Saturday, July 27, 2024

Show Us Your Manifesto, Then We can say you are worthy Competitor


Zambian youths must examine political Party manifestos…There are parties that only have insults and wish lists of “What” without “Hows”. Tragically, there are those ready to set Zambia up in flames just in order for them to earn the title of “President”

By Sunday Chilufya Chanda

We in the Patriotic Front have always stood for noble politics.

As a party we stand opposed to politics of character assassination, personality cult and regionalism. We refuse to pursue a style of politics where in order to belong to the inner circle of a given political order, you must belong tribally.

We therefore reject anything that defeats the nation’s motto of One Zambia, One Nation.

When politics fail to rise above character assassination, then the Zambian people have a right to put a stop to such degeneration.

No political Party should ever seek public office if it can not avail Zambians a manifesto-this is a demand Zambians -especially the younger Zambians must make. Zambian youth should seriously interrogate political Party manifestos to question whether or not they serve their aspirations for a sustainable and developed future.

So to young Zambians we say:

“ask all of us (politicians) to show you our manifestos and on that premise and our capacity to deliver embrace or discard”.

This is very important because today’s youthful generation cannot and must not subscribe to politics of tribal affiliation and insults. Today’s youth must reject *“manifesto-less”* political parties. They are deceptive and immoral political parties and politicians without manifestos are in fact a disservice to democracy.

It is sad to note that no other political Party in Zambia apart from Patriotic Front has a manifesto which becomes a social contract with the people.
What are these manifesto-less parties and politicians communicating? What alternative hopes and road maps are they selling to the public? Surely it cannot be insults, character assassination!

Tragically, there are those ready to set Zambia up in flames just in order for them to earn the title of President. The question is what it would profit them to become President of ashes and ruins?

On this score, we seek to educate our colleagues that the most important title in any nation is“citizen”.* Never do anything that hurts the interests of the citizens – as the late Dean Mung’omba said *”you cannot injure society and expect to go scot free”.

On our part as a party we are a grassroots party and have the ordinary citizen at heart.
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu both as President of the Patriotic Front and Head of State has the welfare of the ordinary citizen at heart as he spearheads the implementation of the PF manifesto through the execution of the Seventh National Development Plan towards the attainment of Vision 2030.

Our Head of State has demonstrated a leadership style that has been about more than just a title or a designation; he has rolled up his sleeves and has mingled among us as one of us. He works with us, he laughs with us and he cries with us. Therein lies one of his key strengths; his down to earth humility. His warm and sincere infectious influence and inspiration has rubbed on to the youth and the women and permeated through every social, economic and regional demographic across the nation.
He is an aggressive warrior when it comes to delivering for Zambians; and a cultured gentleman when it comes to treating people with respect.

While our manifesto-less detractors are frustrating development efforts in their “strongholds” and sponsoring fake news and hate speech through their network of malicious media, President Lungu is implementing a party Manifesto of Development and a Personal Manifesto of Love.

Let everyone be measured by their manifestos.




    • Monday Chanda looks like is having sleepless nights, obsession about others is bad for health. Why not just sell your manifesto

    • The word “manifesto” is at least as old as Zambia. I remember as a teenager UNIP issued a manifesto based on “one man, one vote” in the 1963 elections. Before an election, each party produces an official manifesto which forms the basis of its campaign. Manifestos serve a very important function, because they are the main way of telling voters why they should give their vote to a particular political party. It is not sufficient for an opposition to point out the wrongs of those in government but how it will govern differently. As a retiree I was impressed with the PF manifesto because it said it will link retirement to inflation. Unfortunately, it is has not kept its promise. It is in the interest of UPND to have a manifesto so that its merits are judged against PF’s. If it had one in 2000…

    • I believe this is the only article that I have read in which Chanda is making some sense – at least 25%.
      I don’t like the word “Manifesto”, it’s archaic and usually, doesn’t hold the publishers accountable. So, Sunday Chanda, you can wave at us a 1000 page manifesto, if it doesn’t address issues affecting common Zambians, in that case, the manifesto is as good as a “shinda” paper. I would want each political party to comes up with what I will term “campaign promise”, limited to 4 – 5 major themes that have an impact. It’s much more easy to hold a party accountable for those themes, i.e themes driven by issues faced by the common person. Studies have shown that political parties vying on so-called manifestos do not fulfil them compared to those vying on a campaign promise.

