generation of Zambian leaders with shared values of service to the nation, integrity and ethical stewardship of our national resources,” he stated.

    Iwe Simumba, that is what all politicians and aspiring politicians say, as if they care for the people. You are just positioning yourself for a government appointment. Since PF has not appointed you, you think that Hacks offers you the best chance if you started lobbying for his votes now. Its becoming a trend with Zambian economists, just look at the way Habanjoka at EAZ has reduced himself to a party cadre, difference is that he thinks his best chance is now with Lungu, but if…

  50. .. . It’s becoming a trend with Zambian economists, just look at the way Habanjoka at EAZ has reduced himself to a party cadre, difference is that unlike Simumba he thinks his best chance is now with Lungu, but if Lungu does not appoint him, just observe how he will “seamlessly” switch to Hacks in 2021.

  51. ….For God’s sake iwe Trevor, Hacks is not President and will never be one purely because he is a “leader” for all his political career so far. How can a right thinking Zambian professional, if you are one, support a trib.alist to lead Zambia? Kapenene uko kwine ne nsala yobe!! Hacks is NO OPTION for Zambja.

  52. I have said this several times on this forum that if upndOWN is for Tongas only,it is better the get a new Tonga man in the name of Hachipuka or Matongo to lead it and you will see how the support will change.Mrs Nalumango is being used as a bait, just like CBanda, GBV,Chisanga,Sichinga etc(End of Thinking Capacity) were abused!!Look at the way Sakwiba was ejected, on mutunduism(tribalism)!!But I don’t support ecl, since the demise of MCS and PF proper, but from what is available politically on the ground, especially the opposition, useless!!No one matches the current leadership.But PF must swallow it pride and talk all the people it has forced of pf to reconcile.What is that day of prayer and reconciliation aimed at?Is it for religious entertainment?Ministry of Guidance must take a…

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