Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lungu’s directive to withdraw mining licenses for dormant mines is misdirected-Msoni


Opposition APC President Nason Msoni
Opposition APC President Nason Msoni

All Peoples Congress Leader Nason Msoni says President Edgar Lungu’s directive to Mines Minister Richard Musukwa to withdraw mining licenses for dormant mines is misdirected, misconceived and aimed at grabbing mines from Zambians and giving them to foreigners.

Mr. Msoni said the actions of the PF Government are shocking and tailored to disadvantage the locals.

He said it is common sense that mining is an intensive capital investment venture requiring partners and strategic business alliances that usually take time to build adding that Mining requires technical support and many other specialised operations.

Mr. Msoni said the role of any sensible government should be to support the growth of local entrepreneurs in mining by encouraging more citizens to participate in the sector.

He said his party expects the minister of mines to advise the President to refrain from making knee-jerk decisions and directives that have the effect of undermining investment in mining.

Mr. Msoni reminded the PF Government that the KCM saga has had a terrible bashing on the country’s mining investment opportunities internationally and President Lungu’s directive gives criminals an opportunity to take advantage and deprive Zambians mining licenses.

He has since urged the Minister of Mines not to get excited but exercise sobriety and level headedness in executing such misplaced calculated directive.

Mr. Msoni said Zambians deserve to own Mines and must be given the opportunity to source for funding.


  1. We know, he is out of his depth. The only thing on his mind now is for him to be our de facto KING once Bill 10 is passed into Law. I thought Lungu had a plan, the man is du11 people, very du11.

    Wait and see, read the constitutional amendment bill, and you will see what am saying, once it passes Lungu will be Zambia’s King because most of the powers of parliament and the judiciary will be transferred to him. Instead of the three bodies being equal, Lungu with the executive will be above the two, that makes him King.

  2. One man party president what is your solution? Do you k ow how long those so called local mining owners have been holding mining licenses? Mister one man political party give some tangible suggestion, other than just rushing to some programed criticism. Do you want a mining licence for life without activity?

  3. The mineral wealth is for Zambians we want miners to move and develop those mines and not just go to night clubs and boast that you have mining licence without developing anything. People need jobs and one way is for those whose Govt has rightfully given the licenses to move and find partners and develop the mines and create employment. Govt has done its party. And now this one man political party ad usual comes out guns blazing withought any tangible suggestions. This explains why these briefcase political parties belong only to the dustbins.

  4. The mineral wealth is for all Zambians to benefit from this wealth, we want miners to move and develop those mines and not just go to night clubs and boast that you have mining licence without developing anything. People need jobs and one way is for those whose Govt has rightfully given the licenses to move and find partners and develop the mines and create employment. Govt has done its party. And now this one man political party as usual comes out guns blazing withought any tangible suggestions. This explains why these briefcase political parties belong only to the dustbins.

  5. Mr. Msoni insoni ebuntu, think deeply before you open your mouth. Zambia needs development and mining is a key area for that development. Zambians with no money cannot be allowed to keep licenses for speculative purposes just like you have kept your one man party for your poverty eradication. President Lungu means good for Zambia and you should not misinterpret everything he says for your paycheque, I even wonder if at all you attained a level of education constitutionally required to voice your opinion in parliament.

  6. Mr. Msoni should not get involved in the matters he does not understand. There are a lot of areas in private hands for the last 15 to 20 years with no sign of development. The entire Zambia is divided in mine and exploration licences and it is in private hands.

  7. Mr. Musoni wants to be relevant to tje system. He can’t claim its being taken away from Zambians when the same Zambians are busy selling own houses to foreigners. Who is taking away what is for Zambians is it Govt or people themselves?

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