Saturday, July 27, 2024

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo warns parties causing violence in Katuba


Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has warned all political parties that are causing violence in the places were by-elections are taking place across the country.

Speaking when he addressed the media, today Mr Kampyongo said his ministry through the Zambia Police have information that some political parties have resorted to causing lawlessness in places of by-elections.

“Close examination of the incidences in which public security and order were breached recently suggest that our political arena and politics have been infiltrated by intolerant political activities and politicians who have no regard for our multi-party political system, respect for and observance of fundamental individual rights, freedoms and human dignity,” said Hon Kampyongo.

He emphasised that all political parties should embrace democracy and allow people to belong to any party of their choice without being attacked.

“The wish to reverse our democratic dispensation anchored on respect for human rights and dignity, including the right to belong to a political party of one’s choice – the intolerance prevailing in our political arena is therefore uncalled for and has no place in any democratic dispensation.”

Mr Kampyongo announced that policing of the ongoing by-election campaigns is fully activated and has since called on all political parties to campaign within the confines of the law.

“As government, we will not condone political violence in this day and era. Our message to all political parties participating in various by-elections is to co-exist and desist from harming one another. Campaign in peace and play by the book you Veya off the law will catch up with you.”

He re-echoed President Lungu’s call for co-existence, peace and love among Zambians.

“Politics should not divide us, politics should not make us kill one another let us learn to live as one with no boundaries, we are one co-existence, peace and love is our strong characteristic.”

On record are Police cases of political violence in various places including Katuba (Central Province) and Shiwan’gandu – Mayemba ward (Muchinga Province).

The Home Affairs Minister has since called on the Zambia Police to bring to book anyone who violates the human rights and dignity of other people.

Meanwhile, the Minister has cautioned Political Party officials who are transporting their cadres to immediately desist from the vice as once found, Police will not hesitate to act.

“My message to political parties is to stop transporting cadres into places of by-election as they are perpetuating violence. For instance, the cadres arrested in Shiwang’andu are all not from the district but residents of Mpika and Kasama districts.”

“We have received information that there are people who have been ferried from all corners of this country to go into communities hosting the by-elections. Their scheme is to cause lawlessness and anarchy during the last days of campaigns leading to election days. My simple warning to them is that the Police will be on the ground and my appeal to the leaders is to start demobilizing those characters while they still have time.”


    • Why doesn’t he start by reprimanding lawless PF cadres to DEMONSTRATE his seriousness. Everybody will then follow suit

  1. he’s being a coward and not saying that the pf hooligans are the ones who instigate all the violence that we’ve witnessed. there’s has been no direct condemnation of their violence and that has given them a free pass to go wherever (shiwangandu) they want and cause violence
    even if they are from your own party a true leader would say, this’ not the core of our party, we’ll not tolerate it, but they use innuendo like above …even in a fight, there’s an instigator and the other party defending itself when the fight breaks out

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