Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND is too full of itself-Sean Tembo


UPND President Hakainde Hichilema and Alliance partners offering solidarity at Lusaka Central police to one of the partners, Sean Tembo who was arrested on a charge of defamation of President.
FILE: UPND President Hakainde Hichilema and Alliance partners offering solidarity at Lusaka Central police to one of the partners, Sean Tembo who was arrested on a charge of defamation of President.

As Electorates in Katuba Constituency on July 30,2019 go for Parliamentary bye elections, Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) President Sean Tembo says the United Party for National Development (UPND) is too full of itself.

Speaking when he featured on 5fm burning Issue programme on Thursday morning, Mr. Tembo disclosed that his party withdrew from the Opposition Alliance because UPND leadership told him that the UPND is ready to beat the Patriotic Front on its own.

Mr. Tembo said that at one time the UPND leadership told him that considering the margin the party lost with in 2016 elections coupled with the economic challenges the country was facing, the UPND will win the 2021 general elections.

He said after being told this, he found no reason why his party could remain in the alliance. He said the UPND leadership was too stubborn and self centred.

Mr. Tembo further claimed that the UPND leadership was not consistent on a number of issues including the issue of the liquidation of the Konkola Copper Mines. He said there was no synergy between the smaller parties and the UPND in the opposition alliance.

Mr. Tembo said this in a live telephone discussion that included Narep Secretary General Ezra Ngulube, RPP’s Leslie Chikuse and a representative from the Alliance for Democracy and Development.


  1. Sean Tembo should be sincere. He was pushed out of the door. I was expecting this immediately I head about his fraud case in Botswana. Besides, the tribalism in UPND can be stifling.

    • This tribal thing is not that bad a system. It is about identity and branding.
      A CBU boy branded his product as “Mongu Rice”. Rice from Mongu has been there for decades, but nobody branded it.
      Green Eagles are called Tonka Twende team, a Tonga Team. But their coach Chiyangi can’t even speak Tonga. Their goalkeeper Sebastian Mwange doesn’t seem to be a Tonga, just as Mutale Nalumango and Katuka are not Tonga.

    • @ Nostra. When you will be mistreated @ work because of your tribal that’s when you will know how bad tribalism is. I didn’t know it until late in my working life, when I felled victim of it. It has since channed my view of life. I don’t take things for granted.

    • You are very naive on matters of tribalism hence your defence of people that practice it. You are either one of them and therefore never experienced tribalism at a work place.

    • So just because double h told your azs that he mighty win the 2021 polls, you got infuriated?
      Don’t forget that GBVM has subtracted his own.
      So near they got in 2016, yeah?.
      Figures don’t stay same.
      Plus there is plenty of time for the so called economic turmoil to recover.
      The deads would be praying for the status quo.
      The PFs may have it calculated. You should’a stayed with the pact a little longer. Maybe too early for the alliance,

    • @ Nostradamus, a small difference in opinion that “Tonka Twende” is the Tonga team name for Green Eagles but more a cheer leading slogan encouraging prowess of the team when on the pitch. Literally translated its “Push we go!” Insinuating “bulldoze for a win!” Thus it has nothing to do with the team being tribal other than it being a rallying slogan by fans.

  2. So what is the problem here??
    Sean Tembo is the one who is full of himself, where is his candidate in Katuba consistency? Where is GBM, is too quiet, he went on rampant to discredit HH and UPND, nothing has come out of it except probably a few contracts for his businesses.

    • To be honest you can never hear a Tonga insult a Bemba or Easterner but these two are always insulting Tongas so who is a tribalist here the only thing I see here is jealous and hate.

  3. Why do you people hate on my white Swiss wife so much. We Africans are taught that every mother in this world is your mother. I have to say am shocked y the amount of racial hate I and my white wife have received on this website. It shows that in fact we zambajns are no different from the kkk. Very sad. Your insecurity will lead you to death because I will forever love my white Angel elisa

    • Correction it’s not your wife people dislike, it’s your continuous and inappropriate things you write. I’m in love with my white husband but bloggers are not interested in our every day life and when I’m in Lusaka with him people always buy him beer and he loves Zambia. Enough is enough!

    • @ Neez, I have noticed only one or two bloggers respond to you every time you post, meanwhile you are saying you are shocked by so much hate. Hate from who? My view is that you are working very hard to draw attention to yourselves and it appears you are being ignored and that hurts you because what you post is not relevant.

  4. UPND always say we are winning elections this time. Its always we are wining. They told Sata we have withdrawn from the pact because we are wining the elections without PF. Even when they were assisted by other parties like FDD, NAREP, and Milupi’s party they still lost. They are now experts in losing.

  5. Sean Tembo had pledged to the public that he would be the last man standing in the Opposition Alliance should some people decide to leave, of which Alliance he said no well-meaning Zambian would leave. Whither Sean Tembo?

  6. @NEEZ,
    How dare you call us monkeys? Kkkkk is a monkey gesture. You are the one who is the monkey who suffers from inferiority complex because you think making love with a white woman is similar to go to heaven. You seem to be born from a defected egg hence detected brain. UMWANA USHUMFWA ATUKISHA NYINA.

