Saturday, July 27, 2024

Police confirm death of UPND member as political violence escalates


Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo
Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo

Police have confirmed the death of one person, a UPND member only identified as Gadhafi in the shooting incident which happened yesterday involving PF and UPND.

Zambia Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says initial investigations revealed that suspected UPND cadres who were on a UPND branded motor vehicle had attacked people believed to be Patriotic Front cadres who were in a white Toyota Hilux using stones which led to the one of the occupants identified as female Namataa Lubasi Brumo aged 51 of Yeta Compound also a District PF Chairlady of Mongu to jump off the motor vehicle in an attempt to run to safety.

Mrs Katongo said when officers reached the scene, they found a man in his 40s laying on the ground in a pool of blood, with a ladies handbag by his side.
She said Officers picked him and rushed him to Kaoma District Hospital for medical attention but later died in the process of evacuating him to UTH.

Below is a full statement

Yesterday, 06th October, 2019, as Police Officers were attending a briefing at Kaoma Trades School organized by the Electoral Commission of Zambia, they received information from concerned citizens that there were some gunshots heard and immediately officers were dispatched to verify the information.

It then came to the attention of the officers that supporters of the United Party for National Development (UPND) and those of the Patriotic Front had clashed in Site and Service area in Kaoma

When officers reached the scene, they found a man in his 40s laying on the ground in a pool of blood, with a ladies handbag by his side. Officers picked him and rushed him to Kaoma District Hospital for medical attention but later died in the process of evacuating him to UTH.

Initial investigations revealed that suspected UPND cadres who were on a UPND branded motor vehicle had attacked people believed to be Patriotic Front cadres who were in a white Toyota Hilux using stones which led to the one of the occupants identified as female Namataa Lubasi Brumo aged 51 of Yeta Compound also a District PF Chairlady of Mongu to jump off the motor vehicle in an attempt to run to safety.

It was reported that Namataa was followed by unknown suspected UPND cadre only identified by his nickname Gadhafi who gave chase and grabbed her hand bag but Namataa managed to run to safety.

It is alleged that one occupant on a white Toyota Hilux pulled out a pistol and shot at Gadhafi who died in the process of evacuation to UTH.

Another report was received in which Mbololwa Nayoya aged 51 of Mongu, a suspected member of the Patriotic Front also of Kapolota Village in Chief Mushemi of Senanga District was assaulted by suspected UPND members and sustained a deep cut on the left side of the head and general body pains as a plank is alleged to have been used in the act and in the same fracas a PF Toyota Hilux had its wind screen shattered.

This occurred yesterday 06th October, 2019 at about 1100 hours when members of the Patriotic Front were issuing out some campaign material and some foot stuffs to their members and this raised suspicions among the UPND who suspected them to have been buying votes.

In the same fracas, a male adult identified as Joseph Muzaza of Mulambwa Compound in Kaoma believed to be a Patriotic Front cadre was also assaulted and sustained a deep cut on the left leg. No arrest has been made in this case however investigations have been instituted.

In a separate incidence, two motor vehicles suspected to be carrying Patriotic front Cadres are alleged to have been pursuing a UPND District Youth Chairperson for Kaoma identified as Chola Simwawa aged 38 of Falkland, Kaoma who was riding a motor Bike in Site and Service area . In the process of running to safety, he decided to run into someone’s yard and the motor bike hit into a tree and he fell to the ground. He is alleged to have pulled out a gun (pistol) and fired at the suspected Patriotic Front Cadres reported to have been pursuing him and injured one identified as Gift Simangolwa who sustained a bullet wound on the right thigh and right arm. He has been evacuated to UTH.

Chola Simwawa is currently detained in Police custody and a pistol with three rounds of ammunition recovered. Investigations in this matter have continued to bring all perpetrators of the violence to book. Calm has returned in Kaoma as patrols have been intensified in all hotspots. Investigations in all the reported incidences of violence have continued with a view of bringing perpetrators to book.

We reiterate the earlier call by the Inspector General of Police that all leaders of campaign teams for all Political Parties taking part in the Kaoma by – election should take up responsibility of ensuring that their cadres avoid any form of violence.




  1. But why was our IG cadre saying no one was killed?
    This violence requires change of government!
    The violence and bl00d PF has shed has already defiled our land. If nothing is done now, Zambia can easily degenerate into civil strife that will be hard to stop! We should not allow the seeds of PF violence to germinate! We must seriously reflect on the Bishop’s vision if we want to escape the curse of what he saw 2021 bringing to Zambia! If Mr Chagwa does not control his party’s violence, let’s give him the boot and get a leader who will bring sanity to Zambia!

    • So the UPND cadre that shot and WOUNDED a PF cadre is in custody.

      So the PF cadre that shot and KILLED a UPND cadre is still at large, and unknown.

      That tells you everything you need to know.

      And why is PF arming their cadres with guns? This is the reason other parties will do the same.

    • Can the UN and the International Criminal Court (ICC) need to look into this “senseless loss of life” before Zambia decends into another Zimbabwe. All those behind the violence and killing must be held accountable. Kudos and his gang should be brought in for questioning.