    • Actually PF does have a manifesto. I am not PF but have seen it.

      Party politics aside, actually we as citizens should DEMAND from every political party seeking to rule over us, a vision via well articulated manifesto. That way, we a record of what is promised against what is delivered

  1. I am disappointed that no political party has come out to support gay homosexual people in their manifesto. Here in UK we have a lot of support such that even in recruitment they record your sexuality as part of data collection to know if we are been treated unfairly in job selection due to our sexuality. Just a thought

    • You mean the same Christian bishops who touch little boys ? I would rather be gay than paedophile. Also please note that my future posts will contain my avator or picture. I have set up an account now. Gay people are happy people

    • You mean the same Christian bishops who touch little boys ? I would rather be gay than paedophile. Also please note that my future posts will contain my avator or picture. I have set up an account now. Gay people are happy people. B

    • Big man that is a personal question. Which I don’t feel I need to answer a stranger. However, if I am gay so what ? I have had girlfriends in the past. Some people like both men and women. They are called bisexual. I see nothing wrong with that. I have found some men good looking. It is normal

    • Big man that is a personal question. Which I don’t feel I need to answer a stranger. However, if I am gay so what ? I have had girlfriends in the past. Some people like both men and women. They are called bisexual. I see nothing wrong with that. I have found some men good looking. It is normal x

    • Am so disappointed in you JJ. Zambia shall never accept homosexuality. We are a Christian nation for a reason. Seek God.

    • Trolling is defined as creating discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community. Basically, a social media troll is someone who purposely says something controversial in order to get a rise out of other users.

    • To all bloggers,
      I will soon be giving a detailed address on the allegations about my sexuality over the past few days. Please remember that only Jay Jay with the picture is my official account here. Please look out for my address. Do not believe that bastd neez

    • To all bloggers,
      I will soon be giving a detailed address on the allegations about my sexuality over the past few days. Please remember that only Jay Jay with the picture is my official account here. Please look out for my address. Do not believe that bastad neez

    • @Jay Jay,
      Don’t waste your time on those i.d.iiotts, you are worth more than them.

      Luckily you have an Avatar, so the scammers pretending to be Jay Jay can

    • general Kanene – This ***** has blown up, copied and pasted my Avatar and is posting this homosexual nonsense all over the website…this *****t was not getting any attention posting his Swiss wife rubbish now wants to use my Avatar….just trying hard, he has all the time in the world to sink low.

  2. Scratched CD Sunday Chanda’s articles are so boring to read.He is an attention seeker.
    A manifestos that regresses the GDP from 7/8% to 1.8% belongs to the dust bin, I would rather their is non.Its like guys that ware amani suits yet they live in shacks(balala pa mangwa).

    • Spot on, what is a manifesto worth if it can’t deliver economic development? Sunday Chanda needs to be re-educated. It’s sad to see a youth uttering 1990s political trash which is out of touch with reality. The real enlightened youths can see through your gabbage and we can’t wait to put this regime in the political dust bin. Last week I even dreamt that I was in a line waiting for my turn to vote only to find that I was just dreaming. That’s how obsessed I am with seeing this regime go. It’s been a rough period with PF in power. Fuel subsidies, inflated exchange rates, university closures, unpaid salaries, unheard of corruption, etc. Sunday which manifesto are you talking about now? Numbers don’t lie. This is a failed regime. Good luck blending in after your party is out of office…

  3. What manifesto does pf have? Manifesto in stealing? As for me I had a power ful manifesto for my white Swiss wife elisa when I wanted her. I was a student then in Switzerland and when I saw her blue eyes blonde hair and smooth white skin I knew I had to have her. I worked so hard to win her over and then found out when I got with her that she had always wanted me. We made love on our 3rd date it was one of best I ever had. White is right

  4. UPND President Anderson Mazoka launched upnd party manifesto at Hotel Intercontinental on 16 April 2000.
    Thank you.

  5. Someone declared that he had no vision for Zambia and was elected president. What followed was choatic governing and the country is broke.

