Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vendetta should have gone a long time ago due to clear breaches-HH


HH addressing a media briefing at his residence
HH addressing a media briefing at his residence

United Party for National Development(UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has said that his UPND have been very categorical and consistency that Vendetta should have gone a long time ago due to clear breaches and violations of numerous contractual agreements and obligations with the Zambian people.

In a statement released to the media, the UPND President said that the lack of proactive actions that would have averted the ongoing crisis was motivated by personal benefits that the top PF leadership were enjoying from the ailing KCM at the expense of employees, contractors, citizens on the Copperbelt and the country at large.

Below is the full statement

We are receiving a lot of calls and messages from journalists, affected citizens in the mining sector, business community, and basically from all walks of life to comment on the implications of the court verdict regarding the KCM versus Vendetta saga.

We are not sure whether we are in a position to give any further guidance and advice for the umpteenth time, to our colleagues in the PF regime than what we have already given at different foras, but which has completely been ignored on countless times.

We have been in business long enough and for the love of our country, and for the sake of our citizens who are directly and indirectly affected by the ongoing indecisive actions on KCM, we rendered free advice to government which by now would have quickly resolved these matters.

We have been very categorical and consistency that Vendetta should have gone a long time ago due to clear breaches and violations of numerous contractual agreements and obligations with the Zambian people.

Like we stated before, the Zambian government is fully represented in the KCM board through ZCCM-IH appointed by the PF regime and were fully participating in the daily operations and the management of our mining giant. To that end ZCCM- IH obviously updated the PF and State House on an ongoing basis on the state affairs in KCM, but they took no action.

We have no doubt that the lack of proactive actions that would have averted the ongoing crisis was motivated by personal benefits that the top PF leadership were enjoying from the ailing KCM at the expense of employees, contractors, citizens on the Copperbelt and the country at large.

We are aware and have been advising our PF colleagues on many other challenges being faced by our citizens in other mining houses such as Mopani, NFCA, Luanshya Copper Mine and many other public entities, but as per usual incompetence, nobody wants to take proactive interventions.

Our social media platforms inboxes are full of complaints from our citizens requesting us to intervene, but our people should know that we don’t hold any executive powers at the moment, and the least we can do is merely offer advice and alternative solutions.

Ultimately, the real power lies in you our fellow citizens to determine the governance of our country, by either continuing with the same mediocrity and incompetence, or change the course of action. The power is firmly in your hands.

But we should all know that the ongoing mishandling of KCM and other mining houses has wider and long term implications for generations to come.

Already we are paying a heavy price over the manner we mismanaged Lap Green and generally the entire economic situation such as heavy massive borrowing from expensive windows like the Eurobonds.

The unfortunate thing is that some of the people who claimed to be patriotic citizens and put us in this huge debt burden and economic mess are no longer there, but we are all paying for their mismanagement.

Hakainde Hichilema
UPND President


  1. So what is this moron ranting about?On one side,he is saying Govnt could have grabbed KCM from Vedanta long ago then again he says Govnt will pay dearly for liquidating which is bo Kainde?Look,it is better for Govnt to pay penalties than subjecting miners in Chingola and C/bombwe to life misery!!KCM has run down all assets zccm left for this mine.Chingola and C/bombwe look like towns in Somalia when under zccm life was booming there!!!Politics aside here because nobody in Zambia wants Vedanta to continue messing up KCM!!!These are bad investors who bought a mine for a song but still subjected miners to severe poverty!!!

    • When one does not understand how to go about issues, the mouth crips acid and kills even his own cells. Clear indication that PF cadres minded will never articulate sensible resolutions.

    • Ba Edgar listen again.
      First fire Milingo Lungu you don’t need that thug, ground his charter planes, including ZAF.
      Ba Edgar humble yourself fourth time, listen what HH is saying. Meet. Agenda 1 -KCM saga without costing more.
      Team Edgar:
      Edgar, Ba Sumaili Bo Inonge, and uyu Bwalya Ngandu
      Team HH:
      Hakainde, Ba Nalumango, Deepak Patel, Katuka
      Mediators: Trespho Mpundu, Chitimukulu Sosala, Kinsley Chinkuli.

    • Since when did Hakainde become a convent on this issue? After putting his finger to the wind to see which direction it is blowing on this issue? He sounds calculating and superficial like always!

    • The only know and sure thing is that Zambia is going to pay to get rid of KCM. Then when the dust is settled people will then realize that KCM is worth nothing. No one can make money with KCM. It’s the highest cost producer of copper. The Indian were not f.oolish buying concentrate from Congo. Every engineer know that JCM is a dead duck. Chinese will buy it the strip it and they will be gone

    • Ba Mushota,
      I am one of those who everyday tries to make sense of your contribution so that we don’t rate you based on whether you are married to Nick or you have multi-PHDs, I care less, just want to get a sense and valuable information.
      Having said that, your today contribution does make sense, but I am struggling to understand your flipflop.
      You are known to be a candid PF supporter and specifically ECL, so your comment above is confusing.
      Can you explain yourself, please?

