Saturday, July 27, 2024

Capture of live animals meant to restock other National parks – Ministry of Tourism


Aerial view of an animal conservation area captured using drones
Aerial view of an animal conservation area captured using drones

The Ministry of Tourism and Arts says the capture of live animals in South Luangwa National Park is meant to facilitate restocking of depleted or under stocked national parks or wildlife areas.

Ministry spokesperson Sakabilo Kalembwe said the capture of animals is not for export of animals to other countries, but to benefit the wildlife estates in Zambia in line with the Seventh National Development Plan.

Mr Kalembwe said the capture area is South Luangwa National Park and not the Game Management Area where communities are co-partners in wildlife managing and benefit sharing.

He said the Minister of Tourism and Arts issued capture permits to three game ranches between August 2018 and April 2019 to capture live animals in the South Luangwa National Park. This was in

Mr Kalembwe said the three game ranches are Witpens, Mbizi game ranch owned by Mr Micheal we Gre-Dejestam; and Munyama game ranches

He said Mbizi game ranch has not paid for the animals as the game ranch is an open and adjacent to the South National Park meaning that animals at this ranch are state property.

Mr Kalembwe said in a statement that animals at this ranch move in and out of the National Park to the ranch and therefore cannot be owned by Mbizi game ranch.

He said contrary to the speculation on social media, the total number of animals to be captured in South Luangwa National Park is 127, broken down as follows: 10 impalas, 10 waterbucks, 12 zebras, 15 warthogs, 30 pukus and 50 buffalos.

Mr Kalembwe said the wildlife population survey conducted in the South Luangwa Park in 2015 indicated that population estimates of these species were impalas 10,873; waterbucks 1,106; warthogs 1,029; pukus 4,146; and buffalos 3,808. Therefore, the total animals to be removed will have no significant impact on the populations in the Park.

He said reason In the next two to three years, there will be no capture of live animals from National Parks for private game ranches. However, the government will continue to capture animals from National Parks with health populations and restock other understocked National Parks or community wildlife areas in line with the 7NDP.


  1. PF bandits full of lies….how do you restock wildlife…..shame on you….since when…when was the last time you restocked wild animals

    • These are wild animals….please let them live in peace without being harassed buy you PF bandits…you stressing these Animals

    • If we can capture him too, Zambia will be very peaceful HAGAIN. We don’t need satanism and people who hate God in leadership. Blessed is a nation whose God is the Lord.

    • Chitotela, the notorious looter, 100% nolle prosecu minister.
      These PF hessssh, they are even stealing from the air like fi pungwa.

    • I’m not ready to believe this. Zambian animals are being exported illegally to South Africa. Truth is on its way to Zambia , if it hasn’t arrived already.

  2. that’s what happens when you’ve thieves in power, the general public is on the edge, and they are forced to put out pr msg for all their activities
    there’s no transparency with aba bakoswe mumpoto.
    someone needs to follow them and see where the captured animals will end up. they’re selling everything else I wouldn’t be too surprised if wild animals from national parks ain’t spared

    • We don’t want a thief in State house. If the time we showed him the kitchen he got millions of dollars doing inside trading and money laundering to PANAMA, what more if you showed him our bedroom? NEVER ever do so he will run away with the all Zambia! AFUNA KUGURITSA ZIKO MUFANA uja.

  3. How come this has only become convenient after Chitotela was moved to this ministry? Why can’t they also relocate the crocodiles and hippos in the Luangwa river to kafue flats?

  4. Even wild life is showing signs of the PF’s man made hunger and wreckless borrowing .This unthinkable government deserves to go .The sooner the better

  5. If this were a Ministry program, why were the officers in charge not aware about it? Many Ministers have been at that Ministry and they never saw the need to move animals, blali Ronald Chitotela has just been there a few days and he has seen the need to first dissolve the Board then move animals? You can’t fool the people all the time! Which God do these people worship? This is the man who got acquitted for receiving $250,000 from the Chinese without a contract or an invoice and no tax was paid. This is man who insulted Mwata Kazembe when the Mwata complained about the 2nd hand ambulances that he bought for the Constituency. God is just and is incorruptible, He is watching over all of us

  6. But why were the officers in charge not aware about this program? Many Ministers have been at that Ministry so only Chitotela has seen the need to move animals within the few days that he’s been there?

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