    • Of all PF crimes of grand and petty theft, snake eating, drug trafficking, shootings, machete hackings…. List go on.
      I prefer grand theft!!

    • Since no one is supporting idea of closing everything and government. Then HH should adopt socialism.
      If HH want to win elections with respect, he should withdraw from Kaoma elections. There are other opposition parties who can run the council.
      Withdraw on solidarity grounds, and maybe PF will give back guns to Kampyongo.
      Elections are no longer interesting, Gary Nkhondo tries to beat drums and dance, but the top can’t see that he is trying to bring sanity.

    • The Commander in Chief in Chief is Edgar Lungu and he has lamentably failed at his duties. The buck lies squarely on him. Very sad that person should lose life over an election.

    • A starving brother kills a fellow starving brother so that HH and Lungu can gain political mileage…this poor soul just died for nothing….Politicians dont care about anyone….Lungu cares about his Family and his pockets….HH cares about his family and his pockets….dont die for these useless Politicians

    • All this fracas is not necessary.
      Political death not necessary.
      Deaths in Democracy not necessary.
      Cadres are not necessary.

      You die as you leaders remain.

  2. What is a connection between a handbag and his death? Nowadays men have handbags, even though, they are not homos. You can tell the difference when one has ladies shoes and walking like one. Maybe he was gay,who knows. Ok, now investigated and find out who pulled that trigger.

    • @Adedos, don’t bring up issue that Gadhafi was shoot because he was gay. No. That notorious UPND was murdered for trying to catch the PF chairlady. He grabbed her handbag.
      And PF knows who shot him twice, instead of once in the knee!
      Any Gadhafi is bad, but all get murdered by thugs. I always that Lusaka is Bengazi run by thugs.

    • Knowing how dull some of our police officers are it could be just a way of authenticating the story surrounding the shot person! Some bags are unisex and the bag could have been planted besides the body. How fast can a 51 year old woman run? Anyway its a forgone concluded assessment by police as to who the violence perpetrators are!

  3. With all due respect, I.G sir, step aside and allow another person to take up that position. We cannot afford to be misled by a very senior govt. official. Secondly, ECZ, call off this by-election. Thirdly, in my opinion, this would have been avoided if the powers that be didn’t mishandle the Sesheke issue. How do you fire policemen who were trying to bring law and order and expect them to work professionally in future? To UPND, if ECZ does not call off the by-election, withdraw from the race yourselves. No position is worthy anyone’s life in this world. To his excellency, sir, fire the IG if he fails to step aside, let the board fire director at Zambia Daily mail

  4. This not right, be it PF UPND or na shala neka party. Government must cab the gun culture that is slowly gaining grounds in Zambia. One day the very people encouraging it will fall victim to it. KZ is leading the way and this is now getting out of hand. Napita

  5. Both PF and UPND cadres have to tone down.Whenever by elections are held in UPND strongholds,there is worse violence why?The IG must show his muscle.Mr Kakoma Kanganja and Hon.Kapyongo know that both PF and UPND parties have armed cadres who should be caged urgently.Besides,why are these f0olish cadres killing themselves when HH or ECL are enjoying life?This is pure madness!!The UPND cadre called Gadaffi is gone forever while HH and president Edgar Lungu whom they support are enjoying life.This is how dull poor cadres are!!!Whoever will win the Kaoma chairperson by election wont change your life in anyway.It will be life as usual,so why kill each other?shocking stuff!!If not controlled,many poor Zambians will die at the hands of these PF and UPND dull cadres in 2021-mark my words!!!

  6. Since no one is supporting idea of closing everything and government. Then HH should adopt socialism.
    If HH want to win elections with respect, he should withdraw from Kaoma elections. There are other opposition parties who can run the council.
    Withdraw on solidarity grounds, and maybe PF will give back guns to Kampyongo.
    Elections are no longer interesting, Gary Nkhondo tries to beat drums and dance, but the top can’t see that he is trying to bring sanity.

  7. Under Lungu so many people have died out of political violence.If only Lungu had wanted there was going to be peace between him and the opposition. No So long ago NDFs(Kambwili’s) youth chairman was killed in cold blood. Zambians will continue dieng at the hands of Lungu,Kaizer Zulu,Kampyongo,Lusambo,Kanganja and their compatriots.Clearly Lungu has failed. The unfortunate thing is Zambians are docile.But for how long will they stand aside and watch their country being set on fire. Lungu watch out….Zambians wont be docile forever. You are just about to create monsters out of peace loving people. You and your team end up just receiving bullets in your heads. Don’t say you never saw it coming.He who lives by the sword will die by the sword

  8. Police will never act impartially in Zambia. Police and the state are one. Democracy in Zambia died immediately PF took power. PF used to campaign freely during the time of Mwanawasa and Rupiah Banda. That is now long gone. That died a long time ago. The opposition is trying but PF is a violent party. Where on earth you cannot allow opposition parties to mobilize unless during an election. Democracy is died in Zambia.
    You have to be very strong to be an opposition leader in Zambia and that is why some go back to PF.