  2. Akainde (HH) you should have long gone to the gallows for sending countless young miners to an early grave.
    You stole money during Privatization and gave us these fake infestors. Today you want to say they should have long gone? Kaponya!
    You sold KCM for $26 million and pocketed the rest kolwe!

    • @Mr Kudos
      just in a humble way, have you applied to win the house challenge? tell us. If so, I advise you to wait for the results before firing your anger toward an innocent person.
      STOP trying that sshirt !!

    • KCM was sold to Vedanta by the MMD government under Mwanawasa. As for the false allegations about HH having stolen the proceeds of the privatisation of ZCCM just ask Francis Kaunda and Valentine Chitalu. If any money went missing from the ZCCM privatisation fund these 2 men should know better because they and late F.T.J. Chiluba and his cabinet were the overseers of the whole process not HH. In any case with the hatred Lungu and his government has for Hakainde, do you think he would be walking a free man if those allegations were true? Leave HH alone, he is a self made tycoon.

  3. You(HH) are the causer of all this mess because you(HH) are the same one who was there during the sale of the same mine we are talking about(KCM).You(HH) are saying you have offered solutions ,what solution? mention it. Infact you(HH) were suppose to go through the same document before selling the baba don’t even talk about this you are not even ashamed. Have seen have you have messed up the lives of the people on the copperbelt.

    • Many, many, people on this forum have been accused of being HH supporters. In reality, this support to HH is because those people who are unfairly accused are just trying to be unfair unlike you.
      It’s just ridiculous when you pose the question “You(HH) are saying you have offered solutions, what solution?”. I don’t work for HH, but I can fairly say you an ignorant that is what to prove you are a genius. Such as your dull contribution drive the fair people to be on defense for HH. Your little brains are a cause of HH sympathizers rise, you get that?
      Please apply for “Show me evidence that I sold the mines and I will buy you a house-HH”

  4. The UPND President has some key valid points. The ruling party must never see HH as an enemy, but as a patriotic citizen passionate to contribute to the governance of our great country of Zambia.

    The critical issue now is; let’s all citizens of this great country of Zambia, rally behind the current government on the stance they have taken, to ensure that wrong investors will never again abuse and steal from our people. We need to set a precedent that we are a powerful nation that cannot be taken for granted by anyone in the name of investor. Regardless of the past circumstances surrounding the Vendatta saga, lests all patriotic Zambians join our minds and hearts together with government to set a powerful precedent that none should ever underestimate our resolve to succeed whatever…

  5. Regardless of the past circumstances surrounding the Vendatta saga, let us all patriotic Zambians join our minds and hearts together with government to set a powerful precedent that no one should ever underestimate our resolve to succeed whatever our past. We shall continually raise like a noble eagle in its majestic flight above all our challenges as a nation. We will always face the future with great confidence and courage. God bless our great country.



    • We all agree. Africa should not do business with these infestors. The do not even like Africans to begin with. It is time we took control of our own destiny.

    • @Nzelu. @Jay Jay,
      Gents dont cheat yourselves. our forefathers said “It is time we took control of our own destiny.” in 1964,55year later the grandchildren like you are still singing the same song… really? What destiny are you talking about?
      What have done you or have been done, 55 years fast forward, do you get it? DONT CHOKE!!, simply doesnt make sense.

  6. I think HH should let appropriate departments in his party to comment on issues, it’s starting to sound like a one man show and sort of casting a shadow of doubt. The other day i read in the paper that HH suspends a certain UPND mayor for attending a GRZ function.
    I am not suggesting that the UPND mayor was right or wrong that’s a whole different issue altogether, my worry is why did it take HH to discipline the supposedly erroring Mayor. I want to believe the UPND has party structures to appropriately deal with such issues. we need to start seeing signs of an all inclusive leadership in the biggest opposition party if we are to have confidence in the pending change.

    • Why are you concerned about the opposition? Ask the question is the current government ” speak for the masses but themselves.”, think about it?

  7. for years, zccm-ih minority shareholders have also denounced the looting, the appalling governance and surprising laxity against looters. It is obvious that some big shots have been paid to close their eyes. Let us hope that the takeover of KCM is only the beginning and that Zambian and foreign profiteers of this situation will be stopped
    @ LT >> it is not Vendetta but Vedanta

  8. Privatization was a government policy, and the government then hired business consultants and managers to institute that policy. Dont blame the privatization administrators, blame the government at that time.

    • 9…shame on you…a hire business consultants and managers MUST do,imfore,educate,government on what is best for them and NOT what is best for the consultants or managers. Privatization has destroyed our nation. Ask hh to explain the source of his monies you will see.

