Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dora Siliya advocates for East development


Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Dora Siliya
Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Dora Siliya

Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya has urged the people of Eastern Province to work together, in order to ensure development in the province.

Ms Siliya who is Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Member of Parliament for Petauke Central says peace and unity is key in fostering national development.

The Minister noted that for development to take place, there is need for the people in the area to work together regardless of their political affiliations.

Ms Siliya said President Edgar Lungu wants all Zambians to embrace each other and work together towards developing the country.

She noted that the President and his administration are striving to empower all Zambians regardless of their political affiliations.

The Minister was speaking during the official handover of empowerment tools and relief food by the Presidential Empowerment Initiative Fund at Petauke Day Secondary School grounds today.

Ms Siliya also urged the people of Eastern Province to be grateful to the Head of State for empowering them with tools to make wealth.

And Speaking during handover, Presidential Empowerment Initiative Fund National Coordinator Clement Tembo revealed that the distributed equipment and mealie mealie are worth K245, 000.

Mr Tembo said two block making machines were for the youth groups, while the incubators are for the women groups.

He further narrated that five churches will get 25 bags of cement each, to help them build their structures while the vulnerable people will each receive a bag of mealie meal.

The Presidential Empowerment Initiative Fund team and the Area MP are also expected to pay a courtesy call on two traditional leaders, Chief Mumbi and Chief Kalindawalo where they are expected to distribute mealie meal to vulnerable people and handover incubators to women clubs.


    • Very weird Headline LT.

      Yes, so every MP must make rounds visiting his or her Constituency to avoid a Given Lubinda chastening in his own backyard.
      Every elected MP must woo his or her constituents to endeavor to develop their boundaries.
      I hope the deads too do visit their Constituencies. If they do and their electors keep smiling for or with them like everything is good, I am a sad man. Electorates must ask these good for nothings why they are fond of storming out’a parley day in, day out.
      It is the duty of an MP to unite his voters in development. Development must be 24/7. Build toilets, don’t cut Zesco polls, don’t do tribal politics, love your neighbors, do good.

  1. Luapula, Eastern, Copperbelt, Lusaka, Northern, Muchinga, Central and now North Western and Western Provinces are PF’s power houses and as such they need particular attention in terms of development. Moreso, Copperbelt, Eastern, Muchinga, Northern, Luapula, Central, North Western and Lusaka are mean very well to the growth of Zambia’s economy.

  2. When I told my Swiss white wife that doras siliya is considered a beautiful woman in Zambia she thought o had run mad. I told her that most zambians consider overweight unhealthy women as attractive. As for me my Elisa has a Kardashian body and takes care of her self.

  3. N.e.e.z you exhibit traits of poverty of ambition. Focusing on your woman alone shows that you are very poor and the only thing you have is a white woman. The anatomy of women sexuality is the same yellow red blue or green. The constant of friction (epsilon) is 0.123. Its a constant and there’s nothing you can do about it. So please talk about substantive issues here and show us that your mind works.

  4. While other provinces have been convening Provincial Expos, nothing of the sort is being said by Eastern Province leaders. Why is it so? We also need an expo to draw the attention of investors to our Province. Wake up Eastern Province.

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