  6. Love him or hate him, Sunday has a point. Tell me, what policy points does Kalaba or Kambwili have apart from insulting Lungu?? Even hh spends all his time talking of corruption which is never proven. Does upnd ever show Zambians how they are performing in their constituencies, NEVER!! Walasa Chanda!!

    • Remove that cotton wool out of your ears and those scales off your eyes.
      Simple 4th grade arithmetic 42 fire trucks for $42 million yet each is insured at $250 k…? total cost is $10.5 million where is the $31.5 million any answers?.
      – 48 houses no recorded owner
      – A shade for a toll gate at $4.5 million
      – Cheap substandard roads at world class costs
      – Mukula scandals
      – Malawi maizegate
      – Inflated digital migration figures
      – Unpresidented land allocation of land to friends
      of the system carders only.
      – Electrol corruption
      Let end here.

  7. More money in peoples pockets and lower taxes are PF part of their manifeto Mr. Chanda. Have you stuck to these two for me support your party?

  8. Mr “Red snapper lips” the Joseph Goebbels of P.F has spoken again, to satiate his master Jona Whisky’s ego, all for 30 pieces of Belly expanding silver.
    Ba Red snapper, is embezzling the social cash fund from Zampost by your sibling McPherson what you see as good P.F manifesto?
    This “Changa”- Bushbaby only spins shameless P.F propaganda, & never comments whenever the Millions of P.F scandals are unearthed on a daily basis.
    Shame on this P.F shameless vuvuzela!!!

    • You have a solid point there. Neither Chanda nor the presidential press aid have issued statements on the ongoing scandal of the 48 houses for example yet this Chanda guy is so hell bent on spin to justify the legitimacy of a party which clearly has failed in its main mandate to govern. Failure is part of learning ba Chanda, let the people try another regime, and there are a lot of them with potential even MMD can outdo these guys as it is. Rupiah left the economy in far better fiscal health than ba PF, Michael(MHSRIP) was a populist who had no clue where he was going to take the country yet felt entitled to be president. Stop selling light bulbs to people with no electricity, simply put youths especially have no stomach for PF anymore. Try the old guard.

    • Michael Sata became popular because of the way he ran Lusaka. At a time when people were complaining about the country having no money he managed to buy a lot of buses emblazoned with LUDC for commercial purpose and constructed the Great East Road fly over bridge after many lives had been lost due to train and motor traffic collisions. So people wrongly or rightly surmised that if he could run a city so successfully he could as well ran the country. Mpika where he was an MP had most of its roads tarred at a time when most towns had pot-holed tar roads. The tag, “man of action” is not misplaced.

  9. Sunday Chilufya Chanda, I wonder whether this boy realises how much he spoils our Sundays with what he thinks are important messages. To the contrary his articles just create hatred for his party. I am not a supporter of UPND by any means, but Sunday Chanda and his articles are just disgusting and if voting took place today I would probably be so disgusted and angry that I would place my vote elsewhere than PF.
    Why doesn’t he open his eyes and ask himself whether his party’s manifesto has helped get Zambia’s economy to its knees, with debt levels at 90% of GDP. If he doesn’t understand what that means let him imagine his house(s), farms, cars, income, bank savings, shares etc put together and he owns only 10% of it all.
    If his manifesto has brought us to that level does anyone need…

    • Japan with a Debt GDP % of 232% and the USA at 108% are still on their knees. Google if you do not believe me.

  10. …If his manifesto has brought us to that level does anyone need a manifesto? Yes, but not his bad manifesto. Where is more money in your pockets? Lower prices? Mealie meal at K50 per 25kg? Those were the key aspects of PF manifesto, or promises to citizens. Looks like no one in PF knew how to achieve that up to now.
    MANIFESTO? Does this boy think we shall eat MANIFESTO?

  11. It wasn’t hard to figure, at least on my part, that someone was/is an imposter. So the real Jay Jay for some us that read your posting knew better.

  12. Ba Sunday, PF does not need a manifesto. We know it already, we see it, we feel it, and we hate it with a passion because it has only two words – Thuggery and corruption.
    UPND, we have a pretty good idea of your manifesto, and it does not give us a warm feeling either.

    • A party must have a manifesto and vote it based on its manifesto. If it does not fulfil its manifesto do not make the same mistake of voting for it. VOTE IT OUT! That is how democracy works throughout the world.


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