  9. When you sink to a point where a President finds it fit to proudly feed on snakes, instead of attending to serious issues, then just know the there is something wrong with the man. It is either he does not give a farki or he does not know what to do? The man knows there are serious issues in Zambia to be attended to; however when it is time to board his Apollo 11 / UFO flying all over planet earth, this becomes very important, his first priority and only item on his scale of preferences for Presidential duties Our President has misunderstood his Duties to the Country. He behaves like he owns all Zambians, portrayed by the fact that he does not seek advice, just like KK did – The rest for KK is history. Fire arms are supposed to be issued through the police, but with the poverty in our…

  10. reading this so called report makes one to realize that even police now are using the reports written by pf cadres. today the police recruits division 1 or 2s grade 12s, diplomas or degree holders. such a report was not supposed to be released to the public . looking at the officer presenting this report is too highly ranked she should have demanded for the reasons why the other culprit is still at large. the heading reveals that violence is still on, but the report concludes by saying police are patrolling. on the other hand IG says no one died. zambia police indeed its ZAMBWINO PALIBE.zp.

    • This report sounds like a mother giving a report to a father on her two sons, one son a beloved spoiled mother’s boy and the other son, just her son. if the chairlady according to the report jumped out the white hilux and the shot came from the white hilux, why can’t police just question the chairlady to find out who else was in the white hilux with her to find the killer?

      ninshi they never used to watch tuma detective filimu like mancuso FBI, hunter, chips or our family honor.

    • Very correct, disjointed nonsense being peddled by so called professionals in the name of Kangaja.. I wonder what his children and relatives must think of him really.. when the senseless cadres turn on your family members with guns you’ve issued them, maybe then, the msg will be clear.. God Forbid!

  11. Cont…
    – The rest for KK is history. Fire arms are supposed to be issued through the police, but with the poverty in our country and the corruption in the Police Force anyone can buy a gun, as long as they have money. The President has simply lost control and direction; it is for this reason that such things are taking place in Zambia. We have seen images of a gangster with guns in public. Zambia is in trouble I am telling. This is what has to civil wars in some African countries. How can anyone own gun without acquiring the same thru the laid down procedures?? Ask yourselves?? We are going to witness the worst violence ever in the next elections. What a tragedy

  12. You PF and UPND bahave ba fipe imwe. HH you should also behave in your strong hold. why is it that always whenever there are elections in HH’s strong hold there is violence and murder?? PF through you ECL please tame your cadres as well. Remember both of you (HH and ECL ) will be held accountable.

  13. Loss of one life due to local politics should not be taken lightly. If political cadres are armed, it means war. This is war physical war between political parties which should not be accepted at all. Politics have become so violent that it calls for a stop and rethink. Is this Democracy? Can we continue with this kind of politics for the next few decades and still say we are Zambians, a Christian Nation? If we the common people don’t act now to prevent this blood shed, 2021 will be worse. I pray for a solution to this evil political style in Zambia. God is watching and listening.

  14. And all this to just make one feeble human being a councillor?

    Napapata my fellow Zambians. Stay away from the archaic way of campaigning. Let politicians campaign on Radio, TV and through print media.

  15. By elections were held in Bahati, Eastern and other provinces but which incident pops up?? Sesheke!! In southern or western provinces, violence always happens. PF were brutalised in Sesheke and have come here prepared. Sadly Gadaffi is the victim. This is a prelude to 2021 where many will be murdered.

  16. What happened to firing warning shots first?
    These things are getting out of hand now. PF and UPND leadership should find means and ways of dealing with such criminal acts. I know some individuals will say HH is not to be blamed, I disagree since his silence is like a license.
    I would to see a situation where cadres from the same political party handover one of their own because violence was used against cadre(s) of another political party.

  17. I have said it before and i will will say it AGAIN, Why is it that violence usually takes place in UPND strongholds please iam not saying without lets check history. Look at How peaceful it is now to campaign in Luapula,Northern,Copperbelt so what is wrong with Southern,Western and North western?

    • It shows that the violence is being perpetrated by the party in the minority who’re panicking and using state resourses and ferried cadres to cause confusion. In their strongholds they’re at peace so they have no reason to cause violence.

  18. Eeeat, the reason why there is violence all the time in upnd strong hold is these areas are hard to convinced by liars, as such the pf goes there with violence hoping to scare the people and win them on there side. but that happens to the old type of campaign methods. remember that every time whenever by lections takes place in these areas pf mobilizes machineries to work on dead projects with a view to win the minds of the voters , but even this doesnt work. i hope you will stop asking useless questions when answers are open for every body to see. observe the police conduct it will take you aback.

  19. Inspector general of police in a normal country should be resign for coming out and misleading the public that no one died, police spokesperson has now confirmed someone has died,but pa last, since Ours IS A CHRISTIAN NATION, WITH CLOWNS IN KEY IMPORTANT POSITIONS, ITS FINE FORGIVE AND FORGET, this begs a quick question, does IG speak to his servicemen before issuing a statement or is he just psychologically absent hence the reason why he is not able to execute his duties and stipulated by the law….

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