Saturday, July 27, 2024

Response to PF Media director Sunday Chanda’s challenge to #Yellowcard Organisers on source of funding


By Salim Dawood

Usually I don’t respond to political rhetoric but since it’s the ruling party’s entire Media Director my brother Mr Sunday Chanda who has posed a direct challenge to us the organisers of the #YellowCard protest to disclose the source of funding used for the protest, I’m compelled to respond.

First of all let me put it very clear that I do not represent or belong to any organisation be it political or in Civil Society and my response to the Patriotic Front or indeed my participation in the organisation of the #YellowCard is not influenced by anybody. I feed myself.

Let me put it on record that no CSO, external funder or political party designed the protest. It was I who approached my colleagues Pilato and Laura Miti as individual citizens and we agreed to mobilise citizens to peacefully protest and if you want to know, I authored the term #YellowCard.

Don’t let anyone mislead you to think that our #YellowCard is funded by HH or is in line with other international yellow card movements as insinuated by some vuvuzela political party leaders. We cannot stop anyone from aligning themselves with the campaign because it is about everyone including members of the PF
Secondly, the protest was made possible by individuals and any individuals or organisations that printed their own yellow t shirts did so at their own discretion using their own resources and because they identify with the reasons for the protest.

Mr Chanda might want to know that I personally walked to City Clothing Factory along Freedom Way and I bought my yellow overalls using MY OWN money. If we were funded, I was going to come in a yellow Jaguar and yellow suit.

If we were funded, I was going to come in a yellow Jaguar and yellow suit.

Bedsides, as an artist I know how easy it is to get money from politicians. We know how to dance at the airport but we are not cut from that cloth.
I want to remind you my brother Mr Chanda that the voice of the ordinary citizens is more powerful than any organisation and Zambians are not stupid to identify with the #YellowCard protests. Zambians don’t need funding to voice out their concerns. Your fights with the opposition should not be mixed with our protest because we speak for every Zambian including yourself and the youths in your party who have resorted to beating you their leaders because of unequal distribution of the country’s resources.

Let me also put it to you Sir that the Police are not doing us any favour by allowing us to protest. Protesting is our democratic right and the Police have a duty to protect us. As a matter of fact, we speak for those same Police officers whose professionalism is at the mercy of caders.
I think right now you will do well to respond to the many questions that the people of Zambia are asking. Listen to the people you promised jobs, lower taxes, and more money. Discrediting the #YellowCard protest today or demonising CSO’s will not make the suffering of the masses disappear overnight nor will it change K6.1bn to K0.

This was just a little demonstration of what People Power can do if leaders are not doing the right things. So bakalamba, if you or anybody has any proof of external funding availed to us for the protest then I equally challenge you to lay the facts on the table. We do not economise with the truth.


  1. People like Sunday Fooking Chanda are simpletons…he only sees black and white…prey or predator, HH or Lazy Lungu. These people thrive in rotten societies

    • Its sad that Sunday Chanda and his colleagues dont seem interested in hearing what the people are saying or understand the struggles they are going through. They seem more interested in their own selfish agenda of accumilating wealth for themselves as quickly as possible and stay in power perpetually. But we will bring them to book for any theft or corruption, and we will remove them from power, by any lawful means

    • Sunday amatoole yafimba!!! Kicked in the balls, not slapped like Given. Kicked in balls, bend over in pain then yellow boot in the stinking ass!!!

    • That empty big head of Sunday Chanda knows only to type trash about the opposition.
      Sunday doesn’t care about the truth

    • This nigga is lying between his rotten teeth.

      You didn’t answer the b1ood question.
      Who the hell is funding ya broke aszes?

      I wanna know, damn it.

    • I hope this Michael is now a rich successful man providing well for his family otherwise being a failed, aging, ganja smoking activist musician sucks.

    • Nostradamus: Cool it man. You hv every reason to be angry, as I do. But those insults don’t for one moment inch us closer to a solution.

    • As usele5s as this id1ot called Greg Mills from the Brenthurst Foundation, this is a Paid id1ot to destabilise countries lack Zambia

    • When Sata was around such hyenas like Fooking Chanda were teaboys at PF H/q…now under the mediocrity of this lazy tin Edgar every rubbish has come to the top….am sure Lazy is sleeping after playing all weekend come Wednesday he will start looking for places to fly to.

  2. Chanda, this is where you have it all wrong, in your mind Zambians are stupid and because you are withholding akasaka kandalama, you could not have envisioned a successful protest. This is just the beginning, a reality check because you have taken people for granted and made a mockery of God. Brace yourselves

  3. I really hate Pilato and his girl friend Laura Meat, I also dont like people who listern to his music because they flock together.

    • Maiko Sulu is not a bad dude, ni Dobo fye ilamukola sana. If only he can clean up and shave his head he can make a good leader

    • Ba Chanda,when people are in a struggle for the right cause,they depend more on conscience than on money.It is, however, impossible for money worshipping people in PF to understand this because they have lost conscience and have no sincere cause with which to appeal to the masses.The only cause they have now is corruption of the masses. PF is morally dead and Zambians have realised that PF should not continue to govern this country.The yellowcardcampaign will soon shock the PF and make them tremble.It is an initiative of ordinary Zambians who genuinely love this country.