  9. “The unfortunate thing is that some of the people who claimed to be patriotic citizens and put us in this huge debt burden and economic mess are no longer there, but we are all paying for their mismanagement.”

    What an insult to the Late His Excellency, President Michael Sata. (HH) is a devil, a liar, a thief and a Satamist.

    • The truth must be told! You can only do what is within your means. You can’t spend is give what you do not have. From the word go, PF has been making the Country spend what it does have, hence the huge debt burden! The mismanagement has not been by Lungu alone. after all Lungu did not have his own vision. He has just been following blindly what he had inherited!

    • Hate the HH all you want but that does not change God’s destiny for him just like it never changed for lungu no matter what people say. All HH is saying is this problem would have been sorted out some time back before it escalated to where it is now. Let hate not crowd our Judgement of someone sometimes one must pick the positives from what others are saying. Being from a friend certain tribe should not be hindrance for one to lead when they feel capable and equal to the task.

  10. HH alifulungana, in fact its him who doesnt know that he has been operating in reverse for a long time. In every statement he makes, the only thing he sees is State House and blame of PF. What a shame!

  11. The situation was ignored for a long time.WHY? Only after women protested half naked in our eyes then we opened the eyes! Because those bodies gave us manners that’s TWUSAUKA.

  12. It is difficult to understand you Mr Hichilema. You seem not to stand for anything, and as such,you usually fall for anything.
    Make your stance known to the electorate regarding governance issues.

  13. HH during one of his campaign Rallies on the copperbelt in the run up to the 2016 general election, announced that he would grab the mines from Vedanta and bring back Angelo american. He didn’t not anticipate the sharp reaction he received from copperbelt people who were still hurting from anglo America’s abrupt exit from the country in 2001 living copperbelt a collection of ghost towns. HH was never to repeat these words again.
    The lack of economic activities on the copperbelt in 2002 forced mwanawasa and magande to sale the mines to these chapaties for a song and dance. HH is an agent of anglo american. HH under their sponsorship has proven to be a costly political failure, they’re now seeing that lungu is doing what they wanted, they want meetings with lungu so as to strike a deal…

  14. Won’t this case end up like Lapgreen? Zambia is paying back in the lapgreen saga and who is paying the price? The poor ordinary Zambians while the politically elite and connected continue enjoying the luxuries.Zambia yena mwandi twabwelapofye!

    • This is why they are increasing taxes so that you pay for debt servicing caused by themselves due reckless decisions and corruption

  15. PF think they can continue to steal public funds forever, what they do not know is that something has to give.

  16. The damage has been done but it needs to be controlled and managed. The best way forward for Zambia is to negotiate with Vedanta a KCM Exit Package. Zambia needs to embrace International Arbitration and structure a Deal which will see Vedanta quietly leave KCM and allowing a New Shareholder with deeper pockets takeover KCM. Defying the Judgement calling for International Arbitration will be Fatal. The writing is on the Wall.

  17. I have also consistently stated that we should have had a greater control of our mines through more share holding. The point being made here is the timing and wrong procedure to achieve that end – which may cost us more.

    And for those singing the same over sang song about HH having sold the mines, get it for the final time that he was not in the govt. that made that decision. He was an employee of an auditing company that was merely hired to evaluate and audit the assets. It was a political decision that no one else had power to stop (unless of course the Zambian people had opposed it through a ‘revolution’)

  18. The unfortunate thing is that some of the people who claimed to be patriotic citizens and put us in this huge debt burden and economic mess are no longer there, but we are all paying for their mismanagement.
    Hechi h, you mean Sata? And Chikwanda?

  19. We have been in business long enough and for the love of our country, and for the sake of our citizens who are directly and indirectly affected by the ongoing indecisive actions on KCM, we rendered free advice to government which by now would have quickly resolved these matters.

    We? You mean I? You don’t mean UPND has been in business surely hechi h?

  20. H.H is right Breaches by KCM started way back in 2013. see below

    President Sata threatens to revoke KCM’s licence…/president-sata-threatens-revoke-kcms-licence…
    Nov 4, 2013 – Lusaka – Zambia: President Michael Sata has threatened to revoke … President Sata said his government will not allow KCM to fire even one miner. … is aware that KCM wants to use blackmail following the revocation of SI 89. …. These mines were initially surrendered to govt by Anglo American due to a …

  21. H.H is right, breaches started way beyond 2013.see below

    President Sata threatens to revoke KCM’s licence
    Nov 4, 2013 – Lusaka – Zambia: President Michael Sata has threatened to revoke … President Sata said his government will not allow KCM to fire even one miner. … is aware that KCM wants to use blackmail following the revocation of SI 89. …. These mines were initially surrendered to govt by Anglo American due to a …

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