Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kamanga reacts to CAF seat loss


FAZ president Andrew Kamanga has remained positive after losing the CAF Executive Committee elections on Thursday.

Kamanga was seeking the CAF Southern zone seat before losing to Mauritian Mohammed Ally Sobha.

The FAZ president got 12 votes against Samir who had 38 votes while Adam Mthetwa of Swaziland received 2 votes.

“We fought a good fight, we continue to sell our idea of transparency,” Kamanga told FAZ media after the elections.

Zimbabwe’s Fenton Kamambo and Elvis Chetty of Seychelles pulled out of the race.

The CAF Southern zone seat was held by Kalusha Bwalya who was not nominated by FAZ in preference to Kamanga.


  1. kekekekekekeke he lost!!??
    Kalusha won, he was the campaign manager for the winner.
    Kamanga lost to Kalusha team. Ukulinganya amaphuli!!
    When is next FAZ convetion so Kamanga is kicked out by Kalusha?

    • We said it and people thought we hate him because he is upnd. We knew it that he is a non entity at continental level. Preaching transparency My foot! Losing with transparency? Next faz elections we will bring back the winning corrupt king Kalu. Hate him or not he is a winner

    • The CAF Southern zone seat was held by Kalusha Bwalya who was not nominated by FAZ in preference to Kamanga.
      Kamanga was seeking the CAF Southern zone seat before losing to Mauritian Mohammed Ally Sobha.

      The FAZ president got 12 votes against Samir who had 38 votes while Adam Mthetwa of Swaziland received 2 votes.

  2. The bad blood between Kalusha and Kamanga has got out of hand and none of them is a winner. Above all it is doing harm to Zambian soccer.It is now a very personal problem which the two need to urgently resolve for the good of Zambian football.How could Kalusha support a none Zambian?

    • ”kamanga never wanted his help in the first place thts why” i mean if kamanga wanted help from kalu he would have gone to him and tabled out there differences infact king kalu should have been allowed to contest but rather the man off the moment mr kamanga refused to support kalu and opttedly chanllenged kalu for the nomination.have always been suppliesed why pipo continously talk ill about kalu…

  3. kikikikikiki ala wansekesha Nostradamus. My grandfather used to tell me time and again that ukulinganya amapuli kulaponwesha as put it by Nostradamus. Kamanga only knows to lose things. Twice no Afcon participation for Zambia and yet someone says I will go and stand for CAF….atase bane.

    • Losing to someone from Minnow footballing nation Mauritius sure? It just means Kamanga is extremely unpopular. He should leave football to the footballers

  4. He has learnt his first football lesson, he will learn another one next year at the elective FAZ AGM. We told you

  5. This Kamanga guy knew he had no chance but he went ahead just to preclude Kalusha. Kalusha may have have some faults but he has exposure and international recognition to be a perfect candidate to be a representative at CAF. now we have ended up with a nonentity just because Kamanga had beef with his country man. It is now not only a loss to Zambia but to African football all because of Kamanga.

    • Kamanga should stop competing with and against Kalusha. It is poor strategy.His only strategy should be to run FAZ successfully and to improve the performance of Zambian soccer which now is at it`s lowest ebb in decades. Good football performance by Zambia and in Zambia is what will improve his standing in the soccer fraternity and nothing else.

  6. If we continue to tolerate corrupt individuals like Kalusha to have a voice on how we do things then we won’t progress as a nation.

  7. They are just greedy chaps….they just wanted that position to serve their interests..thank god Kamanga lost. He should focus on FAZ …

  8. Can some please let us know what Zambia loses since Kamanga Lost ? And secondly what did Zambia gain by having the Great on the committee ?

  9. Great Kalu deserves his seat back not ba Kamanga. He has done it over time internationally too. Let him run FAZ and Zambian soccer will be made great again.

  10. Sometimes let’s learn to sort out issues immicably.Kamanga had no chance of winning that caf seat.If he had paved way for Kalusha,that seat would have been for Kalu,now this is the end result because of Beef against Kalusha.


  12. the other problem is that Kamanga had fake support from Rupiah Banda and sports minister and I think ECL.Kalusha has suppot from all walks of life across Zambia and Africa including the world so let Kalu the great do dat ching u know?very sad indeed for Zambian soccer, no Africa cup for how many years….?

  13. …and more poor timing for KAMANGA on the nationalleague. I say no team in this league will be able to play good football as they will find it very diffecult to travel to other teams. just look at the teams and tell me. no wonder Kamanga has failed.

  14. ”kamanga never wanted his help in the first place thts why” i mean if kamanga wanted help from kalu he would have gone to him and tabled out there differences infact king kalu should have been allowed to contest but rather the man off the moment mr kamanga refused to support kalu and opttedly chanllenged kalu for the nomination.have always been suppliesed why pipo continously talk ill about kalu…

    • ..@great Kalu has done it for what great Denis Liwewe would call Mother zambia.people forget so easily, can’t remember how frank mutubila used to coment when great Kalu scores, remember 2006 AFCON in SA.

  15. Comment:I am concerned but not surprised by the level of support and glorification being rendered to someone who was found to be corrupt. It is really a reflection of low we have stooped as a people and national, and this trend reflects at national level.

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