  4. Chanda does not realize that his oxygen tank is running low, soo it will be 2021 and where will you hide?, make peace now.

    • Just because PF supporters are civil does not mean that we are not here.
      Come 2021, we you will cry again.

      Just because its only the opposition is demonstrating and rioting does not mean that PF supporters are not there. If you want dare us and we shall organize a PF support Demonstration you shall die from shock.

    • Ken —- you are really being an ignorant fool who cares how many supporters PF has —— What we want to know is why the supporters don’t protest against their corrupt leaders ?? Our Zambia is being sold to the Chinese so those in charge can carry on lining their pockets. Shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • NONSILVER FIMO FIMO — You see you are getting upset. Be civil like a PF supporter…! Kikikikiki…. Yamwikata…!

  5. Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Very well articulated.

    The PF, Lungu and his minions have been blindsided by the corruption and bribery. To them nothing can be done voluntarily without a bribe.

    I’m sitting here questioning my own conscience thinking how could I contribute to the good causes like this for my mother country. While I live a decent life my people are suffering at the hands of the corrupt few. How could I contribute even a little of my time, effort or monetary? What purpose do I have in this world and am I just gonna die without doing anything meaningful for my country,
    even just a little?

    I think each one of us should ask themselves these questions.

  6. These PF have forgotten what happened when the term “THE HOUR” by MMD in 1991 had an impact in Zambia. People are more powerful than any government and there is nothing as POWERFUL as a changed mind.. I think the YELLOW CARD is just the start and the people involved were simply exercising their democratic right! Who ever organised this need to start a FUND ME YELLOW CARD PAGE.. and I am sure that I will be one of the people to contribute to DEMOCRACY. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  7. Tell him to get a decent job, the rat is out on a new expedition. Learn from your fellow Chanda Amos, where is he?

  8. This is one of the most effective rebuttal that I have ever read on LT. Chanda and his friends trust too much in the overrated power of money. Just ask Rupiah Bwezani he will confess to you that money could not get him re-elected. People power is coming to Zambia and the next yellow card protest will make the last one look like child’s play. You ain’t seen nothing yet!

  9. Maiko, we are not kids. You’re connected to UPND, so is Pilato, do is Laura Miti and so is Linda Kasonde. The who protest was funded by Opposition and known gay activists in Zambia, no wonder the colour yellow.

  10. Chimwemwe wakamba vazoona…why yellow? This is how Civil society is being used to promote gay rights in Zambia. If you saw what was happening at the Lusaka July event, it was another “yellow card” party of gays. Yellow campaign is a gay movement being championed to hoodwink Zambians.

  11. Zambia is a joke…even chaps high on weed like maiko want us to believe they mean well with this thing after smoking dobo? Infact DEC needed to search Maiko, Pilato and Laura for weed.

  12. Pali Vuto pa Zedi mweh! Laura Miti says Edgar Lungu is a dictator but during Chiluba’s time herself and her former husband Azwell Banda ran from Zambia and went into self-imposed exile. Laura only got back after the divorce and now wants to be the champion…shaa!

    • Non of these PF cadres above want to address the subject of the yellow card protest and have resorted to name calling and wild accusations.

  13. Salim, Sunday has the privilege of getting first hand info from the intelligence service -he is talking with substance and not speculating. You Salim can convince your supporters but you can’t fool normal rational people who are aware of the regime change agenda heavily funded by the West!

  14. Salim, Sunday has the privilege of getting first hand info from the intelligence service -he is talking with substance and not speculating. You Salim can convince your supporters but you can’t f.0.0.1 normal rational people who are aware of the regime change agenda heavily funded by the West!


  16. Information is there where UPND was organizing disgruntled elements from all provinces to attend that protest and hired buses to ferry them no wonder Mr Chanda was deliberately asking who funded them…Government is way ahead of the under 5 UPND sycophants and zealots and enemies of progress and knows all the evil plans of the Supreme leader HH of the UPND…

  17. The writer contradicts himself he says” I want to remind you my brother Mr Chanda that the voice of the ordinary citizens is more powerful than any organisation and Zambians are not stupid to identify with the #YellowCard protests. Zambians don’t need funding to voice out their concerns.“ These are the ordinary Zambians who voted for Lungu. Was that action not louder than words? The police do not seek any favour when you inform them of a public gathering it is because they want to protect those who do not smoke the weed. At the moment you need to inform the police before you cause any disorder. Many ordinary Zambians did not join this yellow card slogan because they do not believe in it. So bwana Salim not all Zambians are with you am afraid. Some of us think that you have been funded to…

  18. … So bwana Salim not all Zambians are with you am afraid. Some of us think that you have been funded to deliver a message. Believe it or not the writing is on the wall. The people will speak again in 2021, if you want to test your yellow card just register your political party and let the smart people of Zambia the one you are referring to speak.

  19. Do not look to another person to make your country great and fight for your peace and freedoms just like you would not look to another person to provide for your own family which will render you useless. Take it upon yourself to make this nation great. While others are doing it you are busy watching what transpires, for you life is more of a reaction than something fulfilling and worthwhile. So ask yourself what it is you’re doing for the goodness of your country. And because you live a life of reaction people who know how to tame you will always use you to push their own agenda. If you don’t have a vision you will always be a tool to use by those that have one and while they that use you realise their dreams you will always remain wondering why you never make it.

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