  7. If UPND never forms government in this country it will be due to the tribal tag. People have not forgotten the “only a tonga must succeed Mazoka” anthem in 2006

    • This is one of the things I have been telling UPND. If the do not come out clean on “1. only a tonga…2. How HH became rich, 3. Hidden constitution, 4. Freemason. They might as well forget about forming government.

  8. HH is chief he will only be out of the position when he dies and his son will take place.10 years team for a president from 2006 to now it’s how many years?few months ago they we celebrating 20 years being in opposition still.hh took over from his late uncle mazoka ,who is next to take over his cousin nkombo.Dont blame Mr.Tembo he vomited what was making him get sick.let 2021 come

  9. Well Sean Tembo is actually a usless opposition who is simply out there to make silly noises. This fraud has nobody in his party and he has no structures to back him up for anything. UPND should also wary of such men with no agenda but simply calling themselves an opposition. You have no representation anywhere and yet you want to be in forefront to call shots in an alliance, that cannot work. UPND should be full of itself because it represents itself and its agenda unlike iwe cipantepante fye.

  10. Bwana Tembo is the hunger strike over? PF will continue plundering our resources for a very long time..thanks to our useless bunch of clowns in opposition.

  11. The problem with the UPND is that they fail to differentiate between the Tonga culture and the Zambian culture. Just because they worship their bread winners and can not question them doesn’t mean that other ethnic groups in Zambia do the same. I feel pity for people like Muchele Car, Mama Nalu, Leavy Ingoma and others because indeed they are useful *****s for now.

  12. He fought lpm, rb, sata, lungu and he keeps losing yet claiming he is popular

    He has no single mp in urban area

    He has worked with

    Mulenga sata
    Miles sampa
    Canicious banda
    Andford banda
    All the big names in Zambia and they will tell you that he is self centred.

    He wants people to surround and worship him

  13. Don’t jump on UPND’s back for your political expedience. They have come from very far to trust you people. You need to paddle your own canoe. Political alliances don’t thrive in an environment of mistrust. Most of you politicians are just there to push your personal agenda. Alliances are just vehicles for you to get a reputational existences. You have ulterior motives of wanting to be recognized. It doesn’t work that way.

  14. UPND is a cursed party!!Their reasoning is always in reverse gear!!It is very clear that the UPND leadership and followers have not learnt anything politically since 1998.Dealing with human beings is very trick because one could be raising your symbol saying “FORWARD FORWARD” but he does not even vote or on polling day,he/she votes for someone else!!!Hunger,poverty,unemployment have always been there and not even UPND Govnt could eradicate them or employ every Zambia.If a huge South African economy is struggling with high youth unemployment,poverty,what of a poor Zambia?Voters know this fact.INDEED HH IS SELF CENTRED!!Kainde forgets that he is the most unwanted politician especially in bemba&nyanja speaking provinces!!!THE FACT IS UPND CAN ONLY DREAM ABOUT PLOT ONE ONCE HH IS REPLACED…

  15. The same is true of Sean Tembo – Too drunk with self!
    You and HH are the same!
    You want the world to revolve around you only!
    Time wasters!

  16. Continue…..
    If i recall very well,the difference between unknown ECL in 2015 was about 35 000 with HH and Kainde became very confident that he will close this gap in 2016.Sadly for him,the 2015’s narrow gap almost tripled in 2016 to more than 100,000 votes.Hence,who knows may be president Edgar Lungu could once more triple this 2016 difference in 2021 to more than 300 000 votes since all those prominated politicians who backed HH in 2016 such as Dr.Guy Scott,Miles Sampa,GBM,Nevers Mumba,etc have since ditched him!!!HH and his tribal leadership should stop living in “utopia” world but face the reality that ECL’s PF wont be a push over in 2021!!IT WILL BE A BATTLE OF THE GIANTS!!whenever UPND is analysing its 2021 chances,they should always remember that PF is strong in 6.5 provinces…

  17. Tribalism is a curse to humanity. Just take a study tour of Cavendish University – Medicine and sample tribal statistics of staff. It is an Institution invaded by higher (%) Tongas, the lesser (%) being mere decorative to appear universal.

    • What if the Tongas are the hardest working students then what..? Whose problem is that. Most tribes are not as determined and disciplined as Tonga people hence the jealous, and am not Tonga. Bemba all the way. Just work hard BASSA….

  18. Bitter Hakiende H. cannot survive outside politics trying to recover the losses from monies spent and since great bag of maize has walked awe shuwa yabija makani

  19. How much of an opposition will Sean Tembo offer against the PF government…? I guess none zero, why, because he has no following and he has had no capacity to do anything tangible. His party is in his pocket and then Sean Tembo wants to be seen relevant by saying nonsense against the mighty opposition UPND. Instead of treading softly with the likes of HH and CK to know the game well and to help in rooting out the corrupt PF government, unfortunately for ST is here castigating UPND. Sean Tembo is shallow minded and retrogressive. Sad to see.

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