Sunday, February 16, 2025

Government will not declare hunger situation a national crisis – Veep


Vice President Inonge Wina says government will not declare the hunger situation in the country a national crisis because there is no situation to warrant such a declaration.

Mrs. Wina said Zambia has enough food stocks from the carryover stock and the new harvests which is enough to feed the entire nation.

Responding to a question from UPND Monze Central Member of Parliament Jack Mwiimbu during the vice President’s question time who wanted to know whether government was considering declaring the hunger situation in the country, Mrs. Wina said government will not declare any disaster.

She said the in-depth assessment of the hunger situation has been concluded and the report is being compiled to understand which districts are the most affected.

Mrs. Wina added that the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit is currently distributing food to the hunger stricken districts across the country.

She accused members of parliament accusing government of having failed to deliver relief food of making noise to attract votes.

On Tuesday this week, Caritas Zambia urged Government to consider declaring the hunger situation in some parts of the country as a disaster.

Addressing a media briefing, Bishop Director for Caritas Zambia Evans Chinyemba said places visited by the Catholic Church agents has revealed that 79% of the crops were affected by drought, 13% by floods while 4% were affected by both drought and floods.

Bishop Chinyemba named Southern, Western, Lusaka, Eastern, Central and Luapula as some of provinces that were affected in the previous farming season.

He said apart from crop failure, the prolonged dry spell during the last farming season has created water shortages for both animals and people with many households currently with nothing to eat and are surviving on wild fruits.

Bishop Chinyemba said the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops through Caritas Zambia and other stakeholders is therefore targeting to spend not less than US$9.4 million in helping 42,000 households who have been affected by the unfavorable weather conditions.


    • How can this old hen declare a hunger crisis when her family is well catered for?

      Does she even know what hunger is?

      Let us be serious for once please.

    • Bo Inonge, the hunger situation in Southern Province is very real and very serious.Government relief efforts are slow and inadequate and very soon people will starve to death especially in Gwembe and Sinazongwe. How can you say” Members of Parliament are making noise to get votes” when you you should be attentive and sympathetic to their pleas ? You have reduced everything to the level of primitive politics. Anyway there is an old Cambodian saying that states that “when one is quite old and quite sick the best thing is to die.” I honestly do not wish you this but please seriously consider retiring before you shred your hard earned reputation into taters.

  1. The few “so called” Catholic Bishops and UPND wanted the National Dialogue Forum to fail. After failing to do so and seeing the success of the NDF they now what to get at Govt with falsewood of massive hunger in the country. This country has no such hunger. DO NOT ALARM the Nation. SHAME ON YOU!!!

    • @Drogba, true here in the Eastern Province apart from few areas of Mambwe District, there is plenty of food, I personally is expecting more than 500 50kg of maize. Visit Eastern Province and see for yourself.

  2. I agree it’s not the whole country that experienced inadequate rainfall so why should it be a national crisis. Declaring a national crisis will inadvertently make govt divert resources they don’t have.

  3. This old lady is still in government working? I thought she resigned so that she can take
    care of her health. Power is sweet eeee? Could it be the reason they say ” there is something behind
    the throne, greater than the king himself”?

    • The old lady is only fulfiling to live the biblical age as contained under Psalm 30 verse 10 of three scores and 10 (a score =20 hence 3×20+10=70)and up to 4 scores i.e.80.

  4. It’s only the regions that have rejected Gods Word in Romans 13 that are suffering hunger and drought. If you read the Bible the pattern of punishment is clear, famine, drought, disease and death of livestock. Same thing happening here. Repent and bow to the will of God or else continue begging.

  5. The old lady is only fulfiling to live the biblical age as contained under Psalm 30 verse 10 of three scores and 10 (a score =20 hence 3×20+10=70)and up to 4 scores i.e.80.

  6. @indigo Tyrol, how do you her “old HEN” …? You might be a roaster That caused let her lay eggs.

    Shameless boy.

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