Saturday, July 27, 2024

DRC new President Expected in Zambia


Leader of the Democratic Republic of Congo's political party Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) Felix Tshisekedi confirmed as the winner by the constitutional court
Leader of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s political party Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) Felix Tshisekedi confirmed as the winner by the constitutional court

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) President Felix Tshisekedi is today Thursday expected in the country for an official visit.

The DRC leader will spend two days in Zambia in which he will officiate at this year’s Zambia International Trade Fair in Ndola this Friday.

According to an official programme released to ZNBC news by cabinet office, The DRC President will arrive in the country with his wife in the morning and will later lay wreaths at the Presidential burial site in the afternoon.

President Tshisekedi will then hold talks at State House with President Edgar Lungu and later pay courtesy call on First President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.

In the evening, President Lungu will host a state banquet for the visiting head of state.

President Tshisekedi will on Friday leave for the Copperbelt to officially open the Zambia International Trade Fair in Ndola.


  1. This new DRC president is all business ,trade and investment oriented he will soon put Edgar Lungu to shame with Zambia’s failing economy.DRC will soon join the East African Community trade block.

    • The Belgium, the UK and the USA planted the original seed of instability in the Congo from which it’s still struggling to emerge. Sadly Africans aren’t keen on studying history, let alone learn its lessons. It’s a long story but this is enough for now.

    • Austerity measures my foot, the dude is just coming to officiate at the trade fair, the reckless spending pf had to find a way to snick him into Lusaka for a night banquet party, DRC is so close to kopabelt, why bring him all the way to Lusaka? Is this your definition of austerity measures?

    • So Lazy Lungu will again be heading to CB for the Trade Fair this week….this is the man this shameless man Edgar was ignoring when Kabila was in power now he wants some of those deals to himself. DRC is like Senegal but by far richer in resources where politicians are happy with $20 million pocket change whilst their country loses out to $2 billion in royalties over 10 years to a Multi-national.

    • Lazy Lungu will be with this man for 2 days even follow him to CB as Edgar is an absolutely workshy useless individual even though he will have dinner with him tonight and just came from CB yesterday!!

    • That is another useless lazy president Lifuka, feeding on porridge for lunch . His country still fighting, as if there is no president.
      DRC missed out on Fayulu.

    • But he should not let the Kamwendos contaminate him with the global trotting syndrome (GTS). He has many problems back home that need his presence.

    • I am sure Kabila’s Israeli billionaire paymasters milking DRC already have this Felix in their back pocket!!

  2. It is just good for our president to mingle with such God fearing and somber minded people, like Felix.
    May be Zambia can change for better.

  3. Thanx President FATSHI,welcome to Zambia and please put your efforts to stabilizing your country,build institutions of governance and promote cooperation between DRC and Zambia so that Trade can grow and cross border infrastructure projects can be implemented for the well being of the two peoples. PLEASE REJECT ANY PERSONAL BASED DEALS THAT ARE MEANT TO ENRICH SOME FEW POWERFUL CORRUPT PEOPLE LIKE WHAT HAPPENED WITH MALAWI – ” Malawi maizegate scandal”.

    • Most African leaders when they come to power are saints until they start visiting their fellow African presidents, then a sudden change occurs, hope this one won’t get this disease.

  4. The two heads now have the opportunity to meet with Refugees and pave the way for their return home.

  5. I don’t support also this visit, yes DRC is our biggest business partner but considering the austerity measures put in place does not support these visits. How would the economy recover if certain expenditures can be avoided?too hard to understand these controls.

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