Thursday, February 13, 2025

President Lungu commissions 38 Housing Units for the Zambia Police Service


President Edgar Lungu commissioning  38 Housing Units for the Zambia Police Service under the Ministry of Home Affairs in Chibombo District, Central Province.
President Edgar Lungu commissioning 38 Housing Units for the Zambia Police Service under the Ministry of Home Affairs in Chibombo District, Central Province.

President Edgar Lungu yesterday morning commissioned 38 Housing Units for the Zambia Police Service under the Ministry of Home Affairs in Chibombo District, Central Province.

The 38 houses are part of the phase (1) of the 12 000 housing unit project of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Speaking during the official hand-over, President Lungu said government is still committed to improving working conditions of the men and women in uniform

He said the Patriotic Front government remains committed to taking development to all parts of the country without leaving anyone behind and the security officers are not an exception

“The provision of decent houses for all law enforcement officers is therefore one of governments main priorities”

The Head of State stated that providing decent housing to security officers is a guarantee for an effective and reliable system able to detect and arrest crime.

“An effective and reliable service system is the underlining foundation of any democracy and solid foundation for sustainable social and economic development

Therefore investing in our security institutions will consolidate our democracy social and economic development this investment is cardinal because security institutions can not grow or operate effectively where their is no law and order”

President Lungu noted that no local or foreign investor can risk investing in a town, city or country without law and order.

The Head of State said Investing in housing for our security officers has also created jobs and provide essential construction skills to our people during the construction phase.

“As we invest in this projects we are not only creating jobs but also building capacities in our people”

Since the commencement of the 12 000 housing unit project for security officers a total of 10 000 jobs have been created countrywide.

So far 1375 houses out of the 2350 of the phase (1) houses have been completed.

And, Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo said construction of houses for men and women in uniform will change the face of Chibombo District and the country at large.

The Minister thanked President Lungu for the massive strides His government is making in improving the welfare of the security services in the country.

He said the on-going modernization of the Security Institutions and Services encompasses provision of decent housing, equipment and in-service training for officers across the country.

Hon. Kampyongo further called on the Men and Women in uniform to ensure they keep the security service above board and ensure Zambia remains a beacon of peace.

President Edgar Lungu commissioning  38 Housing Units for the Zambia Police Service under the Ministry of Home Affairs in Chibombo District, Central Province.
President Edgar Lungu commissioning 38 Housing Units for the Zambia Police Service under the Ministry of Home Affairs in Chibombo District, Central Province.
President Edgar Lungu commissioning  38 Housing Units for the Zambia Police Service under the Ministry of Home Affairs in Chibombo District, Central Province.
President Edgar Lungu commissioning 38 Housing Units for the Zambia Police Service under the Ministry of Home Affairs in Chibombo District, Central Province.
Some of the newly built House for the Police
Some of the newly built House for the Police
Some of the newly built House for the Police
Some of the newly built House for the Police
Some of the newly built House for the Police
Some of the newly built House for the Police


  1. Building police houses is everyone going to be police? fix economy in Zambia than taken all the money to police houses.thats why police are under PF

    • Are the Zambian people going to EAT Police houses? GRZ should instead have concentrated more on production (Farming/Education/Mining) and above all, less expenditure in terms of being extravagant (travels, GRZ workforce size, including expensive motor vehicles etc.). It’s written in the bible;”God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”

      God bless Zambia.

    • Bonzoman – so that when you as a Police are retired in national interest ….you are kicked on the streets so yo think twice about arresting PF cadres.

    • Lets bring constructive debates on the table.The economy should start with you.USA is what It is because of productive members of society.Their are poeple in the manufacturing sector.Lets avoid being lazy and when we are cought napping,we blame the government.

    • Kampyongo and AVIC have got very rich from this contract…you wonder how such things benefit the economy no wonder the Chinks are funding this project. Instead of paying the Police properly so the live within the community you are placing them in barracks like soldiers!!

  2. Why can’t they build for the poor old people of Zambia than for police who are getting good salary and bribe money from ministers to cover their cases.

  3. The whole President flew to Ndola to rush to commission 38 Police houses without shame, there is a reason why houses were sold off during the Privatization era as govt couldn’t accord to maintain them …the Police can not maintain a mere Police post or stock it with paper how can they run these? I wonder how much they have overcharged the taxpayer with these 12 000 housing unit project of the Ministry of Home Affairs….I am sure its AVIC the main contractor.

    • Great good’s about time. Next sikanze camp should be demolished and build better houses for them. Those where built in colonial . Police need modern structures near town

  4. Nifunseko, so all those people went into a frenzy over 38 low-cost houses? Are that a small economy that 38 houses can exite us to that extent? No wonder Zimbabwe thinks Zambia and malawi are in the same watsup group

    • This is great development. Police have been living in ramshakles next is sikanze camp.. need to demolished and build better houses

  5. Now elections are close start counting how many flights this lazy moron will make to Central Province…I saw a picture of him kneeling at some Chiefs Palace he thinks Presidency is about campaigning!!

    • One thing that makes me know that ruling party is winning is when you see frustration from people with opposing views for anything the ruling party does. They run out of ideas and start using insult and confirming anything…I have changed my mind..I’m voting pf they are proactive

  6. Can we say something good for anything good!!!!!!!!!! Yes lets condemn corruption is bad but buiding houses that will belong to the state is not bad……………………..If we condem everything he may stop to do even the little good like this one you are busy blaming him for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Lol 1.7 million for those square houses with no jacuzzi and our docile ignorant people are applauding this. Imagine what the Chinese think of us, no wonder they mistreat Zambian workers. $320 million spent on such basic structures is too much, when ministers are building personal houses ten times better than these basic structures. I will demand for the change because no way in the world would 1.7 million get you such a basic structure.

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